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First Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry. Company "H"

Logan, Guy E. Roster and Record of Iowa Troops in the Rebellion, Vol. IV. State of Iowa, 1911.


Regiment was organized 3 May 1861. Burlington was designated as the general rendezvous. Companies A to I, K and L were mustered at Burlington on the 30th and 31st of July, 1861. The regiment was the first volunteer cavalry organization, which had enlisted for a three years' term of service to be accepted by the government.

Regiment lost during service 2 officers and 56 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 officers and 233 enlisted men by disease.



SoldierAgeRank-CompanyMuster DateComments
Anderson, Dan'L40Major10 Jul 1862 Promoted from Capt, Co. H
Dashiell, Henry L.26Commissary26 Aug 1862 Promoted from 4th Sgt, Co. H
Elder, Thos. H.25B.H.S.07 Oct 1862 
Mann, Wm.25B.V.S.07 Oct 1862 
Adams, Silas26Private10 Aug 1861 
Allen, Jas. C.24Private10 Aug 1861 
Anderson, Dan'L40Captaincommissioned 23 Sept 1861 
Babb, S. H.24Private10 Aug 1861 
Bales, H. G.196th Corp.07 Feb 1862 
Bates, Jos. S.24Private10 Aug 1861 
Bates, Sterling S.24Private10 Aug 1861 
Bernard, Washington32Private10 Aug 1861 
Birkhall, F. P.28Private10 Aug 1861 
Blair, Reitzell258th Corp.07 Feb 1862 
Bristow, D. H.19Private10 Aug 1861died 26 Sept 1863, Memphis TN
Burdan, F.20Corp.10 Aug 1861 
Carlton, L. B.21Private08 Aug 1861 
Carnes, David19Private10 Aug 1861 
Carroll, N. A.18Private10 Aug 1861 
Castle, J. R.303rd Corp.07 Feb 1862 
Chambers, A. G.353rd Corp.01 Jan 1863discharged 06 Feb 1862 Jefferson City MO
Cowan, Jas. H.212nd Corp.01 Jan 1863 
Cowan, Wm. H.19Private10 Aug 1861promoted to Sergeant
Craig, Jas.29Private10 Aug 1861 
Craig, Sam'L T.261st Sgt01 Sept 1862promoted LT & quartermaster
Dashiell, Henry264th Sgt01 Sept 1862promoted Q. M. S., 2nd Bat. promoted 26 Aug 1862 regimental Com
Davis, Wm. W.18Private25 Feb 1864killed 28 Feb 1865 near Memphis TN
Dixon, Chilon19Private10 Aug 1861 
Dull, John44Farrier10 Aug 1861died of diarrhea 13 Oct 1863, Little Rock AR
Dull, Thos. H.19Private10 Aug 1861 
Elder, D. M.18Private08 Aug 1861 
Elder, Thos. H.25Private10 Aug 1861promoted 07 Oct 1861 Hospital Surgeon, 2nd Bat.
Emery, C. A.23Private03 Aug 1861 
Fauts, Thos.24Private10 Aug 1861disability discharge Burlington, Aug 1861
Ferman, D. H.24Private08 Aug 1861 
Ferman, J. H.21Private10 Aug 1861 
Frenier, L. R.23Private08 Aug 1861 
George, A. K.19Private08 Aug 1861died 07 Nov 1863, Georgetown
Gilbert, Albert25Private03 Aug 1861died of typhoid fever 26 Dec 1862, Prairie Grove AR
Gilbert, John25Private08 Aug 1861 
Gilbert, Henry C.18Private10 Aug 1861 
Gilbert, Nathan227th Corp.07 Feb 1862 
Guinn, V. M.21Private03 Aug 1861 
Hampton, John29Private08 Aug 1861 
Harris, Lafe.18Private10 Aug 1861died of typhoid fever 19 Jan 1862, Jefferson City MO
Harris, W. H.203rd Sgt03 Aug 1861died of typhoid fever 05 Nov 1862, Keytesville MO
Harrison, A. J.24Private10 Aug 1861discharged Aug 1861, Burlington
Hart, Albert T.18Private08 Aug 1861 
Hartsuck, Isaac22Private10 Aug 1861 
Hays, Josephus19Private10 Aug 1861promoted to 3rd Sergeant
Hays, Josephus193rd Sgt05 Nov 1862died 25 Nov 1863
Hazard, L. B.23Private03 Aug 1861 
Holmes, C. H.21Private03 Aug 1861died of diarrhea, 08 Nov 1865
Hunt, S. J.27Farrier01 Sept 1862reduced to ranks 01 Jul 1862 disability discharge
Jefferson, H. H.21Private03 Aug 1861 
Jones, Isaac S.271st Corp.10 Aug 1861 
Kendall, W. B.39Private03 Aug 1861 
Kenworthy, D. C.22Bugler07 Feb 1862 
Kester, S. M.18Private03 Aug 1861 
Knight, Richard S.20Private03 Aug 1861 
Leary, C. O.42Private03 Aug 1861died 09 Jun 1863, Rollo MO
Leas, Geo.18Rivate10 Jun 1864 
Maxwell, W. T.24Private08 Aug 1861 
Mccormack, A. U.242nd Lt22837promoted to Captain
Mccoy, Jas.334th Corp.07 Feb 1862discharged by Gen. Halleck 26 Jun 1862
Neil, Dyas21Private03 Aug 1861 
Remson, Abram28Private08 Aug 1861 
Richardson, Dallas19Private24 Feb 1864unassigned to company in Adjutant-General's Report
Rockwell, E. R.33Company Surgeon01 Nov 1862wounded in lower jaw Clilnton MO, 07 Apr 1865
Scott, David W.25Private03 Aug 1861died of diarrhea, 06 Jan 1864
Searcy, J. F. B.36Private08 Aug 1861disability discharge, 23 Feb 1865
Sharton, Wm.23Bugler01 Sept 1862 
Shepherd, Israel21Private03 Aug 1861discharged 08 Dec 1862 died 09 Dec 1862, Springfield MO
Shuman, Ben. J.31Private03 Aug 1861 
Shuman, Benj.31Farrier01 Jul 1862died of chronic diarrhea 30 Nov 1863, Little Rock AR
Sinclair, Arch.18Private24 Feb 1864unassigned to company in Adjutant-General's Report
Sinclair, Robt.29Private03 Aug 1861 
Sprague, John M.26Private22 Feb 1864 
Spurgin, W. H.19Private03 Aug 1861 
Staggers, J. L.25Private03 Aug 1861 
Sturgis, Geo.23Private03 Aug 1861 
Sullivan, M. W.20Private  
Swift, Mason M. Private03 Aug 1861rejected - over age
Teas, Joseph B.18Private03 Aug 1861 
Thompson, Geo. C.21Private03 Aug 1861 
Tuttle, Robt. W.21Private03 Aug 1861 
Wescoatt, Riley33Captain10 Jul 1862promoted to Captain, 1865
Wood, Henry37Wagoner10 Aug 1861