Albert Lincoln Amsberry M.D.
Albert Lincoln Amsberry, M.D., who has established a fine medical practice at Lester, Lyon County, was born in Knoxville township, Marion County, Iowa, November 24, 1866. His father, Horace Allen Amsberry, is a native of West Virginia, where he was born September 5, 1833. He owned and operated a farm, and after his day's work was done he would make and mend shoes until far into the night. Through his untiring industry he improved and stocked his farm, and in his
old age lives in comfort and ease. His mother, Mary Jane Blain Amsberry, was also born in West Virginia, in 1839.
In March 1856, she married the father, and the same spring they removed to Iowa, where they still reside. They have reared a family of ten children, seven boys and three girls, of whom Dr. A.L. Amsberry is the third. The grandfather on the paternal side was born in New York, March 31, 1789, and the grandmother in Chelsea, Vermont, in 1796. They removed to West Virginia, where they brought up a large family, and in 1868 came to Marion County, Iowa, to live out their days.
The maternal grandparents were natives of Ohio and Massachusetts respectively, and they also removed to Mason County, West Virginia, where they died after long and useful lives. Dr. Amsberry entered the Normal Institute in Marion County following the completion of his education in the common schools. He then engaged in school teaching, which avocation he followed from 1886 to 1889. Having selected the profession of medicine, he entered the medical department of the State University in September, 1889. He attended college and taught school alternately until March, 1891, when he entered upon the duties of attendant at the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mt. Pleasant. He served in that capacity until September 1, when he was promoted to the position of dispensary clerk. That place he held until September, 1892, when he returned to the State University and completed the medical course, receiving his diploma March 15, 1893.
Immediately thereafter he located in Lester, where he has since been engaged in active practice. In August, 1894, he passed a successful examination before the State Pharmacy Board, and later purchased the drug business of Brooks & Willand. He conducted this store for one year, when he formed a partnership with C.P. Grove, under the firm name of C.P. Grove & Company, and in May, 1897, disposed of the store to Rowland Jones and retired from the drug business to devote his whole attention to his practice.
He is an active member of the Lyon County Medical Society, the Sioux Valley Medical Society and the Iowa State Association of Railway Surgeons. He is a member of three secret organizations, the Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen of America and the A.O.U.W. He is Past Grand of the I.O.O. F. and secretary of the M.W.A. He is a member of the M.E. church.
Dr. Amsberry was married to Miss Jessie L. Pingrey at Lester, Iowa, February 13, 1895. They have two children: Francis Merl and Donald Pingrey.
Webization by Kermit Kittleson - Sept. 2006