- The First Seventy-five Years in the Sanborn Community (1878-1953) -
American Legion
The meeting to organize Conway Post No. 318, American Legion, was held at the Public Library on Monday evening. December 21, 1919, pursuant to the notice published the previous week. Twenty-two members were present when the meeting was called to order and the following officers were elected: Donald E. Stevens, Post Commander; Lawrence E. Boland, Vice Commander; C.B. Rentz, Post Adjutant; John W. Cravens, Finance Officer; Chas Brundage, Historian; A.L. Beverly, Chaplain; Finance Committee: A.W. Parker, chairman, Henry Melvin, W.H. DeGooyer; Committee on By-Laws, Chas Brundage, John Foley, Lester Eaton. There were 37 members on the roll.
The request for a Charter sent to Des Moines contained the following names, and was granted December 12, 1919: C.B. Rentz, D.E. Stevens, John W. Cravens, E.W. Mayne, R.I. Colvin, Charles Brundage, L.O. Eaton, A.W. Parker, L.A. McDonald, B.C. Guse, A.L. Beverly, R.D. Tifft, Rolin McDonald, George R. Kings and Lawrence L. Flint. The Charter is dated October 15, 1920.
The name Conway Post was selected in honor of Earl Thornton Conway, Hdqts. Co., 168th Regt. Ia. Inf., who was killed at Argonne Forest Oct. 14, 1918. Earl was among the first volunteers from Sanborn and served with honor to himself and his organization.
Conway Post held their meetings at various places and it was not until in March 1946 that the need for a Legion Home was brought up. A committee was appointed and took immediate action. In May 1946 the building plans were submitted at an estimated cost of $5,000, the building to be 60 ft. long and 40 ft. wide. The Legion obtained a lease for the lot north of the Depot.
The Pioneer of Nov. 21, 1946 states that “Work started this week on the Legion Hall. The building will face west.”
May 29, 1947: “Work on the Legion building is progressing very well. Roof is on and within a week the asbestos siding will be put on.”
Sept. 4, 1947 speaks of the building to be ready for use the following week.
On Sunday a.m., Feb. 3, 1949 the Legion Hall was damaged by fire but has been repaired and is the meeting place for all Legionaires and Auxiliary members.
The present officers are: Commander, Carl Postma; Vice Commander Dr. L.J. Sweeney; Adjutant Bernard Foley; Finance Officer Ellis Miller; Chaplain Wm. Haht; Service Officer Conrad Prins.
American Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Auxiliary to Conway Post No. 318 was organized at the home of Mrs. Cora Bradley on Wednesday, June 16, 1920. Nine ladies were present.
Although the Auxiliary was organized in 1920, the Charter is dated Aug. 3, 1922. Officers elected for the year 1922 were: Mrs. Mayme Parker, pres.; Mrs. Bird Boyd, vice pres.; Maye Leemkuil, sec’y.; Martha Radloff, treas.; Vangie McDonald, historian; Minnie Hoffman, chaplain; Violet Myers, musician. Meetings were held on the second floor of the Ellis & Ellis building at this time.
Due to the fact that the Charter was left open for this period of time there are 69 names on the charter.
The Auxiliary has been very active in civic and patriotic work. One of their man projects is Rehabilitation work.
Poppy Day is observed each year and they assist with Memorial Day exercises.
They send the Pioneer to each Sanborn boy in the service.
Meetings are held each month. There are 76 meetings in 1953.
Officers for 1953 are: President, Darlene Berlin; first vice, Tressa Flickner; second vice, Pearl Epping; secretary Betty Foley; treasurer, Clara Guse; chaplain, Sophia Tifft; historian, Ida Olson; sergeant-at-arms, Mary Oostenberg.
Sanborn’s unit has three County officers this year: County President, Darlene Berlin; County Secretary, Alma Donkersloot; County Treasurer, Nellie Parker.
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