Acronyms &
Abbreviations: Acronyms and organizations from an earlier age. |

Archaic Job
Descriptions: Was your relative a "Fleshewer."
Find out what that job and many others meant at this web site. |

Archaic Handwriting:
If you are having trouble deciphering a name, place,
occupation, or other data written in old script, this site may
help you find a solution. (The name in the image is
"Thornton.") |

Archaic Medical
Terms: Did your relative die from some illness you never heard
of? Try this site to find the modern medical term for their
disease. |
Birthdate Calculator |
Birth date
calculator: This tool comes in very handy for finding birth
dates when you have tombstone data that gives date of death and
years/months/days lived. |
of Land Management: Find you relative's land patent
application. |

Genealogical and Historical Societies: This link will take you
to a list of historical and genealogical societies in Iowa. |

Digital Resources of the State of
Iowa: Find Iowa vital
records, censuses, federal land records, manuscripts,
state-digitized newspapers, maps, publications, and more. |

Iowa Related Links: Click
this link to take you to the IaGenWeb site of Iowa related
genealogy links. |

Libraries In Iowa: The
link to the left will take you to a series of comprehensive,
up-to-date lists of libraries in Iowa including specialty
libraries. |

National Register of
Historic Places: The
link at the left leads to the list of Iowa counties with
properties on the National Register of Historic Places. Madison
County has a significant number of private homes on the register. |

Linkpendium Madison
County: A comprehensive set of useful links for genealogists
researching in Madison County. |