Mennonite Cemetery

This small cemetery sits by itself –
surrounded on 3 sides by fields and County Road A34 passes on its north
side. The small headstones are made from sandstone and the etching is
difficult –if not impossible to read in some cases. The Mennonites who
established this cemetery resided in Osceola Co. for a short time. The
German that is used on the headstones is similar to the German used
elsewhere – but is certainly a different dialect.
If you have any burials
from Mennonite Cemetery and would like to submit them to this page, I will be
happy to add them to this cemetery listing. The transcriber apologizes for any
errors. If you know of any omissions or errors please contact the county coordinator.
Add gravestone photos at our
Gravestone Photo Project.
For various views of the cemetery, go
to view 1,
view 2,
view 3, and
view 4. See
below for links to individual tombstones.
1st Row – North to South
Beginning on the west side of the cemetery
The first headstone is so worn that it is unreadable.
Lizzie, wife of A. Tharp Died April 22, 1900 Aged 32 yr., 2 mo., 26 days
Michael Acker Gest. Den 1 Mzh, 1889 Im Miter Von 13 J., 10m., 2 d
Translation: Died on 1 March 1889 at the age of 13 years, 10 month, 2 days)
Elizabeth, wife of Henry Gregory Died June 25, 1892 Aged 58 yr.
Veronica, wife of A. Brubacher Died Feb. 19, 1894 77 yr., 8 mo., 18 days
Elizabeth, dau. of Christian & Eva Horst Died March 19, 1895 Aged 2 yr., 6
mo., 10 days
Fannie Acker
Eheweib von Daniel Weaver Starb Nov. 7, 1905 Alter _7 Jahr., 7 Monoit & 8
Fannie Acker
Married to/Wife of Daniel Weaver Died Nov. 7, 1905 Age _7 years, 7 months &
8 days
Katharine ________Witmer
Eheweib von Peter Acker Starb May 3, 1906
Married to/Wife of Peter Acker Died May 3, 1906
Daniel Bauman Died July 28, 1907 Aged 24 yrs., 9 mo., 18 days
Catherine Lehman Born Dec. 19, 1834 Died April 21, 1915 Aged 80 yrs., 4 mo.,
& 20 days)
Middle Row
Daniel W., son of D.S. & E.W. Stauffer Born July 24, 1909 Died Feb. 9, 1910
Age 6 m., 16 d.
Ephraim Martin, son of Elam & Lovina M. Born July 2, 1909
2nd Row – North to South
(note--all the burials are of children)
Weaver Tharp Died April 20, 1900 Aged 6 days
Frank Tharp Died Mar. 28, 1897 Aged 11 mo., 3 ds.
son of Jesse & Leah Bauman Died Apr. 7, 1888 Aged 3 y., 7 mo, 24 d.
dau. of Marnham & Anna Wideman Died Aug. 10, 1888 Aged 11y., 3 m., 24 d.
Elizabeth S.
dau. of Daniel & Susanna Stauffer Born May 22, 1887 Died Apr. 26, 1888 Aged
11 m., & 4 ds.
son of Elias & Anna Gingrich Died Apr. 27, 1888 Aged 4 y., 5 m., 6 d.
dau. of Elias & Anna Gingrich Died Apr. 11, 188_ Aged 2 y., 11m., 3 d.
Infant son of Jesse & Leah Bauman Died Nov. 28, 1889
dau. of Amos & Lydia Bauman Died Jan. 2, 1892 Aged 5 mo., 27 d.
dau. of David 7 Lizzie Auker Died Nov. 5, 1893 Aged 4 months & 14 days
son of A. S. & L. Bauman Born Aug. 20 (the remainder of the writing has
settled below the ground)
son of Jacob & Mary Kesselring Died Dec. 10, 1897
Infant son of J.C. & S. Good Mar. 10, 1905
This cemetery recorded by Jane
Johnston, August 2005.
Tombstone photos are also courtesy of Jane.
Osceola County Iowa Genealogy - The IAGenWeb Project