What was done to convert to format?
Here are the steps that I took.
- Removed all font tags, using CSS instead. On one large batch of files I had over 150,000,so thanks for global find and past!
- converted all <td><strong> header name </strong></td> instances to use the <th> code
- converted many <p><strong> instances to use <h3> or <h4>
- converted <br> tags to new standard of <br />; same with the hr tags, if I retained them
- Generally converted html code to be compliant with standards.
- fixed lists so that opening li tags had closing ones; same with td in tables, p tags, and many others
- Moved almost all formatting to one global CSS file that was read in the header of each file
- As I converted each page, I checked the links on those pages
- There were many other minor tasks, but this gives a sense of the task