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22nd Regiment, Iowa Infantry



Organized at Iowa City and mustered in 9 September 1862. Regiment lost during service 6 officers and 108 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 officer and 135 enlisted men by disease.


SoldierAgeRank-CompanyMuster DateComments
Adkison, Amos27Pvt ~ Co. D30 Aug 1862 
Adkison, Jas. V.22Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Alfred, Nicholas19Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Anderson, E. L.22Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862wounded at Vicksburg died of wounds 24 May 1863
Anderson, Francis M.18Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Barber, Wm.35Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Barnard, Abner21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Bellman, J. T.36Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Bemer, Anthony24Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Buchanan, Geo. W.216Th Corp ~ Co. D24 Dec 1862wounded slightly in the head, Vicksburg
Buchanan, Thos. B.323Rd Corp ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Burch, John24Pvt ~ Co. D28 Aug 1862 
Byerley, Sam'L21Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862killed at Cedar Creek 19 Oct 1864
Cardwell, Pleas P.42Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862wounded severely in both feet 22 May 1863 discharged 26 Dec 1865
Clemmons, M. L.303Rd Sgt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded slightly in left thigh, Vicksburg
Cloud, Allen41Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862wounded in left arm, Vicksburg disability discharge 14 Sept 1863
Collins, Henry M.25Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Cook, W. W.25Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862wounded at Cedar Creek died 02 Jan 1865
Combs, Acquillia33Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Conley, S. R.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862captured at Vicksburg wounded at Cedar Creek
Conway, Wm.41Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Crawford, Henry E.   rejected - enlargment of heart
Darrow, David22Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Davis, John Y.20Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded at Vicksburg died 23 Jun 1863, Memphis TN
Drummond, Benjamin39Wagoner ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps
Drummond, Elvin29Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Drummond, H.27Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Durby, Adrian25Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862transferred 15 Jan 1864, invalid corps
Eccles, Andrew29Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862died of typhoid pneumonia, Vicksburg
Eshom, E. F.18Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862died of dysentery 21 Jul 1864, New Orleans MO
Eshom, Geo. W.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862died of typhoid fever 17 Dec 1862, Rolla MO
Eshom, Jas. A.23Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Farrar, Chester W.27Musician ~ Co. D28 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Flint, Geo. W.27Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862wounded slightly in head, Winchester
Flynn, John W.255Th Sgt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Forest, Thos. J.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862debility discharge 19 Dec 1862
Forrest, Chas. M.17Pvt ~ Co. D13 Feb 1864 
Foshier, Chas. B.24Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862died 19 Dec 1862
Fowler, Peter L.19Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Frederick, N. T.211St Corp ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Fuller, Sanford R.27Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Greeslin, S. W.24Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Gibson, Harry M.277Th Corp ~ Co. D28 Sept 1862 
Gordon, Newt. B.303Rd Corp ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Grimes, John B.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862promoted 7th CORP died 09 Jun 1963 of typhoid fever on steamer, City of Memphis TN
Grimes, John B.217Th Corp ~ Co. D28 Sept 1862 
Griffiths, Thos.23Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Grosvenor, H. H.30Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Hall, John30Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862died of diarrhea 13 Aug 1863, Benton Barracks
Hambler, Eleven216Th Corp ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862disability discharge 04 Feb 1863
Hardenbrook, Wm.18Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862disability discharge 25 Feb 1863
Hartley, Chas. T.242Nd Corp ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Hayes, Isaac19Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Hays, Nathaniel434Th Sgt ~ Co. D28 Aug 1862 
Hertzer, Philip18Pvt ~ Co. D28 Aug 1862captured at Indianola TX 22 Feb 1864
Hickenlooper, Thos B. 20Pvt ~ Co. D28 Aug 1862 
Hittle, John H.28Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Holbrook, J. H.41Pvt ~ Co. D28 Aug 1862wounded at Winchester 19 Sept 1864 died 20 Sept 1869
Huffman, E. P.25Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862wounded in right breast, Vicksburg died 14 Aug 1863
Huffman, G. M.18Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862captured near Lavacca TX 22 Jan 1864
Humphry, N. B.221St Sgt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Hunt, Geo.23Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862wounded in right arm & shoulder, Vicksburg
Judson, Horace H.23Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Kesler, J. A.24Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Kimball, Geo. W.   rejected on account of rupture
Kritzer, Henry25Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862captured at Winchester VA 19 Sept 1864
Lefever, G. W.24Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862severely wounded in the foot, Winchester died 26 Oct 1864
Lindsay, Jas.28Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Lloyd, Sam'L31Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded & captured, Vicksburg died of wounds 08 Jun 1863
Lundy, Wm. Lundy31Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Maiden, Geo. W.21Pvt ~ Co. D28 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Maxwell, A. H.20Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Mccahan, Alex.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Mcconnell, Cy. T.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded 22 May 1863 discharged 29 Jan 1864
Mcmanis, Geo. W.22Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Miller, Alex19Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862captured 19 Sept 1864, Winchester died a prisoner, Salisbury NC
Miller, Cornelius E.18Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Miller, Geo. H.27Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Mock, Isaac18Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862died 18 Jul 1863 on steamer, Crescent City
Mock, Jacob D.35Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded slightly in right foot 22 May 1863
Moore, Jas. A.19Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded severely in hip, Cedar Creek
Needham, W. H.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Norman, W. H.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Olston, John22Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862died 26 Jun 1863, Vicksburg
Patton, G. H.28Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Phillips, M.22Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Phiney, Wm.28Lt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Pyeatt, C. C.19Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862died of disease 02 May 1863, Milliken's Bend LA
Ray, Jacob S.29Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862wounded & died 12 Jun 1863 Memphis TN
Robb, John A.31Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862killed at Vicksburg
Robb, Matthew282Nd Lt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Rogers, H. F.21Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862captured 22 May 1863 died of diarrhea 05 Jan 1865
Rogers, Noble A.27Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862drowned 18 Sept 1862, St. Louis MO
Rose, Arthur18Pvt ~ Co. D30 Aug 1862deserted
Rose, Sam'L43Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862died of chronic diarrhea 29 Sept 1863, New Orleans
Runnells, Wm. M.18Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Salyer, Wm. H.22Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862transferred 15 Sept 1863 for promotion in 2nd MA Vols
Shahan, Richard W.382Nd Sgt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862disability discharge 04 Aug 1863
Sinclair, Hugh21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Smith, Chas. M.18Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862died of typhoid fever 03 Jan 1864, Mustang Island TX
Smith, N. P. T.18Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862disability discharge 26 Jun 1863
Sperry, Ashbill26Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862 
Stearns, Jas. W.20Pvt ~ Co. H27 Aug 1862 
Stephenson, Chas. H.215Th Corp ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862captured 19 Sept 1864, Winchester
Stone, P. S.30Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862 
Tate, Thos. B.21Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded 22 May 1863 disability discharge 29 Jan 1864
Teas, Nathaniel G.333Rd Sgt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862killed in battle, Vicksburg
Tibbals, Fred A.44Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862disability discharge 04 Jun 1863
Van Pelt, J. N.26Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded severely in the head & leg 19 Sept 1864, Winchester disability discharged 30 Jan 1865
Wallick, Abraham42Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862transferred to Invalid Corps
Webb, Joel24Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862captured at Cedar Creek, 19 Oct 1864
Williamson, J. L. D.38Pvt ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862deserted 28 Sept 1862
Wilson, Robt. M.47Capt ~ Co. D10 Sept 1862 
Wilson, Thos. J.31Pvt ~ Co. D30 Aug 1862 
Wilson, W. C.19Pvt ~ Co. D27 Aug 1862wounded severely, both thighs
Winterstein, Wm.    
Wood, Ferdinand348Th Corp ~ Co. D26 Aug 1862wounded at Vicksburg transferred to Invalid Corps