Mr. Christian Beck "Beck" Larsen & Miss Johanna Marie "Hannah" Mortensen
I have a wedding picture of my great grandparents Christian Beck Larsen and Johannah Marie (Mortensen) Larsen. They were married in Monona County, Iowa on April 2, 1908. I would love to know where they were married in Monona County. I am assuming the Ingemann Danish Lutheran Church, but I don't want to guess. I didn't know if you could find a newspaper article about them like you did for my other great grandparents. That was so awesome!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
They are the parents of my Grandpa Alvin Larsen. My dad, Alan Larsen, said that great Grandpa Beck was born in a cave house in Sioux Township in Monona County near Moorhead on January 31, 1885. Beck's parents were Jeppe Christian Larsen and Bodil Marie (Madsen) Larsen, they came over from Denmark with their family. Great grandma Hannah was born in Denmark on December 30, 1888. Everyone called him "Beck" and they called her "Hannah".
Contributor: Kim Larsen Hunter, great-grandaughter
**NOTE: Still searching for a 1908 News item about this wedding. What a lovely wedding photograph --Onawa, IA. studio.