Earlham Church of Christ

Photo courtesy of Google Maps


The Church of Christ at Earlham, Iowa was organized in the early part of 1912 and on the 4th day of June in that year was incorporated, the articles being signed by the charter members, namely: Mrs. Fannie Anderson, Mrs. W. A. Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Bechtel, Mr. & Mrs. O. W. Chester, C. C. Couch, Mr. and Mrs. John Drake, S. M. Drake, Dolores Dudley, Velma Dudley, Mrs. W. H. Dudley, J. E. England, Mrs. M. A. England, Mrs. George Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Erl Hays, Charles W. Henry, Mrs. M. C. Hillan, Sarah Hillan, Blanch Mleynek, Frank Mleynek, Mabel Mleynek, Mary Mleynek, Mrs. S. C. Moreland, H. R. Neff, I. D. Neff, Mr. & Mrs. John G. Neff, Lester Neff, Lois Neff, N. I. Neff, S. I. Nunnamacker, Sarah Nunnamacker, Byron Payne, Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Payne, Inez Payne, Paul N. Payne, Truman Payne, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Price, Frank J. Prohaska, Hallie Rhode, Mrs. L. J. Rhode, Vada C. Rhode, Viola M. Schlarb, Leah Stanley, Emma Wagner, Mrs. Hannah Wagner, Ida E. Wagner, Minnie Wagner, Roxie Wicks, Mrs. Laura E. Williams.


On July 21, the matter of a permanent home was discussed. E. H. Payne, S. C. Moreland, and C. C. Couch were appointed a building committee. Subscription for a church home was begun February 4, 1913.  Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Neff heading the list with a pledge of $1,000 and later lots were purchased of R. Hayden on the east side of North Chestnut Street, upon which a handsome church edifice was erected, at a cost of $8000. From the beginning, until the building was dedicated, services were held in the Earlham Academy building.1

Original Earlham Church of Christ


The church was dedicated September 27, 1914 by Rev. A. M. Haggard, of Des Moines.  Clarence N. Bigelow was student pastor at the time of dedication. The first pastor assigned to preach to this congregation was Rev. J. A. Hutchings. As of 1915, the church had 70 members. A Ladies Aid Society and Christian Endeavor were also part of the church activities at the time the new building was dedicated. Dean Cachiaras was the first resident minister.  The present (1966) minister is Milton Hendrickson, who resides at Adel, Iowa.2


From inception to 1995, the church had 23 full time, part time and interim ministers.  The church has a camp north of Earlham known as Central Iowa Bible Camp which is used by central Iowa Churches of Christ and Christian churches who share the expenses. As of 1995, the church had 225 members. Preparation for building a new church started in 1991, resulting in the building seen at the top of this page.



Source 1: History of Madison County and its People,Volume 1, Herman Mueller,

                The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1915, Chicago, Illinois

Source 2: Madison County, Iowa Atlas, 1966, Midwest Publishing Co,. Fremont, Nebraska.


Maintained by the County Coordinator

This page was created on January 24, 2023.
This page was last updated Tuesday, 30-Jul-2024 11:53:41 CDT .