ten companies of the Ninth Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry, were
ordered by Governor Samuel Kirkwood to rendezvous at Dubuque, as a part
of the quota of the State under the proclamation of the President dated
July 23rd, 1861, and were mustered into the service of the United
States on dates ranging from Sept. 2d to Sept 24th, 1861 by Captain E.
C. Washington, Unites States Army.
The Honorable William Vandever, then a member of Congress from Iowa,
was given authority by President Lincoln to organize this regiment from
the counties composing his district, and he was commissioned by
Governor Kirkwood as its first Colonel.
The last company was mustered in September 24, 1861 and 2 days later,
the regiment, with a strength of 977 officers and enlisted men, were
put on steam boats at Dubuque and transported to St. Louis. Upon
arrival, they were marched to Benton Barracks, where it received its
first supply of arms, clothing and camp equipment. The 9th remained
until October 11th, 1861, receiving such instruction in military drill
as could be given in so short a period of time. It was then ordered to
proceed to Franklin, Missouri, where regimental headquarters were
maintained, while companies were detached to different points for the
purpose of guarding the railroad from Franklin toward Rolla,
the 3 months in which the regiment remained on this duty, it suffered
greatly from exposure the the inclement winter weather, and like all
new regiments, was subjected to much sickness on account of exposure.
On December 31, 1861, the official returns showed a death loss of 17,
and 7 discharged from duty because of disability, total of 24 men; but
on that same day, it gained 38 by additional enlistments, and 4 by
transfer, for a net gain of 18, grand total officers and men, 995.
However, many were on the sick list, and the hardships the regiment had
to endure during the active winter campaign which followed, further
reduced its strength by roughly 1/2. On Jan 21, 1862, the detached
companies of the regiment were consolidated. The regiment was taken by
rail to Rolla, Mo. and from there began its first real campaign against
the enemy. It marched from Rolla to Lebanon, Mo., where it joined the
Army of the Southwest under the command of General Curtis. Colonel
Vandever was placed in command of the brigade to which his regiment was
attached. Lieut. Col. Frank J. Herron was then in command of the 9th
Confederate General Price evacuated Springfield in advance of the
approaching Union troops retreating toward the Ozark Mountains. The
Army of the Southwest pursuing left Springfield on Feb 14, 1862 and in
less than one month, marched over difficult road, in severe weather of
alternating snow and rain, a distance of 250 miles. When they reached
Cross Hollows, Arkansas, 300 men of the 9th Iowa Reg't was sent on
expedition to Huntsville, 40 miles away, to surprise and capture a
detachment of the enemy stationed there as a guard for commissary
but on reaching Huntsville, they found the place abandoned, and learned
the rebel army under General Van Dorn was marching to attack General
Curtis' army. Curtis had fallen back from Cross Hollows and taken a new
position at Pea Ridge. Not wanting to be cut off and taken by a
superior force, the detachment of Ninth Iowa at once started to rejoin
the command. After a continuous march of 16 hours covering 42 miles, it
reached the rest of the regiment at 8:00 pm, March 6th. With only a few
hours rest after this grueling march, these men went into battle at Pea
Ridge at 10 o'clock a.m. March 7th, 1862.
Pea Ridge Arkansas 
The enemy opened by a fierce attack on the Union lines, and the 9th
Iowa was in the thickest of the fight. The 1st attack was repulsed by
the Union forces and it advanced on the Confederates. But it was
compelled to retire under a terrific fire of muskets, grape and
canister from cannon. The battle continued the whole day with
alternating advantage through out the day. There were occasional
intervals, during which the men of both sides replenished ammunitions
and removed the wounded to the rear. The fighting was most persistent
and desperate, and in no battle of the war was the valor of the
American soldier more splendidly exhibited, on both sides. This was the
first time the 9th Iowa met the enemy in battle. Its officers and men
showed the steadiness and bravery of veterans. If this had been the
only service rendered by this regiment, it would have been entitled to
the lasting gratitude of every patriotic citizen of the Union, which
the 9th Iowa Regiment was defending against those in armed
At night the survivors lay on their arms, ready to renew the conflict
at dawn. Then the Union artillery opened on the enemy and the fire was
promptly returned. In his official report Col. Vandever says," At this
point, finding ourselves exposed to a raking fire from one of the
enemy's batteries on our right, we changed direction to the east. About
this time, the First Division coming into position on our left, we
joined in the general advance upon the enemy, the whole cavalry force
participating, and the artillery co-operating. The enemy here broke
into disorder, and the fortune of the day was decided in our
The entire rebel army was soon in full retreat, and the battle of Pea
Ridge ended in a brilliant victory for the Union army. At the close of
his official report Major General Curtis especially commended Col.
Vandever and the gallant troops of his brigade, and says, "To do
justice to all, I would spread before you the most of the rolls of this
army, for I can bear testimony to the almost universal good conduct of
officers and men, who shared with me the long march, the many conflicts
by the way, and the final struggle with the combined forces of Price,
McCulloch, McIntosh and Pike, under Major General Van Dorn, at the
battle of Pea Ridge."
The loss to the regiment was very heavy. Of the 560 who went into
battle, 4 commissioned officers and 34 enlisted men were killed, 5
commissioned officers and 171 enlisted men wounded, and 1 commissioned
officer and 3 enlisted men captured, making a total loss of nearly 40
%. of the aggregate number engaged. ¹
After the battle the regiment had only a brief season of rest. Its next
experience was a long, devious and trying march with the army of the
Southwest, through Missouri and Arkansas, covering six hundred miles
and ending at Helena, July 17, 1862. During this march the weather was
very warm and dry, and the troops suffered greatly from the heat, dust
and thirst, and , on the latter part of the march from insufficient
rations. For five weeks of this time the army was cut off from all
communication, but fortunately no considerable body of the enemy was
encountered and it at last arrived safely at Helena.
Here the regiment went into camp, and for the ensuing five months
enjoyed comparative immunity from the hardships and dangers of a
soldiers life. It was, however, rendering valuable service in holding
an important post, and the time was not spent in idleness. The officers
and men utilized the time to the best advantage, in perfecting
themselves in military drill and discipline, and, when they again
entered upon the duties of active campaigning, they were splendidly
equipped for the hard and continuous service which they were called
upon to perform during the remainder of their term of service. While
the regiment was in camp at Helena, a most pleasing incident occurred,
which deserves permanent preservation in this sketch and is thus
described by Lieutenant Colonel Abernethy in his "History of the Ninth
"At Helena a stand of beautiful silk colors reached us, sent by the
hands of Miss Phoebe Adams, in behalf of a committee of ladies of
Boston, Mass., as a testimonial of their appreciation of our conduct in
the battle of Pea Ridge. They were guarded and cherished while in the
regiment with religious care. After having been borne over many a proud
field, they were, by the unanimous voice of the regiment, given back,
riddled and torn - one to the original donors, the other to Brevet
Major General Vandever, our original Colonel, who, by his bravery and
decision at Pea Ridge and Arkansas Post, with the regiment, and by his
honorable record thereafter in other fields, won the confidence and
love of his regiment."
December 18, 1862, the regiment was again called into active service,
this time on the lower Mississippi, and was assigned to General
Thayer's Brigade of General Steele's Division of the Fifteenth Army
Corps. It participated in the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, December 28th
and 29th, where it maintained its good record for bravery under the
fire of the enemy. Lieutenant Colonel Abernethy, describing the part
taken by his regiment in this battle says, "The regiment, though under
fire the greater part of the 28th and 29th, was only engaged about half
an hour of the latter day. While the hardest fighting was in progress,
we were being transferred from a point above Chickasaw Bayou to where
the main army was massed, reaching there only to go into position as
others were falling back. We were soon withdrawn beyond the reach of
the rebel batteries lining the hills in our front, and next day
embarked, the attempt having been given over."

The regiment next went into camp on the Yazoo River above Vicksburg,
where it remained until the close of the year 1862.
The official returns show that, during the year, the regiment had
gained by additional enlistments 54, and by appointment 2; total gain
56. In the same time it had lost in killed in battle 43, died from
wounds 41, and from disease 37; total number of deaths 121; 178 were
discharged for disabilities; and 8 had deserted, making a total loss
for the year of 307. Its losses up to the 31st day of December, 1861
had been 24 and its gain by additional enlistment 42. It will be seen
that, in the one year and three months that the regiment had then
served, it had lost 331 officers and men, and had gained 98 by
additional enlistment. Its losses thus far had aggregated nearly
on-third of those originally mustered and gained by additional
enlistment, while it had just entered upon the second year of its three
year service.
Early in January, 1863, the regiment was engaged in the movement
against Arkansas Post, and on January 11th, when the attack upon the
fort was made, it was in the reserve line, waiting for the order to
move forward to the assault; but, before the order was given, the enemy
raised the white flag in token of surrender, and the regiment had the
pleasure of witnessing the fall of that stronghold without loss to
itself. January 24th found the regiment again in camp at Young's Point,
near Vicksburg.
this time, Colonel Vandever was promoted to Brigadier General, and the
officers and men of the Ninth Iowa, while rejoicing in his well
deserved promotion, felt that they were parting from one of the bravest
and most efficient commanders, and that it would be difficult to
determine who should succeed him. There was an excellent list of
officers from which to make the selection. Captain David Carskaddon of
Company K was elected and became the second Colonel of the
Lieutenant Colonel Abernethy, in
his history of the Ninth Iowa Infantry thus graphically describes the
experience of the regiment for the remainder of the winter of

The history of the regiment for these two months of February and March
is a tale of sorrow. The health of many of its members was already
undermined by a six months' sojourn in the miasmatic regions of the
Mississippi valley, and it seemed that but few could withstand the
debilitating and enervating influence of this insalubrious climate. The
smallpox came now, for the first time, into our ranks. Scores of our
number, hitherto stout and rugged, were prostrated past recovery, and
now lie buried in shallow graves about the hospitals which once stood
in that sickly region; while others only recovered completely, long
afterwards, in the mountains of Tennessee and Georgia, or on the sandy
plains of the Carolinas. The ordeal of the unpropitious months was the
more grievous because it had all the evils of the battlefield, with
none of its honors.
Every true soldier will admit the force and truth of the above
statement. The inspiration which comes to men in the midst of battle
sustains them in the performance of deeds of valor, but when it comes
to the struggle with disease and death, without the tender
ministrations of relatives and friends, far from home and all its
comforts, the men who endure and die, as well as those who endure and
live, must be sustained by a fortitude and courage even greater than
that which enables them to perform their whole duty when engaging the
enemy in battle.
During the month of April. 1863, the regiment participated in an
expedition to Greenville Miss., and farther into the interior, in which
it met the enemy in occasional skirmishes, but the object of the
expedition was accomplished without severe fighting. Upon its return
from this expedition, it entered into the campaign which ended in the
surrender of the rebel strongholds at Vicksburg and Jackson. Its
movements and operation are described by Lieutenant Colonel Abernethy,
as follows:
On the 2d day of May, leaving our tents standing at Milliken's Bend,
La., the regiment started in light marching order for Grand Guld,
crossed the Mississippi, and commenced on the 8th of May the march in
rear of Vicksburg. On the 14th reached Jackson, the State capital of
Mississippi, and took part in its capture. Four days later, after some
skirmishing, in which we lost three wounded, the regiment took position
in the outer works which environed Vicksburg * * *
May 19th, after sever skirmishing, and a final assault, the regiment
succeeded in getting and holding an excellent position, about
seventy-five yards from the enemy's works. * * *

On the 22nd of May, in line with the whole Army of the Tennessee, the
regiment went first up to the assault. Its flag went down a few feet
from the rebel works, after the last one of its guard had fallen,
either killed or wounded, and its dripping folds were drawn from under
the bleeding body of its prostrate bearer. In the few terrible moments
of the assault, the regiment lost 79 killed and wounded, nearly
one-third of the number in action. But that was not all. The assault
had failed, and we found ourselves lying in the ravines, behind logs,
contiguous to and partly under the protection of the rebel earthworks,
above which no traitor could raise his head, except at the expense of
his life. There we were compelled to stay until darkness gave us a
cover under which to escape. Here I pause to pay the slight tribute of
recording their name, to Captain Kelsey, and Lieutenants Jones, Wilbur,
and Tyrrell, who fell while leading their companies to the assault, and
to Captain Washburn, who was mortally wounded at the head of the
Our loss in the previous assault of the 19th of May was 16 men, and
when, on the morning of Independence Day, the enemy came out and
stacked arms and colors on his works, our total recorded loss in the
siege was 121.
After the surrender of Vicksburg, the regiment participated in the
siege of Jackson, and after the evacuation of that place, took part in
the pursuit of the enemy, and lost one man killed in a skirmish at
Brandon. The regiment now went into camp on Black River, Miss., where
it remained until September 22d, when it was ordered to Vicksburg,
thence by river to Memphis, and from there by rail to Corinth, Miss.,
from which point it took up the line of march to Chattanooga, and
entered upon another campaign which resulted in great success for the
cause of the Union, and a crushing defeat to that portion of the rebel
army against which the operation were directed.
a march of three hundred miles, during which the regiment had some
skirmished with the rebel General Forrest's troops, it arrived at the
foot of Lookout Mountain, November 23, 1863, and on the 24th took part
in the battle above the clouds, and, later, in the battles of
Missionary Ridge and Ringgold. Although not in the heaviest fighting in
these three engagements, the regiment accomplished all that was
assigned to ti. Its losses in killed and wounded during the campaign
aggregated 22. It now marched to Woodville, Ala., where it went into
winter quarters Dec. 29,1863. During the year the regiment had marched
870 miles, and had been convoyed 1300 miles by water and 100 miles by
rail. In the same time, it had met with a total loss of 227 and gained
by enlistment 11, leaving an aggregate of 510.
January 1, 1864, 287 men of the regiment re-enlisted as Veteran
Volunteers for another term of three years, and under the terms of
their enlistment were entitled to a thirty days' furlough, to begin
after reaching the State of Iowa. They left Woodville, Ala., February
4, 1864 and reached Dubuque, Iowa, February 14, 1864, at which point
they separated for their respective homes. March 15th found the
veterans of the regiment reassembled at Davenport, Iowa, accompanied by
125 recruits. They reached Woodville, Ala., April 10th, having marched
from Nashville, a distance of 125 miles.
new supply of arms, clothing and camp equipage was issued to the
regiment, and on May 1st, with Colonel Carskaddon in command, it took
up the line of march for Chattanooga. In six days it had again reached
the scene of military activity, and entered upon another great struggle
for the preservation of the Union. The Ninth Iowa Infantry was
constantly at the front, on the firing line, and in the trenches, and
had its full share in the fighting during the campaign. The compiler of
this sketch is compelled, by the limitation of space to which he is
restricted, to omit the detailed account of the operations of the
regiment given by Lieutenant Col.
in his history, from which quotations have heretofore been so freely
made. It must here suffice to say that, from the opening to the close
of the Atlanta Campaign, the Ninth Iowa Infantry displayed the same
conspicuous gallantry which had characterized its career in all the
battles in which it had been engaged, from Pea Ridge to Jonesboro.
Describing the close of the campaign, Lieutenant Colonel Abernethy

At Jonesboro, on the 31st of August, where we were attacked in vain,
and for the last time, by the rebel army of Tennessee, we held our
position easily, and with comparatively slight loss. The march thence
to Lovejoy's Station, and back again to East Point, Ga., by the 8th of
September, completed the campaign - a campaign which for hard and
continuous fighting, for severe labor and exposure, for long marches in
the hottest weather, for the duration and persistent obstinacy, is
unparalleled in history. We had marched 400 miles, principally in the
night, built 40 different lines of works, crossed three large rivers in
the face of a powerful enemy, flanked him away from three of the
strongest natural positions in the country, and fought the battles of
Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, and
Chattahoochee River, Decatur, Atlanta, Jonesboro, and Lovejoy. The
regiment lost in the campaign since the 1st of May 14 killed, 70
wounded, and 6 captured.
The non-veterans of the regiment were mustered out of the service on
the 23d day of September, 1864, the original three years term for which
they had enlisted having expired. For the re-enlisted veterans and
recruits there yet remained the experience of the closing campaigns of
the war, which, in some respects, were more remarkable than any which
had preceded them. On the 4th of October the regiment was again on the
march with the army which followed the rebel forces under General Hood
through Marietta, Rome, Reseca, and across into Alabama, returning to
the vicinity of Atlanta on the 5th of November, having marched 354
15th, the regiment, then under the command of its senior Captain Paul
McSweeney, began the famous march with General Sherman's army to
Savannah and the sea. This remarkable military exploit was accomplished
in 35 days, the distance covered being 400 miles. During the year, the
regiment had marched 1,400 miles, and traveled by steamboat and
railroad 1,900 miles. It had gained by additional enlistment 160, had
lost in killed 14 and from other causes 214, leaving an aggregate of
442 on December 31, 1864.
The closing campaign -
the trip by sea to Beaufort, S.C., and the march through the states of
South and North Carolina - was full of interest and most worthy of
being recorded in , detail, did space permit. Col. Carskaddon, who had
been wounded at Atlanta, returned to the regiment, and was honorably
mustered out by reason of expiration of term of service on February 14,
1865. While the regiment was marching through Georgia, Major George
Granger had died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn., and Captain Alonzo
Abernethy of Company F had been promoted to Major, January 1, 1865, and
was now in command of the regiment, which he led successfully during
the remainder of its service. After giving a detailed description of
the events which transpired during the long and toilsome march, the
Major thus describes the closing scenes in the history of his

Our severe labors, hardships, and exposures were forgotten in the
pleasure of having taken part in this most magnificent of all our
campaigns. The remaining history is briefly told. On the 10th of April
started with the army to Raleigh, N. C., where we found the rebel
leader suing for terms. When these had been given, the regiment started
for Washington, D.C., via Petersburg, Richmond, and Alexandria, Va.
Reached the latter place on the 19th of May, after a march of 293 miles
in the last nineteen days, and 360 miles from Goldsboro, N. C. Took
part in the military pageant of May 24th, which consisted of the review
of Sherman's army in the streets of Washington. The regiment came
thence by rail and steamboat to Louisville, Ky., on the 1st of June.
Went into camp and awaited further orders, which came July 10th to the
effect that the remaining regiments of the army of the Tennessee would
be at once mustered out of service.
Lieutenant Colonel Coyl had resigned June 17th on account of his having
received the appointment of Judge Advocate of the Department of
Kentucky. Major Abernethy was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and
Captain Inman of Company I to Major. On the 18th of July, the muster
out was completed. The regiment was then sent to Clinton, Iowa, where
it was disbanded, and the officers and men returned to their homes.
From the time it started from Dubuque, three years and 10 months from
the date of its final muster out, the Ninth Iowa Infantry had marched
over 4,000 miles, and traveled by rail and steamboat 6,000 miles.
During the year 1865, there had been added by transfer from the
Twenty-fifth Iowa 53, by enlistment 15, and from the draft rendezvous
of the State 129, a total gain of 197. The total losses had be 45,
leaving an aggregate of 594 at muster out.
In closing this brief sketch, the compiler again refers to the
subjoined roster for the record of personal service to each officer and
man of the regiment, in so far as has been possible to obtain such
record. As an organization the Ninth Iowa Infantry has a record of
service unsurpassed by that of any regiment which the State sent to the
field during the great Was of the Rebellion.

Summary of Casualties.
Total Enrollment 1440
Killed . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 84
Wounded. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385
Died of wounds .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Died of Disease .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 210
Discharged for Disease, wounds & other . . . . . . 299
Buried in National Cemeteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Transferred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Term of service three years.
Mustered into service of the Unites States at Dubuque, Iowa
September 234, 1861, by Captain E. C. Washington, United States Army.
Mustered out July 18, 1865, Louisville, Kentucky.
Roster of Field, Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Staff Officers at muster
in of organization, together with subsequent appointments from civil life.
Field and Staff
William Vandever.
Residence Dubuque. Appointed Colonel Aug. 30, 1861. Mustered Sept. 24,
1861. Promoted Brigadier General, March 16, 1863. Resigned March 16,
1863. Brevet Major General June 7, 1865
Frank G. Herron.
Residence Dubuque. Appointed Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 10, 1861.
Mustered Sept. 24, 1861. Wounded March 7, 1862, Peas Ridge, Ark.
Promoted Brigadier General July 30, 1862; Major General Nov. 29, 1863.
William H. Coyl.
Residence Decorah. Appointed Major Aug 30, 1861. Mustered Sept 24,
1861. Wounded in shoulder severely March 7, 1862, Pea Ridge, Ark.
Promoted Lieutenant Colonel July 1, 1862; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
March 13, 1865; Major and Judge Advocate May 18, 1865
William Scott.
Residence Independence, nativity England. Appointed Adjutant Sept 2,
1861, from Second Lieutenant of company C. Mustered Sept. 24, 1861.
Wounded in leg March 7, 1862, Pea Ridge Ark. Resigned for ill health
Oct. 11, 1862. See Company C.
Ferdinand S. Winslow.
Residence Marion. Appointed Quartermaster Sept. 4, 1861. Mustered Sept.
24, 1861. Promoted Assistant United States Quartermaster, with rank as
Captain, Jan. 30, 1862.
Jerome Bradley.
Residence Dubuque, nativity Massachusetts. Appointed Quartermaster
March 16, 1862 from Second Lieutenant of Battery. Commission declined
March 16, 1862. Appears to have been appointed Captain A.Q.M.
Volunteers Feb 19, 1863. See Official Army Registers, 1861-1867
Benjamin McClure. Appointed Surgeon Sept. 19, 1861. Mustered Oct. 11, 1861. Promoted Assistant Surgeon of Volunteers Feb 4, 1864;
Surgeon of Volunteers Sept. 30, 1864.
The original compiler of this sketch finds this loss statement in the
return of casualties of the Army of the Southwest in the battle of Pea
Ridge, Ark., attached to the report of Major General Curtis, found on
p. 205, Series 1, Vol.8, Official Records. In the history of the Ninth
Iowa Infantry by Lt. Col. Alonzo Abernethy, on p. 174 of the Adj.
General's report of the State of Iowa, for the year 1866, the aggregate
loss in killed, wounded and captured is given as 240, making nearly 44%
of the total number. In either event the loss was far above the average
of battle of the War of the Rebellion.