


Smith |
Name |
of Death |
Page |
Number |
No. |
Place |
Smith, Alpha Omega |
1913 |
95 |
118 |
Earlham Cemetery |
Smith, Amy
- (1y 10m
26d) |
1880 |
15 |
Cemetery - Webster Township |
Smith, Anna P. (Roberson) |
1901 |
McDonald - Chase Cemetery |
Smith, Anna Paulina |
1910 |
61 |
43 |
Pleasant View Cemetery |
Smith, Asa Burrell |
1914 |
114 |
43 |
Primitive Baptist Cemetery |
Smith, Bertha E.
- (1y 2m 16d) |
1881 |
143 |
Macksburg Cemetery/Moon Cemetery |
Smith, Billie |
1910 |
61 |
44 |
Penn Center Cemetery |
Smith, Byrum E. |
1908 |
13 |
151 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Carrie E. |
1898 |
Boonville Cemetery, Boone Township, Dallas, Iowa |
Charles H. |
1906 |
1 |
11 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Clarice E.
- (4y) |
1901 |
Earlham Cemetery |
Smith, Dale Leroy (2m 6d) |
1911 |
68 |
123 |
Clark Cemetery |
Smith, Edward Raymond
(Infant) |
1904 |
Union Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Township |
Smith, Elizabeth (Rouorp) |
1886 |
348 |
Blair Chapel
Cemetery |
Smith, Ella Abby (Best) |
1914 |
117 |
83 |
Union Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Township |
Smith, Elsie
- (4m) |
1906 |
4 |
40 |
Union Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Township |
Smith, Etna |
1915 |
117 |
84 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Ettie
- (1y 11m
24d) |
1881 |
144 |
Unknown Cemetery - Unknown Location |
Smith, Female
- (4d) |
1893 |
400 |
St. Charles Cemetery |
Smith, Florence (Infant) |
1901 |
Moon Cemetery |
Smith, Francine |
1918 |
169 |
65 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Fred W. |
1912 |
89 |
44 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Gail Albert
- (1y) |
1894 |
412 |
Wight Cemetery |
Smith, George W. |
1907 |
29 |
170 |
Blair Chapel Cemetery |
Smith, George W. |
1910 |
55 |
139 |
Jefferson - Goar Cemetery |
Smith, Girty
- (26y) |
1894 |
408 |
Oakland, Ohio - hard to read |
Smith, Hannah Jennie
(Morrill) |
1919 |
174 |
120 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Harvey |
1915 |
119 |
101 |
Bennett Cemetery |
Smith, Henry |
1881 |
177 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Hobart
- (9m) |
1902 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Hoyt W. |
1903 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Infant |
1912 |
84 |
143 |
Moon Cemetery |
Smith, Infant |
1916 |
140 |
14 |
Blacked out on Death Register |
Smith, Ira |
1893 |
398 |
St. Cemetery, Clarke Co. Iowa |
James |
1896 |
418 |
Unknown Cemetery - Unknown Location |
Smith, James Watson |
1914 |
110 |
149 |
Smith, James Watson |
1890 |
395 |
Unknown Cemetery - Unknown Location |
Smith, Jessie V. |
1916 |
142 |
39 |
Smith, John
- (4m) |
1883 |
279 |
Unknown Cemetery - Scott Township, Madison, Iowa |
Smith, John M. |
1899 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, John O. |
1913 |
94 |
106 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Judy |
1881 |
152 |
U. P. Church Cemetery - Unknown location |
Smith, Leonard |
1893 |
404 |
Boons Grave Yard - location unknown |
Smith, Levi |
1894 |
413 |
Primitive Baptist Cemetery |
Smith, Lydia Ellen (Batten) |
1911 |
74 |
15 |
Clark Cemetery |
Smith, Margaret M.
(Mitchell) |
1914 |
105 |
88 |
Montpelier Cemetery |
Smith, Marian C. |
1884 |
308 |
Union Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Township |
Smith, Martha Minerva (Devault) |
1913 |
93 |
86 |
Penn Center Cemetery |
Smith, Mary (Richardson) |
1902 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Mary Mahala (Little) |
1917 |
146 |
85 |
King Cemetery |
Smith, Mary Matilda
(Pender) |
1919 |
177 |
164 |
Primitive Baptist Cemetery |
Smith, Mathias Johnson |
1918 |
171 |
88 |
Stringtown Cemetery |
Smith, Melvina (Kingery) |
1916 |
134 |
122 |
Hamblin Cemetery |
Smith, Minerva (Rutty) |
1918 |
161 |
121 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Nellie |
1913 |
94 |
107 |
Primitive Baptist Cemetery |
Smith, Nettie A. (Redman) |
1911 |
67 |
109 |
St. Charles Cemetery |
Smith, Olive Fern |
1913 |
102 |
53 |
Hamblin Cemetery |
Smith, Olive J. (Jones) |
1899 |
Primitive Baptist Cemetery |
Smith, Olive Luzell
- (3y 28d) |
1906 |
1 |
12 |
Hamblin Cemetery |
Smith, Orris Hoadley |
1910 |
55 |
140 |
Pleasant View Cemetery |
Smith, Persis Ann (Dunwell) |
1901 |
St. Charles Cemetery |
Smith, Polly |
1880 |
6 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Rachel (Boardman) |
1908 |
11 |
123 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Roscoe C. |
1908 |
11 |
124 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Sarah Lavina (Smith) |
1914 |
107 |
110 |
Blair Chapel Cemetery |
Smith, Stephen C. |
1902 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, Thomas Ernest (1d) |
1915 |
120 |
116 |
Peru Cemetery |
Smith, Walter Scott |
1898 |
Wight Cemetery |
Smith, William |
1898 |
Winterset Cemetery |
Smith, William |
1901 |
McDonald - Chase Cemetery |
Smith, William Alexander |
1908 |
33 |
28 |
Penn Center Cemetery |
Smith, William C. |
1914 |
114 |
44 |
St. Patrick Cemetery |
Smith, Willie |
1881 |
Clayton's Cemetery - Unknown location |
by the County Coordinator |
page was created on Jun 26, 2007.
This page was last updated Wednesday, 07-Jun-2023 16:29:17 CDT