This society was
organized by Dr. J. A. Nash in January 1856, with a
membership of sixteen, namely: R. E. Beal, Richard Beal, Jemimi
Beal, R. Bickel, Jane Bickel, Sm. Charlock, E. Ellige, J. Ellige,
C. Alcorn, S. McElrane, Sarah McElrane, M. Moody, and M. D.
Leonard. Services were held wherever a room could be
secured until 1859. In 1857 Rev. Alfred W. Russell
became the pastor, giving this charge half of his time. In 1858 a
lot was secured and work was begun on the erection of a stone
church. The work was slow. The completion of the stone walls
exhausted all the available funds, when Deacon Read
sold a farm and used the proceeds in finishing the building. Judge
Leonard seated the house and built the pulpit.
From the
time the church was dedicated until the new church was built there
was scarcely a Sunday that some kind of religious services were
not held within its walls. The new church building was commenced
in 1886. It was completed and dedicated February 20, 1887.

Baptist Church of Winterset |
On the
morning of February 12, 1905, from some unknown cause the building
caught fire and was burned out, leaving the walls standing in such
condition that they could not be used in rebuilding the edifice.
Work was immediately begun on another building and funds
were soon secured which, supplemented by the amount received for
insurance, enabled the congregation to complete the work. The new
building was dedicated December 31, 1905, at
which time enough money was pledged to pay the entire
indebtedness. This is now the largest and most beautiful church in
the county.
The following have been some of the
pastors of this church since inception through 1915: Alfred W. Russell served the
church at the time the first building was erected. He was
succeeded by W. A. Eggleston, who served for several
years. He resigned on account of poor health and died soon
afterwards. Next came O. T. Conger, who was
succeeded by Reverends Garton, Delano, John
Gulton, W. A. Welsher, W. A. Weaver and G. C. Peck, the latter being the pastor at
the time the second church building was dedicated. He served the
church for several years, during which time the membership was
greatly increased. Then followed the Revs. C. Holmes, Anthony
Jacobs, P. H. McDowell, and Fred Berry.
During the pastorate of the latter, the church flourished as never
before. Before coming to Winterset he had been engaged in
evangelistic work and this characterized his labors while pastor
here. For a time thereafter the pulpit was vacant and then came Rev.
Fred Berry, whose successor was Reverend Atwood,
who died within a short time of leaving the charge. He was
followed by Reverend Stewart, whose successor was Reverend Moon. The
church continued to thrive but was again the victim of a
devastating fire on February 5, 1992. All that was left standing
were the exterior walls and sadly, many of the church records were
destroyed. On April 8, 1992, the church received a $640,000
insurance settlement plus $30,000 for removal of the remaining
debris. In
July of 1992, the church announced plans to build a new building
on 5 acres of land on West Jefferson Street. A swap of the old
church land was part of the deal for the new land. The new church
was built and first services there were held on February 7, 1993.
The members of First Baptist Church voted to change their name to
New Bridge Church on December 16, 2012. 
Bridge Church (Dedicated in 1993) Photo
courtesy of Linda Smith ___________________
of Madison County and its People, Volume 1, Herman Mueller,
The S. J. |
Clarke Publishing Company,
1915, Chicago, Illinois |
Source: 2.
Baptist Church by A. Jacobs, Winterset Madisonian, February 12,
1992 (This was a church history salvaged from the 1992 fire) |
Source: 3.
Baptist to Rebuild on City's West Side, Winterset Madisonian, July
22, 1993, Page 1 |
Source: 4.
Fire Sparks
Major Changes for Baptist Congregation, Winterset
Madisonian, February 24, 1 993, Page 12 |
Source: 5.
Winterset News,
Anniversary Edition, October 13, 1938, Page 18 |