Page County, Iowa WPA Grave Record - 1940
transcribed by Pat Combs O'Dell:

The Work Projects Administration was organized to give employment to people who otherwise did not have a job. There are many mistakes in this work and there are lots of clues. They not only went to cemeteries, but may also have talked to sextons, looked at obituaries, checked veteran's records and other sources we do not know about. They did not document where they found information so there is data in this of unknown origin. These dates are probably not what is exactly on the stone, but this is what the WPA record says.
Note: Snow Hill, Plum Thicket, and State Hospital tombstones are not in this list.
Note also: I just realized that I had not typed any stones for Rose Hill/Cagley cemetery. Checking the records, some of them are listed under Rose Hill/Shenandoah and many of them don't seem to be in here at all. Rose Hill (or Cagley) Cemetery is in Valley Township section 31. That stone copy will be typed in the composite cemetery record that I'm preparing.

Abbey - Ammons
Andray - Ayres
Babb - Baker
Balding - Beecher
Beery - Bevington
Bieghler - Boynton
Bracken - Brown
Brownfield - Byerly
Cabeen - Cantrall
Cardiff - Carver
Case - Clipston
Clowers - Cozad
Crabb - Cuttell
Dailey - Davison
Dawson - Doyle
Drace - Dysart
Eads - Eyres
Fact - Fletcher
Flewellan - Fuson
Gaas - Gordon
Gorman - Gwynn
Haarstick - Harris
Harrison - Hertlein
Herzberg - Honan
Hood - Hyatt
Iker - Ivie
Jackson - Johnson
Johnston - Julin
Kalkas - Kimsey
Kin - Kyle
Lacy - Lindberg
Linde - Lytle
Maccoy - Mayfield
McAfee - McGhee
McGill - McVilty
Meacham - Mitchelltree
Moade - Mycatt
Nace - Nye
Oats - Oziah
Pace - Payold
Peacock - Pinkerton
Pinkley - Putman
Quigg - Quist
Race - Rhamy
Rhoads - Ross
Roten - Rynearson
Sager - Seits
Selby - Sly
Smalley - Sowers
Spangenberg - Stewart
Stickelman - Swisher
Tabor - Townsend
Trash - Tyner
Ubil - Utter
Vail - Voyles
Wadley - Wayne
Weatherhill - Whitehill
Whiting - Wittig
Wolcott - Wynn
Yager - Younkin