Winterset Cemetery

A photo of the Rock City Cemetery, circa early 1900s

(Photo courtesy of Gary Allen, Winterset, Iowa)



Recent Photos of the Winterset Cemetery

(Click on photo to enlarge)







Beth Gray, former Secretary/Treasurer of the Winterset Cemetery Improvement Association, presented the history of the Winterset Cemetery at the October 2016 meeting of the Madison County Genealogical Society.

The Winterset Cemetery belongs to the city and is located in the southeast part of Winterset.  Just before 1850, A.D, Jones platted “Original Winterset” marking the boundary, blocks, and lots. The cemetery ground was purchased for burial purposes by a pioneer citizen committee, chaired by Jones, that resolved the Winterset cemetery be “located on or near the northeast corner of the claim belonging to one Davis, on a ridge southeast of Winterset, which continued out from the residence of A. D. Jones and consisted of one acre of land lying south of a certain oak bush, as designated by said committee.”   In early days, it was known as the “Rock City Cemetery” due to the extensive limestone deposits surrounding Winterset.

We know only a little about early burials because no records were kept until 1878 nor during the years of 1884, 1885, and 1886.  The first burial was a small child; possibly an Indian child.  The first adult was John Moon.  His monument does not give the date of death but it evidently was in the early fall of 1850 as he died from over eating green corn and watermelons – to be exact:  1 ½ dozen ears of corn and 2 watermelons and he drank a gallon of buttermilk.  He died during the night.  The oldest marked grave is that of John R. Farwell who died April 10, 1851.


For many years, Chapter A.G. of the PEO sisterhood had taken on the beautification of the cemetery.  The pavilion or gazebo, which is still in place today, was built by the PEO sometime before 1900 and is located on the northwest corner of the Original Cemetery.  In 1907 the Chapter had the roof of the pavilion painted and planted vines around the building which they hoped would soon furnish shade for those who wished to rest there.  They supervised construction of several of the driveways and planting of trees.   Iron arches were put up over each of the large gates with the lettering “Rock City Cemetery” and an iron fence was erected.

These projects were done with the assistance of the city council who advanced one-half of the money necessary to defray the expense, but the plans, correspondence and supervision of the work were all done by the ladies.  In June of 1909, the PEO chapter placed before the public the need of a permanent cemetery association.  There were such associations in many towns, where the population and wealth were more limited than in Winterset, so the ladies felt that Winterset could also support a cemetery association.  These associations were mainly composed of the women of the towns who looked after the cemeteries, so the PEO took the initiative in this movement and called a town meeting in order to awaken an interest in the proposal.  They hoped that an official association would involve the citizens of Winterset to assist the women with the upkeep of the cemetery.

The Winterset Cemetery Improvement Association was formed on June 11, 1909 at a meeting held in the court room of the Madison County Courthouse in Winterset at 3:00 p.m.  A full set of officers was elected and Articles of Incorporation were written.   This Association still manages the care of the cemetery.

After a survey for the Cemetery Association was completed, the first lot was sold to Fred Mardis on June 28, 1910, and the first grave was dug on Lot 250 for the remains of S.O. Banker which were moved from the Original Cemetery.  The first regular funeral was held on October 26, 1910, when Edward W. Templeman was buried by Civil War Veteran organization, the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.).

The Cemetery Association made plans to extend and beautify the “city of the dead.”  Lots which were overgrown had been cleared and in several instances stones were found marking graves which had been concealed so long that no one knew they were there.  While many lots had been carefully tended, they were spoiled by an overgrown space nearby.  Uniformity was what the association’s goal and it hoped to be able to interest non-residents in paying yearly dues, initially set at $1.00.

The date that the tool shed was built was not found, but on July 10, 1911, a fire destroyed the first tool house and contents.  The new tool shed cost $774.50 of which the Association paid half with the City of Winterset paying the other half.  In the minutes of the annual meeting of the Improvement Association, additional enhancements were noted including a well to be dug near the new tool house and trees to be planted to replace evergreen and hard maple trees that had died.

The cemetery grounds have expanded considerable over these many years.  Records show that the Original Cemetery of 1½ acres was purchased from Otho and Jane Davis on May 10, 1855, for $20.00.  Thirteen additions have since been added between 1869 through 2006, and the cemetery consists of approximately 40 acres in 2016.  The 1905 Addition consists of one row located just north of the Original Cemetery.  In 1975, an alley running through the 1910 Addition was closed and became the one-row 1975 Addition, just south of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.  Baby Row or Babyland, located in the very northwest corner just south of East Summit Street, was created in 1962.



In 1913 workmen were busily engaged in erecting the Crawford mausoleum in the cemetery for the family of A.W. Crawford.  It was built by a firm in Buffalo, NY, is of Barre, Vermont granite, and is finished on the inside with white marble and a stained glass window in the north wall.  It is a handsome structure and was built with a permanency that was calculated to stand through the ages of time.  It contains eight separate vaults or receptacles, faced with white marble and trimmed in bronze.  The will of Mr. Crawford left instructions for the sum of $500 to be paid to the Trustees of the Evening Star Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 43 of Winterset to be used to keep the mausoleum, walks, vases, grass, plants, etc. in good repair over the years.  This money was transferred to the Perpetual Care Fund of the Improvement Association in 1989 which then assumed all future responsibility for the care and maintenance of the mausoleum.


In 1919 The Madison County Supervisors favorably replied to a petition by the War Memorial Association of Madison County to levy a tax of one mil on the dollar on all taxable property in Madison County for the purpose of erecting a soldiers’ monument in the Winterset Cemetery.   The land for the monument was, at that time, owned by the War Memorial Association.  The memorial was to be in memory of all soldiers and sailors of Madison County.  The Board of Supervisors levied for $8,000 for the Soldiers Monument and $8,050 was the amount needed to manufacture and put it in place by Wilson & Clark of Winterset.  The monument stands in the center of the memorial plot rising 21 feet high.  The base, which is 14 feet high, is of Barre granite topped by the figure of a WW I soldier which is cast in bronze.  This soldier is 7 feet high with his uniform and equipment in exact detail.  Chiseled in the pedestal are the words “Erected by the People of Madison County, Iowa as a grateful tribute to the memory of its soldiers and sailors.”  Granite markers at the base of the monument are arranged in the shape of a star.  The monument was unveiled on Sunday, November 14, 1921, during a snow storm with bad roads preventing many from attending the service; however, a long line of autos joined the procession carrying patriotic organizations along with other dignitaries.  The parade moved to the cemetery in the following order:  Women’s auxiliary to American Legion, Pitzer post G.A.R., Pitzer W.R.C., Red Cross representatives, flag bearers, and gold star families.


In 1921 a new imposing gateway at the northwest entrance to Rock City cemetery was erected which is built of mat-faced polychrome brick in shades of red and brown.  The posts and connecting walls are capped with Bedford stone.  The main entrance for vehicles is fourteen feet wide, flanked by eight foot posts which were originally topped with wrought iron lanterns for electric lights.  Between these posts and the connecting walls are foot gates about four feet wide.  The entire length of the structure is about 66 feet.

On Memorial Day of 1934 the Women’s Relief Corps dedicated a shaft in honor of Winterset’s Pitzer post of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) whose members were Civil War veterans.  The ceremony took place in the old part of the cemetery where the shaft is placed on the unknown soldier's plot near the Crawford mausoleum.  A row of Civil War soldiers are buried to the south of the shaft.

In 1980, members of Winterset’s Green Rogers post of the American Legion Post 184 started a county-wide fund drive to raise money for a monument which is located just north of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ monument.  This monument honors the dead from World War II, the Korean Conflict, and Viet Nam. In 1960, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #8142 placed memorial flag holders at each soldiers’ gravestones for displaying flags at certain times of the year.

The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs were granted the right and privilege of erecting and maintaining a memorial structure in the cemetery in 1989.  The memorial was designed by Robert White of Des Moines Monument Company with Bob Bass and Ted McDonald helping with the overall planning.  The lodge bought three lots so there would be enough space to provide a good perspective of the monument.  It is located just east of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ monument and is dedicated to the lodge’s deceased members and their work in our community.  One side commemorates the Odd Fellows and the other, the Rebekahs.

According to cemetery records, a Baby Row was laid out in 1962 on the western part of the cemetery just south of East Summit Street.  The monument in this section is inscribed “The Garden of the Innocent.”  The oldest grave found in the area is dated 1979.

The Garden of Memories, a solid-stone Columbarium, was added to the Winterset Cemetery in 2003 located north of East Summit Street.   The Columbarium serves as a receptacle for cremains.  The structure, made of Barre gray granite, has 32 spaces (niches) which will hold two cremation urns.  Each niche measures 12 inches by 12 inches by 18 inches in length.  A feature memorial is located adjacent to the columbarium including a flag pole and flag.  The underground wiring was installed and provided by the Winterset electric department and the flag pole and flag were donated by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #8142 of Winterset.

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