known as) FIRST

Christian Church (Built in 1925/1965)
courtesy of Google Maps
The Church of Christ at Winterset, Iowa, was organized in the home
of Joseph Brinson, on the first Lord's Day in December 1852. Brother Irvin Gordon was the minister who gathered about him a few
Disciples and guided them on the day of their organization.
The charter members were as follows: Irvin Gordon, wife Sarah, and
daughter Martha; Jonathan Myers, wife Elizabeth, and daughter
Mary; William Gordon, wife Sarah, and daughter Nancy Jane; Caleb
Clark and wife Ruth; Joseph Brinson and wife Rebecca; William Bird
and wife Sarah; James Farris and Israel Miller and wife Syntha.
Meetings were held in the homes of the various members and for
some time in an upstairs room on the west side of the square.
In 1857, a frame building was constructed about three blocks west
of the northwest corner of the public square, where the home of
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence White now stands. This was a large
unpainted building built of our native oak and walnut, at the cost
of $1200. This building was used through the week for public
school classes.
The ministers who served the congregation during this time were
Irvin Gordon, Washington Short, G. W. Carpenter, J. B. Noe, D. R.
Dungan, and N. C. Corey (father of Abraham Corey).
About four years later they purchased a building belonging to the
Presbyterians. This building stood back of our present parsonage.
The ministers who served in this building were James Roach, Peter
Russell, James Conner, J. A. Walters, Charles Blanchard, Joel
Brown, O. P. Badger, J. K. Cornell, and O. H. Derry. Occasional
ministers were Butler Bird, Joseph Missildine, and Mr. Vawter.
A new frame building was erected in
1889 on the sight of our present building. The
pastors who served in this building were Revs. Wiskizer, Wells, A.
E. Major, J. M. Lowe 189?-1899, T. R. Hodkinson 1899-1900, A. D.
Veatch 1901-1903, J. H. Swift 1904-1905, O. M. Pennock 1906, S. D.
Harlan 1907-1908, R. E. House 1908, Ragan 1908-1909, Leonard F.
Davis 1909-1915, B. B. Burton 1915-1918, E. L. Hosier 1918-1919,
O. P. Ballenger 1919-1920, N C. Carpenter 1920-1921, E. Chancellor
1921-1924, and F Clare McCallon who came in 1924.
Our present parsonage was built in 1920 and the following year the
church was remodeled. A basement was excavated and the walls of
the church stuccoed.
In 1925, during the pastorate or Rev. McCallon, this building was
torn down and our present church building was erected at a cost of $40,000. In this
building the following pastors have served: Rev. F. Clare McCallon
1924-1928, H. L. Olmstead 1929-1938, and Tom Foglesong 1938-1947.
In 1945, the sanctuary was remodeled and an electric organ was
In 1945, our
sanctuary was remodeled, and the electric organ was purchased.
The dedication service was held May 6.
During the latter
part of 1945, the rooms to the north of the church were made into
a Youth Chapel. This was made possible by the efforts of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Burch.

of Christ (Built in 1889)
of Christ (Built in 1925)
The congregation
held its centennial celebration in 1952. About five years
after this time the discussion began concerning the need for
additional building facilities for the congregation. On
March 7, 1965, a dedication was held for the completed Educational
Building (see photo at top of page, left background building), with William E. Bowles as pastor.
Ministers serving this church from
1897 to present (1966) were: J. M. Lowe, J. R. Hodkinson, A. D.
Veatch, J. M. Swift, O. M. Pennock, S. D. Harlan, R. E. House, J.
H. Ragan, L. F. Davis, B. B. Burton, E. L. Hosier, O. P. Bellinger,
N. C. Carpenter, E. B. Chancellor, F. C. McCallon, H. L. Olmstead,
Tom Foglesong, Wilber Watkins, Isaac. E. Linkletter, Sherman Hanson,
Warren Hile, Robert Owens, W. E. Bowles.
1960, the congregation decided to opt out of their affiliation
with the national Church of Christ organization and instead
affiliate with the Disciples of Christ, also known as the
Christian Church. At that time the congregation adopted their present name of First Christian Church. In May 1991
the church held a recognition of all 50+ year members of the
church. At that time there were 78 who had been members for over
50 years, 31 were able to attend. The
church doors have been open to many groups who need a place to
gather. In the past a mental health group, a childcare group, Girl
Scouts, 4-H, Cub Scouts in addition to the Boy Scouts, AA and
Al-Anon have found a haven to gather for many years. Pastors
who have served after 1966 include Rev, Jandebeur, David
Livingston, Jerry Zanker, Robert Brite, Jr., George Lair and Bobby
Dickerson. Other people of note in this era were Lois Barr, first
Woman Elder, Edna Honnald who started the Christian Women's
Fellowship, Youth Director Vona Jobe, and Youth Director Nancy
Trask. ____________________
Source 1:
Church Centennial pamphlet, 1952. |
Source 2:
Madison County Atlas, 1966, Midwest Atlas Co, Freemont,
Nebraska. |
3: First Christian Church History, (Disciples of
Christ), by Lois Stuart, "Unofficial |
Historian", Winterset, Iowa, ca. 1997. |
Source 4 |
The Winterset
News, Anniversary Edition, October 13, 1938, Page 18 |
by the County
| |
This page was created on January 1, 2007.
This page was last updated Sunday, 28-May-2023 13:39:52 CDT