

- H |
below are veterans of the Viet Nam War known to have
resided in Madison County, Iowa. |
Coordinator's Note: The
data listed herein is primarily a list of those who served.
Information regarding Service Branch, and other data was generally
unavailable. The County Coordinators
are therefore reliant on the veterans or descendants for obtaining data for this
list. Your inputs are encouraged and welcome.
Name |
Service Branch |
Service Record |
Daniels, Arthur |
Darrell, Robert D. |
Davis, Dennis |
Davis, Gary |
Decker, Donnie |
Decker, Ronnie |
Derrickson, Bobby |
Derrickson, Larry |
Devine, John |
DeWitt, Donald |
Dillinger, William A. |
Dixon, Richard |
Dooley, Michael |
Dorrell,Ronnie, Jr. |
Downing, Antone |
Drake, Dorothy Ann |
Duff, Gail |
Duff, Lynn M. |
Edgington, Charles |
Edwards, Gary |
Eivins, Arnold F. |
Eivins, Harvey |
Eivins, Robert E. |
Elben, Bruce |
Evison, Carol |
Eyerly, Wayne |
Farlow, Eugene |
Farlow, Ralph |
Farlow, Randall |
Farlow, Richard |
Faux, Byron, Jr. |
US Air Force |
Master Sgt., Suppy |
Faux, Jack Lee |
Fenimore, Charles |
Fenimore, Lee |
Fitch, Thomas |
Finley, Raymond Ersa |
US Army |
Enlisted 06 May 1968, discharged 05 May
1970 |
Ford, Billie Jo |
Foreman, Alan |
Forsyth, Michael |
Foster, Michael |
Freed, Larry |
French, W. Bunker Upton |
US Marines |
Discharged in 1972 |
Gamble, John A. |
Ganoe, Bill |
Ganoe, James |
Garmon, Van Adrian, III |
Garrett, Phillip |
German, Gary |
Gifford, James Albertice |
US Army
Retired as Major, served from 1943 to
1966 |
Duane Gordon |
US Air Force |
Enlisted in 1951 Master Sergeant for Nato and Strategic Air Command |
Gilleland, Randal |
Gilman, Roger Lee |
US Army
Goering, Ronnie |
Good, Douglas |
Good, Thomas |
Goodman, Jimmie |
Gordon, Larry D. |
Grandfield, Jack |
Greenwood, Gene |
Greenwood, Kris |
Griffith, Phillip |
Griswold, Jim |
Hagen, Billy |
Hagen, Dennis B. |
Hannon, Charles |
Harger, Don R. |
Harper, Joseph M. |
Harper, William L. |
Harrell, Cecil |
Harrell, Don |
Hart, Richard |
Hartley, John |
Hartman, Arthur |
Hatfield, Maurice W. |
Hauschildt, Everett |
Hauser, Frederick |
Harvey, Mark Andrew |
US Army |
Ranger |
Haymond, Gary L. |
Henkle, Larry |
Henson, Don |
Henson, Robert |
Hermanstorfer, Donald H. |
US Army |
SP4, enlisted Oct 1966, discharged October 1968 |
Hiatt, Dennis Dwight |
US Army |
Enlisted 27 Jul 1964, Discharged 22 Jul
1966 |
Hildebrand, John |
Hilton, Jerry |
Hilton, Larry |
Hircock, Donald |
Hochstetler, Clair |
US Army
Hollen, Michael |
Holliday, Russell |
Hood, Stephen |
Hope, Jack |
Horn, Thomas |
Howard, Brian V. |
US Army
326th Med Battalion,
101st Airborne Division, Oct 1972-Oct 1974
Howard, Rex |
Howard, Ron |
Hubbard, Virgil |
Hulbert, David J. |
Hunt, Loel |
by the County
Coordinator |
This page was created in January 2011.
This page was last updated Wednesday, 26-Feb-2025 11:57:39 CST