Old Settlers' Stories
August Arned Family
In 1892, August Arend, a young German immigrant, erected a
building and opened a show store in Ocheyedan. In 1894, he
married Louise Pinkenberg, whose family had settled on a farm
north of Rush Lake in 1884. For several years they lived in a
room in the back of the shoe store. They had seven children: Diva
(Mrs. Alfred Ostermann); Martha; twins Edwin and Oscar; Frieda
(Mrs. William Schuster); Otto; and Gertrude (Mrs. Clarence
Edwin and Oscar operated the shoe store until 1947, when Oscar
died. Edwin passed away in 1948. Edwin's wife, Gertrude, operated
the store until 1963.
Edwin and Gertrude had four children: Clayton of Rock Valley,
Iowa; Wade of Fairbanks, Alaska; Carol (Mrs. Gene Turner) of
Ocheyedan; and Diva (Mrs. Robert White) of Waterloo, Iowa.
-Transcribed by Roseanna Zehner

Osceola County Iowa Genealogy - The IAGenWeb Project