is one rural church in Madison county that probably longer and more
continuously associated with the history of the county than any
other. That is the Elm Grove Methodist church down in the southeast
corner of Scott township.
this late day, local historians are fortunate in locating one man, a
former resident, who was associated with that congregation at its
very beginning here. Now living in California, Cal Ogburn, has
written a history of that church to be filed in this county’s
historical archives. This story is based upon Ogburn’s story.
history of the Elm Grove church starts with the infiltration of the
earliest settlers into that part of the county. As early as 1849,
within three years after the first settler arrived here, an
organization of Methodists had been formed in this part of the
It was known as “Allcock’s,” after its most prominent
member, Norval S. Allcock, who then lived where the town of Hanley
is now.
Among the other families making up the congregation were the
Rays, the Ogburns, the Allens, the Grays and the Johnsons.

Grove Church - Scott Township
Courtesy of the Allen Family |
describes Allcock as follows:
“He had come to Madison county by way of Missouri, from
Virginia in 1847, bringing with him a type of Methodism that was
as inflexible as the famed edicts of the Medes and Per—ans. I
have known many religious controversialists in my life, but never
one who was quite as unyielding as he.”
several years the services of this congregation were held in
Allcock’s log cabin home.
The organization was included with five others in Madison
and Warren counties and constituted what was known as the Three
Rivers Mission.
The Rev. George W. Teas was the circuit rider in charge.
the fall of 1851, Norval Allcock sold his farm at Hanley and
purchased Hiram Hurst’s second homestead in Secs. 20 and 29 of
South township.
When he moved to his new location, which was a mile east of
the present Elm Grove church, he took with him the meeting place
of the Methodist organization, of which he was the most prominent
the county settled up and the congregation grew, the group started
meeting in a little log school house in that vicinity.
original Elm Grove church building was not built until 1866.
Even at that date, its construction must have been at great
sacrifice to the pioneer congregation, for its cost was $1,500,
and that was a great deal of money in a frontier community where
there was very little cash. Furthermore, the tenants of the
Methodist faith required that the building must be three-fourths
paid for before it could be started, and must be completely free
of debt before it could be dedicated. Although the building was
completed in 1866, it was not dedicated until four years later.
the pioneers were in no financial position to build a church in
1866, their hand was practically forced, according to Ogburn, by
the following reasons: “Members in the organization had dropped
off sharply that year, in spite of a lengthily series of revival
meetings. This was partly due to the fact that the little log
school house then being used was entirely inadequate as a meeting
place. It was cold, dreary, and too small. Furthermore it was to
be torn down that summer and replaced with a stone building, of
which the location would make it unfeasible as a meeting place. In
addition, there was the menace of the “Democrat Methodists,”
an organization of which had been made in the neighborhood three
years before, and was growing rapidly.”
the original Elm Grove church was built in the spring and summer
of 1866, mostly of native material, with the members of the
congregation doing most of the work. The building was of frame,
with native walnut furnishings. Its specifications were 24 by 36
feet, and it was built on a site donated by Barnabus Ray,
grandfather of Cal Ogburn.
years later, on June 19, 1870, the edifice was formally dedicated.
The pastor at that time was the Rev. E. A. Winning. The dedication
sermon was preached by the Rev. H. H. O’Neal, of Winterset.
the pioneers were in no financial position to build a church in
1866, their hand was practically forced, according to Ogburn, by
the following reasons: “Members in the organization had dropped
off sharply that year, in spite of a lengthily series of revival
meetings. This was partly due to the fact that the little log
school house then being used was entirely inadequate as a meeting
place. It was cold, dreary, and too small. Furthermore it was to
be torn down that summer and replaced with a stone building, of
which the location would make it unfeasible as a meeting place. In
addition, there was the menace of the “Democrat Methodists,”
an organization of which had been made in the neighborhood three
years before, and was growing rapidly.”
the original Elm Grove church was built in the spring and summer
of 1866, mostly of native material, with the members of the
congregation doing most of the work. The building was of frame,
with native walnut furnishings. Its specifications were 24 by 36
feet, and it was built on a site donated by Barnabus Ray,
grandfather of Cal Ogburn.
years later, on June 19, 1870, the edifice was formally dedicated.
The pastor at that time was the Rev. E. A. Winning. The dedication
sermon was preached by the Rev. H. H. O’Neal, of Winterset.
citizens of the community provided the necessary funds to purchase
lumber to build this church and great grandfather Hoover, hauled
the lumber by wagon and team from Keokuk, Iowa. As this was
the only place of worship for miles around, everyone helped build
and this building served as a community center until 1904 when the
new church, which now stands just south of the place where the old
church stood, was built.
of the older generation have passed away and most of them sleep in
one of the two cemeteries—one a mile west of the Church and one
a mile east of the Church.
Sources: 1.
Cal Ogburn, "Early History of Elm Grove
Church," Winterset Madisonian, May 5, |
1940, page 1. |
2. Madison County Atlas,
1966, MIdwest Atlas Co, Freemont, Nebraska, page 108. |
For another interesting take
on this church, see Elm Grove Church..., by Cal
Ogburn, The Winterset Madisonian, November 5, 1931, page
4. |