Jens B. Jensen Valentines Day 1904 Married at Ingemann Danish Lutheran, Moorhead, Iowa Onawa Sentinel, February 19, 1904 TURIN. Last Sunday morning a pleasant surprise awaited the large congregation that greeted Rev. Hanson, in the Danish church. Immediately after the morning service Jens Jensen and Miss Dagmar Nikolaisen were united in marriage by the pastor, using the beautiful Danish Lutheran ceremony. At the close of the service, the newly wedded couple with a few friends went to the home of the bride’s parents and partook of a bountiful wedding dinner. Mr. Jensen owns a farm in Sioux township and the young couple will go to housekeeping at once. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Onawa Weekly Democrat, February 25, 1904 TURIN NEWS. On Sunday morning, February 14th, at the Danish church Jens Jensen and Miss Dagmar Nikolaisen were united in marriage. They are two worthy people. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Married in the Ingemann Danish Lutheran Church, Moorhead, Iowa, Valentines Day 1904. Lovely couple--see below the lovely brown blouse worn by Dagmar in 1904. Both pics above were taken in 1904 on the same day. Dagmar removed her hat & jacket for the photograph in which she was seated. 1914 Photographs of Mr. & Mrs. Jens B. Jensen
Interesting history about the lovely blouses worn by Dagmar -- Mrs. Jens B. Jensen: "The brown blouse with the black lace is the one she wore in the 1904 picture, she had a different collar in the picture and the buttons were removed later. The 1914 picture of her is the gray blouse she wore with the white lace, the buttons were also removed from that blouse later." ~Explained by her great granddaughter, Kim Larsen Hunter Jens B. & Dagmar Jensen Children - 1914Left to Right: Iva
Contributor, Great Granddaughter, Kim Larsen Hunter |