

1915 & 1921-1949
The information
contained herein is drawn from the Winterset High School
yearbook know as the "Boomerang." The data was
compiled by Ida Morse and proofread by JoAnne Walker.
Name &
Position or Subjects Taught |
Tenure |
Addison, W D, Principal |
1930-1934 |
Addy, Ora, School Secretary |
1934 |
Agan, Raymond, Smith Hughes |
1943 |
Ahern, L Dale, Journalism, Literature |
1939-1940 |
Arthur, Mrs, Raymond W, World History, Business
Arithmetic, Civics, General Business |
1944 |
Azeltine, Margaret, Shorthand, Business
Arithmetic |
1937 |
Baker, Eunice, Math |
1924 |
Ball, Elizabeth, Physical Education |
1924 |
Barrows, Richard P, Boys Phys Training &
Algebra |
1930 |
Barrows, S W, Instrumental Music & English |
1942 |
Benedict, Genevieve |
1923 |
Berlin, Frank W, Physical Education, Industrial
Arts, Football, Basketball & Track |
1947-1949 |
Biggs, Clark E, English, French, Dramatics,
Public Speaking, Government |
1926-1936 |
Blair, E W, Superintendent |
1939-1942 |
Bossert, H D, Math & Science |
1934 |
Bracken, James, Music & Commercial |
1931 |
Brightwell, Virginia, English, 1st yr |
1921 |
Brittain, Alfred, Math & History |
1924-1925 |
Buckingham, Lois, Merchandising, Bookkeeping,
Commercial Law |
1948-1949 |
Butler, Miss, Math & English |
1922 |
Campbell, Margaret, Physical Education, General
Science |
1945-1946 |
Canfield, Earle L, General Science, Physics,
Biology, Band, Principal |
1943-1946 |
Capps, Hazel Leota, Music |
1925 |
Carey, Reba, Normal Training & World History |
1934 |
Carson, Gene D, Boys Coach & Physical
Training |
1941-1942 |
Celley, Mary Ann, American History & World
History, Typing |
1945-1947 |
Chapman, Mr, Commercial |
1922 |
Chapman, Mrs, Commercial |
1922 |
Christ, Vivian, Homemaking |
1946 |
Churchill, Anna Dowell, Home Ec & Physiology |
1925-1927 |
Clark, R. Herman, Boy’s Physical Training,
Coach, Industrial Arts, & Science |
1935-1944 |
Clement, Don V, Typing, Bookkeeping |
1932-1939 |
Cole, Elizabeth, Girl’s Physical Training,
Latin, & Social Problems |
1934-1935 |
Collins, Birney, Animal Husbandry, Crops, Farm
Management |
1946-1949 |
Cooley, Garol, Physics |
1927-1928 |
Cooper, Bertha L, English |
1928-1929 |
Corso, Margaret Masden, English, Literature,
& History |
1942-1943, 1945 |
Corso, Max F, Bookkeeping, Business Arithmetic,
General Business, Commercial Law |
1941-1942, 1947 |
Crane, Jean, Science & Math |
1946-1949 |
Crann, Lois Smith, Girl’s Adviser &
English |
1925-1939 |
Craven, Geraldine, Office Secretary |
1949 |
Crawley, Kermit, Commercial & History |
1934-1936 |
Curry, Lillian C, History, Normal Training,
Psychology |
1935-1943 |
Danforth, Marjorie, Art & Geography |
1935 |
Darnall, Pearle |
1915 |
Daughton, Madeline, English & American
Literature |
1943 |
Dean, Kenneth, Physcal Education & Coach |
1944-1945 |
DeKalb, Elsie, Math & Librarian |
1945-1949 |
Devilbiss, Ray T, Band & Instrumental Music |
1947-1949 |
Devries, J L, Principal |
1943 |
Ditto, Mrs. C L |
1940 |
Dowell, Anna, Domestic Science |
1924 |
Drew, Marie, Commercial, 2nd yr |
1921 |
Durham, Lyle W, Manual Arts, Instrumental Music
& General Science |
1936-1941 |
Englund, Miss, Math |
1922 |
Esslinger, Zetta, Home Economics |
1929-1930 |
Fairbanks, Carmen, Music |
1921-1922 |
Falkenhainer, Helen, Biology & Gils Physical
Training |
1944 |
Farris, R W, Shorthand & Bookkeeping |
1932-1933 |
Faust, Gerald, Manual Training & Science |
1930-1933 |
Fifield, Ruth Creighton, Vocal Music |
1944 |
Finney, Nina, School Secretary |
1932-1933 |
Flack, Betty Fosher, Office Secretary |
1945-1946 |
Fosher, Betty E, School Secretary |
1939, 1941 |
Gallop, Edith, American History & Geometry |
1944 |
Galt, Hazelle, English & Science |
1927-1928 |
Garretson, Charles E, Science |
1927-1929 |
Gentry, Ruth, General Science, Physiology |
1936-1938 |
Gilbert, Cynthia, Commercial Arithmetic &
Latin |
1924-1929 |
Gloss, Edith E, Home Economics |
1937-1941 |
Gorsuch, Margaret L, Math, Social Problems,
& Economics |
1939-1944 |
Gowdy, William L, Vocal Music |
1939-1942 |
Graham, Hoyt C, Physics |
1923-1924 |
Grant, J W, Physical Education & Boys
Basketball |
1946 |
Hamilton, Prudence Heberling, English &
Physical Ed |
1925-1929 |
Harlan, Earl, Speech, Dramatics, Social Science |
1936-1942 |
Harper, Dorothy, Vocal Music |
1949 |
Hassel, Maurice R, Supt |
1921-1929 |
Hawk, Mabel |
1915 |
Heifner, J B, Chemistry, General Science &
Biology |
1942 |
Henderson, Ruth, Music |
1923-1924 |
Henry, A P, Principal |
1928-1929 |
Henry, A P, Supt |
1930-1938 |
Herrald, Ruthanne, Speech, Dramatics &
English Literature |
1946 |
Hibbs, Virginia, Speech & Dramatics |
1943 |
Holiday, Sidney, Typing, Commercial Electives,
Asst Coach |
1938-1939 |
Hollen, Olga C, Comercial, Shorthand,
Typewriting, Bookkeeping |
1938-1949 |
Hollingsworth, Mary |
1936 |
Horn, Venafrum, Home Economics |
1928 |
Howard, Blanche E, Librarian |
1926 |
Huff, Janice, Music |
1932-1933 |
Huhn, Doris L, Homemaking, American History |
1948-1949 |
Huston, Mary K, Vocal Music |
1945 |
Hutchins, Grace, Math |
1925-1927 |
Irwin, Sylvia A, Vocal Music |
1946-1948 |
Jackson, Geraldine, Office Secretary |
1947-1948 |
Jahr, E F, Radio, Mathematics, Girls Basketball |
1942 |
Jensen, Myra |
1923 |
Jensen, Rachel, History & French |
1924-1926 |
Johnson, Faith L, English |
1924-1927 |
Johnson, Leslie, no position listed |
1931-1935 |
Johnson, Loris, American Literature, Soeech,
Drametics |
1949 |
Jones, J P, Boys Phys Training, Math |
1926-1928 |
Kale, Kathryn Z, History, Business Math &
Latin & Bible |
1937-1949 |
Kettleson, Luella, Prin, 1st yr |
1921-1927 |
Kirk, Edna, School Secretary |
1930-1931 |
Kirkpatrick, Dorothy Moore, Homemaking |
1943 |
Knutson, Angeline M, Commercial |
1926 |
Laizure, Cynthia G, Latin |
1930 |
Lamb, Harris, Algebra & Boy’s Phys
Training |
1929 |
Latin Johnson, Leslie, No PositionListed |
1930 |
Leathers, Dorothy M, Home Economics |
1942 |
Lillard, Donal R, Physics & Chemistry |
1929-1934 |
Lillard, Donal R, Principal, Physics &
Chemistry |
1935-1942 |
Lillard, Donal R, Superintendent |
1943-1949 |
Lingenfelter, Fred B, Boy’s Coach &
Agriculture |
1924-1925 |
Locey, Cleda, English & Journalism |
1949 |
Loper, Juanita, English |
1930-1931 |
Macumber, Bernice, School Nurse |
1948-1949 |
Maloy, Helen M |
1922-1923 |
Manning, Lois Leone, Music |
1926-1928 |
Masden, Margaret |
1940 |
McBurney, Naomi, History & Economics |
1921-1922 |
McCulloch, Genevieve A, Freshman English &
Librarian |
1941 |
McCutchen, Mary |
1915 |
McGaffin, Charles M, Economics, Commercial Law,
Driver Education |
1948-1949 |
McMahon, Mary E, Commercial |
1925 |
McNally, Mary, English |
1928-1940 |
Menke, Harold, Industrial Arts |
1945-1949 |
Miller, Alice Mills, School Nurse |
1945 |
Miller, Henry C, Principal |
1948-1949 |
Miller, Mary Alice, Home Nursing, School Nurse |
1946-1947 |
Milleson, Helen K, Math & Latin |
1935-1936 |
Mills, Mary Alice, School Nurse |
1939-1944 |
Minard, Ralph |
1915 |
Minnis, Roy, Principal |
1947 |
Moore, Dorothy M, Home Economics & Physical
Training |
1942 |
Moore, Merle |
1923 |
Morehouse, Vega, Girls Phys Training, French |
1929-1930 |
Mueller, Catherine, Algebra |
1936-1938 |
Mueller, Emma C, Sophomore English, Librarian |
1941-1942 |
Nicholson, Mary, French & History |
1922-1923 |
Nicholson, Neil C, No Position Listed |
1938 |
Oehlerking, Gladys Jean, Homemaking |
1947 |
Olson, Kathleen, Freshman English, American
Literature |
1946 |
Ossian, Simon A, Vocational agriculture |
1939-1943 |
Owen, Melvin R, World & American History |
1948-1949 |
Oxborrow, Marjorie, Vocational Homemaking |
1944-1945 |
Parker, Dorothy, Typing |
1937 |
Parker, Lawrence A., No position listed |
1936-1937 |
Peck, Wilmer, Coach & Physical Education |
1943 |
Pierson, Helen K, History & Science |
1924-1932 |
Peters, George, Algebra |
1935 |
Poe, Anna, Commercial 1st yr |
1921 |
Poe, Olive, French & History, 2nd yr |
1921 |
Poter, Lillian, Latin & English |
1922-1923 |
Price, Norma, Home Economics |
1931-1934 |
Pyner, Wilbert |
1940 |
Randall, Evelyn |
1940 |
Rector, Nobia, Commercial |
1924 |
Reed, Frances, English, American Literature
& Librarian |
1944 |
Reynard, Loren F, Commercial |
1928-1931 |
Roederer, Edward L, Girls Basketball, Baseball
Coach, Distributive Ed & Assistant Football Coach |
1940-1941 |
Roederer, Edward L, Math, Vocational Guidance,
Government, Asst. Boys & Girls Basketball Coach |
1946-1947 |
Rommel, Margaret, Latin, Geometry |
1937-1939 |
Rose, Harold, Boy’s Physical Training &
Algebra |
1931-1932 |
Roush, Mildred |
1915 |
Rowe, Mary Lee, History & Science |
1926-1927 |
Rowe, Vera, Science & Math |
1921-1922 |
Rummel, Maxine Martin, American History, English
Literature & Girls Physical Education |
1943, 1945 |
Russell, Maurice R, Supt |
1922 |
Sample, Irene, Music |
1929 |
Sawyer, Doris K, School secretary |
1942-1943 |
Sayler, Lois, Commercial Education |
1945 |
Schnug, Margaret E, Journalism & Literature |
1941 |
Schuldt, F Annetta, Normal Training, Critic
History |
1928-1933 |
Scott, D Helen, Girls Physical Training &
Assistant Homemaking |
1941 |
Scroggie, Robert A, Physics |
1925-1926 |
Sheperd, Evelyn E., Homemaking |
1935-1936 |
Shiffler, Harold C, Speech, American Literature
& Dramatics |
1947-1948 |
Shotwell, William, Economics & Science |
1926 |
Shubert, C Loyd, Speech, Dramatics, Vocational
Guidance, English Literature |
1944-1945 |
Snider, Effie |
1915 |
Snyder, Carolyn, Home Economics |
1921-1922 |
Spagnola, Concetta, Distributive Education |
1944 |
Speck, Anna |
1923 |
Spencer, Catherine (Prin or Supt) |
1915 |
Stearns, Esther, Music Supervisor |
1934-1936 |
Stoner, Clarence, Farm, Crops, Farm Management,
Animal Husbandry, Business arithmetic |
1945 |
Stratman, Jacob, Commercial |
1927 |
Sumner, Gertrude, Asst. Librarian |
1926 |
Tate, M Alda |
1923 |
Tate, Miss, Math & Civics |
1922 |
Thornton, Helen, English, Civics, & History |
1924-1925 |
Thornton, Helen, English, Governement, &
History |
1935-1942 |
Thygesen, Luella, Music |
1930-1931 |
Tucker, Ruth L, English, Journalism &
Librarian |
1943-1948 |
Turner, Bernice, Girl Phys Training & Latin |
1933 |
Turner, Paul P, Algebra, Boy’s Physical
Training |
1933-1934 |
Tussey, E D, English & Athletics, 1st yr |
1921 |
Veldhuizen, Aletha, English |
1930-1937 |
Vietor, Emma |
1923 |
Vinsel, K P, Physical Training |
1922-1923 |
Walker, Bunney |
1923 |
Waters, Richard, General Science, Girls
Athletics |
1948-1949 |
Weeks, Eleanor |
1936-1938 |
Wescott. Helen, Commercial Law |
1929 |
Weston, Virginia, Math |
1931-1934 |
White, Ethel, Social Science |
1924 |
White, Gladys, Math, 1st yr |
1921 |
White, Paul M, Commerical |
1928-1930 |
Wilhite, Don E, English, Literature, Commercial
Law, Social Problems |
1946-1949 |
Willett, Bernice, Girl’s Physical Training
& Latin |
1931-1932 |
Williams, David ( Supt or Prin) |
1915 |
Williams, Flora |
1915 |
Williamson, Laura, Music |
1937-1938 |
Wilson, Winter |
1923 |
Wirth, Kathryn B, Latin & English |
1921 |
Wiseman, Lucile Swayzee |
1925 |
Witt, Mary Evelyn, Girls Physical Training,
Biology |
1939-1940 |
Witter, Leola M, Commercial |
1924-1927 |
Woodroffe, Blance, Science |
1921-1923 |
Worden, Eugene R |
1936 |
Wyckoff, Emily Anthony, Vocal Music |
1943 |
Young, Irene C, Math & French |
1929-1932 |
by the County
page was created in Feb 2006.
This page was last updated Tuesday, 14-Jun-2022 10:51:45 CDT