Click on above image to enlarge.
The above photo belonged to Alice Swomley and is believed to have been
taken when Alice was in 8th or 9th grade, circa 1940 or 1941. Alice is
one of the girls shown in the photo, but we do not have identification
for anyone else shown. Can you help us?

Click thumbnail to enlarge.
Alice and a number of her classmates signed the back of the photo, and those names have been transcribed below:
Norma Schmatt, Ruth Taw (?Zoe), Alice E. Swomley, Chas. Rasley, Marian
Taylor, Lewis Reed, Willis Sevire (or Swire?), Nancy Switzer, Sally
Stamats, Elaine Zarub, Dorothy Brim, Howard Stickels, Jimmy Ream, Bill
Sawage, Leona Seltrecht, Donald Wandel, Forrest Zody, Lynn
Whittenbaugh, Martin Pilicer, Darleen Price, Betty Jean Vande Walker,
Iona Seltrecht (pie), Bob Sheets, Pammy Shackell "Pinkie", LeEtta
Schrimper (LeE), Alice E. Swomley 894, Charles L. Douglass II.
To report a transcription error or to help identify individuals in the photo please contact the Linn County Coordinator. |
Contributed by Betsy Gerlach, June, 2015.

