no longer need to open each census or census index to locate your
relative. For the convenience of our users, we have created a
composite of all the Madison County census indices for the
transcribed census shown in the table below. Census indices for all Federal censuses from 1850
through 1930 and Iowa State censuses from 1849 through 1895 plus
1925 are
now in one alphabetized master list titled the Composite Census
The counting of Madison County citizens began with
the Iowa State Census of 1849 which listed names of heads of the
household and the number of residents therein. This was followed the next
year by the 1850 Federal Census. Frequent Iowa state censuses
were taken early on and in 1885, became a decennial event through
These censuses have not been transcribed by Madison County
volunteers and are not in the Composite Census Index. To provide
you with
access to this information, the links take you to census
information at There is no cost to
not as comprehensive as government censuses, there have been
occasional tallies of specific categories of persons living in
Madison County for commercial purposes.