24th Iowa Infantry
Index Roster of the
"P" Surnames
Formed in Linn County, Iowa

RANK | Palmer George W. | Company I | (not given) | Palmer William | Company D | (not given) | Pangborn Hewlet C. | Company I | (not given) | Parcher George | Company E | (not given) | Parker John B | Company D | (not given) | Parker Robert | Company E | (not given) | Parks Jacob F. | Company K | (not given) | Parks Samuel S. | Company E | (not given) | Parrott David W. | Company D | 6th Corporal | Pass Joseph | Company E | (not given) | Patmore William | Company E | (not given) | Patterson Archibald | Company B | (not given) | Pattison Eli R. | Company B | (not given) | Paul Benjamin G. | Company K | Captain | Paul Henry F. | Company K | (not given) | Peck Watrous | Company G | (not given) | Peddycoard John S. | Company F | (not given) | Peden Alexander R. | Company B | (not given) | Peet Wilbur R. | Company H | (not given) | Pendergast Patrick | Company A | (not given) | Pendergest James | Company D | (not given) | Pendergest Thomas | Company D | (not given) | Penderghast Edward | Company F | (not given) | Penn Charles | Company H | (not given) | Pennell Emory C. | Company H | (not given) | Pense Abraham | Company B | (not given) | Peregoy William J. | Company H | (not given) | Perkins Thomas N. | Company E | 1st Corporal | Perry Dwight M. | Company C | (not given) | Peters William H. | Company C | (not given) | Phares Charles F. | Company G | 3rd Sergeant | Phelix Joseph | Company H | (not given) | Phelps Thomas C. | Company D | (not given) | Pherrin William H. | Company H | (not given) | Phillips Henry | Company E | (not given) | Pierce Andrew | Company C | 2nd Lieutenant | Pierce William L. | Company D | (not given) | Pierson Christopher A | Company B | (not given) | Piffer Jacob | Company G | (not given) | Pitman John S. | Company B | (not given) | Porter James A. | Company F | (not given) | Porter James H. | Company I | (not given) | Porter John S. | Company F | Colored Infantry | Porter Thomas | Company B | (not given) | Post Daniel L. | Company H | (not given) | Post George W. | Company H | (not given) | Potter James G. | Company I | 1st Lieutenant | Potter Nelson J. | Company G | (not given) | Pound Edwin H. | Company C | Captain | Pound Edwin H. Li | Company C | 2d Lieutenant | Powers Charles H. | Company F | (not given) | Powers Samuel | Company K | (not given) | Prather John F. | Company G | (not given) | Prouty Ethan A. | Company K | (not given) | Pruden David | Company C | (not given) | Pruett Martin | Company B | (not given) | Pruett* Samuel | Company B | (not given) | Prusia George Jr. | Company A | 1st Corporal | Pulsifer Newel | Company K | (not given) | Quick Samuel E. | Company I | (not given) | * Pruett, Samuel; Company B, 24th Iowa Infantry; Buried at 'God's Acre', Savannah, GA. Companies of the 24th | History of the 24th | 24th Re-Enactment |

Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project by Donald
Cope. Copyright © 1998 by Donald Cope, All Rights Reserved.