Homes of the Past
The oldest house in Larchwood,
the Mrs. A.E. Bothwell residence.
"The Big House," as it is locally known, was built in 1881 by the English company and was designed and used for a time as a "Home for the English". It is a large roomy frame structure, beautifully located amid trees and surrounded by a commodious lawn. Mr. L.E. McGilvra, local agent for the Sykes estate, is the present occupant. (From Photography by J.R. Parker.) ![]()
Early scene on the Phillip Heyer farm that he purchased from Sykes Bros, showing the company house and stable. Left to Right: Herman on the horse; Ferdinand and Louie on binders; Bertha (Mrs. Henry Horn); Phillip Heyer, Mrs. Heyer; Amanda (Mrs. Thomas Norris); Emil Thiessen.
The Martin Ruud home, Left to right: Mr. Ruud, Grandpa Ruud, Mrs. Ruud, and Grandma Nels Peterson holding Hilda Rudd. Martin Ruud built this home near the Sioux River in Sioux Township, west of Larchwood. This farm is still occupied by the Ruud family.
Residence of Mayor W.H. Bradley in the east end.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley entertained extensively and their large, roomy home was an ideal place to visit.
(From Photograph by Satterlee.)
Residence of Mr. Chas. Shade in the east end.
One of the finest residences in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Shade entertained frequently and the social gatherings at their home were invariably a success, due largely to the social tact and popularity of Mrs. Shade. Mrs. Shade was a sister of W.H. Bradley.(From Photograph by J.R. Parker.)