There was only a very few votes lost at this election on account of spoiled ballots, which showed that the people were well posted on the questions before them. The following telegram was received on Thursday morning from B. F. Swisher: Waterloo, Iowa, June 23, 1909. Mayor Gesman: I congratulate the voters of Pella and wish the city success. B. F. Swisher. The great victory was a cause for a rousing celebration and the way the things woke up was not slow. It was not an hour after the returns were in until almost every drygoods box and everything else that could be gotten loose was piled up in the street and the band was out doing its duty, and as the bonfire was in the height of its lighting process, the mayor and other citizens addressed the citizens with praise for their loyalty to the progressive party, or in other words, the boosters of the town, and the booster spirit ran rife for fully three hours. The old Giesler store in South Pella near the old canning factory site. It is one of the old buildings and is still standing on the same spot.