The following information is from a book published by the Bussey American Legion Post No. 505 in 1947. Businesses and individuals from Bussey, Albia, Knoxville, Tracy, Attica, Hamilton and Lovilia, Iowa provided financial assistance. The Post dedicated the book as "a memorial to our buddies, who were killed in action."
(Note: Names in the book are not in alphabetical order; however, I have alphabetized them. ~KB)
Click on photos to enlarge.
Rex Hastings, T/Sgt.
service February 18, 1942. Basic training Camp Wolters, Texas. Overseas
Asiatic-Pacific Theatre (Hawaii, New Guinea, Philippines). Decorations
and citations: Purple Heart, Good Conduct, Bronze Service Arrowhead,
Philippine Liberation Ribbon with 2 bronze stars. Back to States, August
22, 1945. Discharge, August 28, Ft Leavenworth, Kansas. Continental
service, 3 months, 25 days. Foreign Service 3 years, 2 months, 16 days.
Haycock, T/5
February 18, 1942, Ft. Des Moines, Iowa, 117th Inf, 30 Division, automotive
mechanic. Overseas Duty, Normandy, Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland,
Central Europe. Decorations: Combat Infantry Badge, European-African-Middle
Eastern Theater Ribbon with 1 silver battle star, 1 service stripe,
3 overseas service bars, Good Conduct medal, Purple Heart. Discharged
September 28, 1946, Ft Sheridan, Illinois. Three years, 7 months in
the service. |
Clyde Heaton
service February 4, 1943. Overseas, New Guinea, Australia, Pacific Islands,
15 months. Returned to States and served again in E.T.O., England, France,
4 months, then again in Philippines for 8 months. Discharged December,
1945. Re-enlisted for 1 year, at present at Fitzsimmons General Hospital
at Denver, Colorado. |
Edward Heaton,
37692274, 18th Inf. 1st Div. 1st Army
service March 18,1944. Overseas 8 months in France, Belgium and Germany.
Prisoner 4 days. Decorations: Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge, Good
Conduct, European-African- Middle Eastern Service Ribbon, 1 bronze star,
Victory Medal, overseas service bar. Discharged November 18, 1945. |
Heaton, T/5
Hqs. Zone
Command, Austria. Entered service July 7, 1945. Training at Camp Hood,
Texas. Overseas in Germany and Austria 12 months. Still in service overseas.
Melvin Helmick, 4141, Army Af. Bu.
Meat and
Dairy inspector, American Theatre. Good Conduct Medal, Victory Medal.
Inducted October 2, 1942. Camp Dodge, Iowa. Discharged February 23,
1946, Ft. Bliss, Texas. In service 40 months. |
F. Hooten, S 1/c
service February 29, 1944. Was 6 weeks training at Farragut, Idaho.
Went overseas, assigned to U.S.S. Denver. Campaigns: Iwo Jima, Palau,
Ulithi, Philippine Liberation, Borneo, Okinawa, China Coast, Occupation
of Japan. Returned to U.S. November 1945. Returned to Bermuda. Decorations:
American Defense, Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon, 4 battle stars, Philippine
Liberation, 2 stars and Ribbon Unit Commendation, Victory Ribbon. Discharged
May 11, 1946. |
John Dale Hooten
Was sworn
into the Marines, August 12, 1941 at Des Moines, Iowa. He left Des Moines
August 26, 1941 and was sent to Marine Corps Base at San Diego, California.
He received a medical discharge from there September 26, 1941 after
30 days of service. |
Hudson, T/5 Co. A, 402, Engn, Combat Bn.
service September 9, 1941. Overseas two years, 10 months, Algeria, French
Morocco, Sicily, Tunisia, Naples Toggia, Rome Anna, Appinines, Po Valley.
Decorations: 7 bronze stars, Good Conduct Medal, Army Spec. Mechanic.
Discharged July 9, 1945. |
Charles Hutchinson, Supply Clerk, 1040, A.A.F.
service May 11, 1942. Overseas 20 months in India, Burma, Egypt, Libya.
Decorations: Asiatic-Pacific Medal, Good Conduct Medal. Discharged Santa
Ana, California October 27, 1945. |
Leo James
service August 28, 1942. Overseas, Hawaiian Island, cook and bakers
school. Decorations: Good Conduct, Asiatic-Pacific, American Theatre,
Victory Ribbon. Returned to States, November 2, 1945. Discharged November
12, 1945. In service 39 months. |
Martin T Johnson, A.A.F.
Entered service
March 1, 1946 at Los Angeles, California. Basic Training at Ft. MacArthur,
California. Then to Sac Field, San Antonio, Texas. Special Training
for 3 months, Geiger Field, Spokane, Washington as mechanic. Is now
taking advanced training at Muroc Field, California. |
Theodore E. Johnson
service October 1943. Overseas April 1944 to December 1945, Luzon. Decorations:
Good Conduct, Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon, 1 battle star, Philippine Liberation,
American Theatre, Victory Medal. Discharged February 3, 1946. |
Chester W. Jones
Entered service
November 11, 1941. Went to Aberdeen Proving grounds, Maryland. Overseas
August 6, 1942, England, Africa, Italy, 2 years, 11months, 18days. Decorations:
2 Presidential Unit Citations, Good Conduct and Pre-Pearl Harbor Medals,
12 battle stars. Discharged October 1945, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. |
E Jones, BM 1/c
service October 13, 1942. Overseas European Theatre March 1943 to November
1943, Pacific, January 1945 to November 1945 aboard Y.M.S. 372. Decorations:
Purple Heart, American Theatre, E.T.O. Ribbon, Asiatic Victory Bar,
Good Conduct. Discharged at Minneapolis, November 22, 1945. |
Contributed by Karyl Bonnett, North Liberty, Iowa, with the permission of Oren Shobe, the present commander of Post #505 (January 2007).