** Blencoe Iowa - 1949 **![]() ~Monona County -- Newspaper Clippings -- Historical Photographs -- Archives
~Random Historical Items of Monona County - Moorhead Cultural Center Archives | ~Submitted by Ruth Pickle & transcription w/upload by L. Ziemann |
Blencoe Corn Averages 53 BushelsCyrill Jirovsky, Blencoe, Ia., farmer watches corn going into sheller direct from the field. Jack Backland, his helper, is unloading the corn from one of six wagons which are used in the operations. Two pickers mounted on tractors pick 45 acres a day. Six wagons behind trucks bring the corn from the field to the shellers and two trucks haul it to town. Jirovsky’s three sons, Joe, Stanley and Cyrill, Jr, and two hired men complete the crew. Jirovsky delivered 5,000 bushels to the I. C. elevator at Onawa in two days recently. The corn tested 16.81 per cent moisture and sold for $1 a bushel. Jirovsky and his three sons have 800 acres in corn this year. He will pick and shell 400 acres of it during the next week and deliver to market. If box cars are available, he will have an additional 400 acres later in the month. The corn which was delivered last week averaged 53 bushels to the acre, he reported. He estimates his entire crop for 1949 at 40,000 bushels. Last year he raised 60,000 bushels. He and his three sons operate 480 acres of his own land and 1,320 acres owned by non-resident land owners. Source: Local Monona County newspaper, Harvest time 1949 |