Moorhead, Iowa, During the Year of 1901

Moorhead is not lacking in fraternal societies, the Odd Fellows, Daughters of Rebekah, Modern Woodman, Royal Neighbors and Brotherhood of American Yeoman. The following is a list of the different orders:

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS No. 545--D. D. Boyington, N.G.; A. W. Hartsock, V.G.; J. H. Lindsey, Per. Sec.; G. F. Conion, Treas.

DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH--Mrs. A. A. West, N.G.; Mrs. Clara Carlson, V.G.; Miss Alta Boyington, Sec.; Mrs. V. M. Elston, Treas.

MODERN WOODMEN--Fred Parker, V.C.; Charles Blackburn, W.A.; V. L. Elston, Banker; D. E. Levens, Clerk; J. H. Lindsey, Escort; W. A. Lawrenson, Watchman; Fred Stevens, Chief Forester.

ROYAL NEIGHBORS--Mrs. Hattie Farrel, Oracle; Mrs. Genora Shoff, Vice Oracle; Mrs. Della Parker, Recorder; Mrs. Arvilla Blackman, Receiver; Mrs. Carrie Spaulding, Chancellor; Mrs. Nellie Baber, Marshall; Mrs. Clara Lawrenson, Inner Sentinel; Mrs. Mina Levens, Outer Sentinel.

BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN No. 440--D. D. Boyington, Foreman; M. E. Christianson, Master of Ceremonies; M. Peterson, Master of Accounts; A. W. Hartsock, Correspondent. The Yeoman membership is composed of both men and women, its principal objects being fraternal and insurance.

Moorhead has two physicians, Dr. E. D. Piper and Dr. A. A. West. Dr. West is not only a practicing physcian but is the proprietor of a large and handsome drug store as well. His establishment being the one sole institution in Moorhead of its kind.

Moorhead has but little use for lawyers--the town being without a single practicing attorney. Small cases, such as noisy intoxication and street brawls, which are not common, being disposed of by the Mayor.

The pioneer Protestant Church of the west, the Methodist Episcopal, has as its pastor, Rev. E. E. Rust, at Moorhead. The Christian Church is likewise prominent in good works. The Reorganized Church of the Latter Day Saints finds ample work to do along Gospel lines.

Jas. J. Bartholomew of the real estate firm of Bartholomew and Dilley at Moorhead states, "Real Estate in the hills is good property to own." Land situated in southern Monona and Harrison Counties has been selling at $35 and as high as $45 an acre. One piece of 115 acres in Monona County was readily sold at $38 an acre. While land sales for one day along since the 1st of December represented the sum of $22,000. Recently the firm sold the farm owned by Will H. Wood to J. H. McGee of Allen Twp, Harrison County consisting of 240 acres for which Mr. McGee paid $40 an acre. The firm also own and operate two large livery stables at Moorhead. Their stock includes a magnificent specimen of the Hamiltonian strain. "Uncle Dick" as the beautiful stallion is named, comes of famous racing horse stock. He has been exhibited at a number of Iowa Fairs and is valued at $1,000. In the same stables is also seen a noble looking horse, known as Negro, owned by the Moorhead French Percheron Horse Co., in which Bartholmew and Dilley are interested. Ed Dilley, son of Mr. Dilley of the former firm is Supt. of the Horse Dept. and livery business.

Residents look for some of the improved farm property to reach $100 an acre in the near future. The business prosperity of Moorhead during the past 12 months has been attended with increased livestock and grain shipments. A large grain being apparent over the year 1900.

Karl P. Hundahl who was born in Denmark and came to the United States nearly 15 years ago is the agent of the N.W.R.R. and has been in their employ a number of years. He gained his first knowledge of the business at Turin under Capt. W. E. Roberts. At one time Capt. Roberts was in charge of the office at Mapleton. Karl is a member of the City Council.

Situated as Moorhead is in one of the most picturesque parts of the beautiful Soldier Valley, there is nothing to prevent, with its splendid start, from becoming a city of a thousand or more population inside of the next five years. ~Onawa newspaper, 1901

Moorhead, Iowa

Erickson, Sandvold Company, Moorhead, Iowa, circa 1910

~Contributed by volunteer,Cheri Sherwin, for posting on this website

MORE . . . . .Moorhead Town-site Photos, contributed by Larry Lundeen.

Moorhead State Bank, Moorhead, Iowa, 1912

Birds-Eye View of Moorhead

Moorhead 1910 Celebration in the Park

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