Compendium of History Reminiscence
& Biography of Lyon County"Compendium of History Reminiscence and Biography of Lyon County, Iowa". Published under the auspices of the Pioneer Association of Lyon County. Geo. Monlun, Pres.; Hon. E. C. Roach Sec’y; and Col. F. M. Thompson, Historian. Geo. A. Ogle & CO., Published, Engravers and Book Manufacturers. Chicago, 1904-1905
- Chapter I
- Chapter 2
- Early Settlement
- Town Plats
- Business Commencements
- First Events
- George Monlux's Recollections of Early Days
- Chapter 3
- Organization of the County
- Townships of the County
- County Seat and Court House
- Poor Farm
- County Jail
- List of County Officials
- Chapter 4
- Incorporated Villages
- The County Fair
- Medical Profession
- Newspapers of the County
- Population
- Marriage Record
- Public Schools
- Political Standing
- Pioneers' Association
- Grand Army of the Republic
- Roster of Dunlap Post, May 28, 1904
- Woman's Relief Corps--Rock Rapids
- Company D, Iowa National Guard
- The Masonic Order--Rock Rapids
- Independent order of Odd Fellows
- Encampment
- The Rebekah Degree
- Knights of Pythias
- Brotherhood of American Yeomen
- The Modern Woodmen of America
- The Royal Neighbors
- Dentistry
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter--8
- Chapter 9
- To the Historian
- Lyon County National Bank -- First National Bank, Rock Rapids
- Savings Bank of Larchwood
- The Little Rock Bank
- Farmers' Bank of Inwood
- First National Bank of Doon
- The Farmers' Savings Bank of George
- Bank of Lester, Iowa
- Alvord Bank
- George Savings Bank
- The Iowa Savings Bank
- Peoples Savings Bank, Inwood
- Security Savings Bank of Little Rock
- Chapter 10
- Pioneer Hospitality
- Early Mail Service
- The Grasshopper Plague
- Great Fires
- Blizzard and Flood Period
- Caught in a Blizzard
- Destructive Hail Storm
- An Early Day Law Suit
- The Northeast Part of Lyon County
- Early Days in Lyon County
- The Telephone
- The Happy Old Settler
- Reminiscence
- Early Days
- Amusing Incidents of Early Days
- South West Part of Lyon County
- Blizzards
- Chapter 11 -- Biographies
Transcribed by Roseanna Zehner, Darlene Jacoby and Diane Johnson