Sutherland Lions Club |
Seven members and four guests of the local Lions Club attended the Charter night program of the Sutherland Lions Club there Monday evening. Sutherland has a club of thirty-four members recently organized and at the Monday evening program they were presented with a charter from Lions International by DeVere Watson, District Governor. The program was held in the American Legion Hall where a fine dinner was served by member of the Legion Auxiliary at 7:00 o'clock. The attendance was nearly a hundred representing members and wives from four clubs. Dr. T.D. Kas, newly elected president of the Sutherland club presided at the meting. The program was one of special interest and included some excellent musical numbers.
The printed program follows:
Song "America" | Everyone |
Invocation | |
Club Singing | Everybody |
Toastmaster | T.D. Kas |
Introduction of Guests | Toastmaster |
Welcome of Lions Club to Sutherland | C.F. McCormack |
Vocal Solo | Miss Lauretta Lyon |
Piano Solo | Wilbur Smith |
Presentation of Charter | DeVere Watson, District Governor |
Acceptance of Charter | President T.D. Kas |
Lions Roar | Everybody |
Baritone Solo | Norman Jensen |
Song: "Lions, Till We Meet Again" | Everybody |
Those from Paullina to attend are: Mr.and Mrs. Albert H. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. VanZwol, Mr.and Mrs. J.S. Fredericks, J.L. Maxwell, Miss Laura Sturtz, Frank L. Whaley, John L. Beerman and C.G. Kisingbury.
From Paullina Times March 2nd, 1933
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