Cornell College -
(Mt. Vernon, IA)

President Charles Wesley Flint

Read his message
(p. 24)
From pages 26-31
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William Stahl Ebersole, A.B., A.M., Litt.D., Greek and
John Robert Van Pelt, A.B., A.M., Philosophy and Biblical
Harry McCormick
Kelly, A.B., A.M., LL.D., Biology.
George E. Ritchey, B.S., Agriculture.

Cora Stella Anderson, Mus. Bac., Piano.
Parmelia Allen, Mus. Bac., Violin.
Elsie Beatrice
Lincoln, Mus. Bac., Piano.
Rose Evelyn Baker, Ph.B., Director of the School of Oratory.

Nicholas Knight, A.B., A.M.,
Ph.D., Chemistry
Henry Albert Mills, Director of the Art School.
Albert Samuel Keister, A.B., A.M., Economics.
Clarence Ray Aurner, A.B., Ph.M., Ph.D., Education.

William Harrison
Head, A.B., A.M., Public Speaking and Debate.
Grace Alexander
Spurgin, Physical Training.
Orrin Harold Smith, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Physics.
Letha M. Jones, A.B., A.M., Psychology.

Frederick Milton
McGaw, A.B.,
A.M., B.S., Mathematics and Manual Training.
Elmer Earl Moots, M.S., C.E., Engineering and Mathematics.
Clyde Tull, A.B., A.M., English
Elisa Gertrude
Madison, A.B., A.M., Instructor in English and
Dean of Bowman Hall.

Guy Mortimer Knox, A.B., Romance Languages.
Ruby Wade, A.B., Romance Languages.
Anna Louise Smyth, A.B., A.M., Romance Languages.
Ivan Doseff, B.S., Director of Physical Training and Instructor
in Russian.

M. Lillian Smedley, Ph.B.,
William Harmon
Norton, A.B., A.M., LL.D., Geology.
Charles Reuben
Keyes, A.B., A.M., Ph.B., German Language and
Henry Clay Stanclift, Ph.B., Ph.D., History and Politics.

Ray Norris Miller, A.B., A.M., Sociology.
Jessie Rigby, Librarian.
May Fairbanks, Librarian.
Josephine Hutchinson, A.B., A.M., Physical Education for Women.

Florence Ethel
Busse, A.B., Instructor in Home Economics and
Dean of Women.
Claire Purmort, B.S., Home Economics.
John Merrill Bridgham, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Latin.
Mary Burr Norton, B.S., M.S., A.M., Mathematics.

Helena Trieschman, A.B., B.S., English.
Clifford Lovell
Mack, History and Economics and High School
Alice Betts, Secretary to the President.
E.R. Ristine, Penmanship and Bookkeeping.

Frank Holcomb Shaw, Mus. Bac., Director of the Conservatory of
Horace Alden Miller, Mus. Bac., Organ, Harmony, and
John Leonard Conrad, Mus. Bac., Instructor in Voice.
Isabel Cline, Pupil of Torrens, Instructor in Voice.

Laura Fraser Ristine, Office Secretary.
Robert Frank Cornell, Commercial Branches and Civics.
Louise M. Brockman, Matron of Bowman Hall.
Elsie Barrett, Financial Secretary.

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