1895 Iowa State Census of Clarinda, Iowa | |||||
transcribed by Pat O'Dell: netins.net | |||||
The family numbers on this census are not enumerated in order in the wards. The #001 is in the 3rd Ward, the #002 and #003 families are in the 2nd Ward, and the #004 and #005 families are in the 1st Ward . |
The families have been put into alphabetical order and to find the neighbors you'll need to put the family number into the search engine to find them. |
Ward 1 page 1 | |||||
Ward 1 page 2 | |||||
Ward 2 page 1 | |||||
Ward 3 page 1 | |||||
Ward 3 page 2 | |||||
Ward 3 page 3 | |||||
AB names | |||||
C names | |||||
DEFG names | |||||
HI names | |||||
JKL names | |||||
M names | |||||
NOPQ names | |||||
RS names | |||||
TUV names | |||||
WXYZ names | |||||