Bruner/Brunner Family
Photos, stories & reports contributed by Anne Brunner Dowdy
Anne Brunner Dowdy,
from Palatka, Florida, sent the following letters originally written
from Mrs. Eli Bruner to her mother Mrs. R. E. Burns. Both Eli Bruner,
and his wife Mary Augusta Burns Bruner, were born in Central City,
Iowa. Eli born 17 Nov 1854 and Mary born 22 Sep 1861.
"My GGG-Grandfather was George Adam
Bruner (22 Sept 1775-14 Mar 1848, b. Wurttemberg, Germany), GG-Grandfather Alexander Bruner
(6 Apr 1818 - 1 Dec 1899, b. Wurttemberg, Germany), Great-Grandfather Elias
Brunner (17 Nov 1854 - 8 Feb 1913, b. Central City, Iowa), Grandfather Leroy Ewalt Brunner
(12 Jan 1883 - 26 Feb 1927, b.Central City, Iowa), and finally my father
Frederick Leroy (Stanton) Brunner (6 Nov 1916 - 26 Mar 2000, b. San
Diego, California). You will notice the different
spellings of the last name which Leroy Ewalt Brunner said Brunner was
the original spelling. Eli Bruner 1854-1913 married Mary Augusta Burns
in 1881 in Central City, Iowa. At some point they lived in Tennessee,
then in Florida and finally in San Diego, California where he died in
1913, she remarried Rev. W. C. Houghton and died 1955."
Mary Augusta Burns
Brunner wrote to her mother Mrs. R. E. Burns still living in Central
City, Iowa from Florida."
Published 28 Dec 1899 in the Central City News Letter
Lakeland, Florida
06 Dec 1899
Editor News-Letter and inquiring Friends
We left Tenn. Nov 8th loath to leave our
home, dear friends and a beautiful country, yet with one faint hope
shining as a star in the distance, of having health, a future home and
a few more years with our children.
Soon we pass our neighboring town,
and are at the foot of our old Blue Mountain, on through tunnels and a
couple of hours and we wend out way around the old historic Lookout
Mountain where the battle among the clouds was fought (in history
only.) Lookout Inn from which one can see seven states, and view the
beautiful Tennessee river, rolling on as peacefully as though it had
not done so for ages.
Here we were to have joined an
excursion from the city of Chicago and many of the northern states,
but found it had been postponed as they could not get ready. One
colonist only a Mr. Sanford of South Dakota accompanies us; and a well
educated, bright, lively companion he proved to be.
At Dalton, Georgia, Friends came to
the train, talked with us a few minutes, left more lunch, a beautiful
bouquet of flowers, good by and a kind remembrance.
On we speed and soon we miss the red
lands and green cedars of dear old Tennessee, which are replaced by
green pines, light sandy soil, palms, cotton, sugar cane, very little
corn, sweet potatoes and nigger cabins here and there. Our companion
tried to get a shot at some of them with his Kodak. I imagine it would
have been all background, or like a dark cloud rising above the
horizon. Their ebony faces shone like they had just received their
Sunday morning greasing of old slave time. I said to them in my mind,
as I often do, "Why didn't they finish the good work and put you off
by yourselves, not only for your good, but for the good of the many
poor white people living all over the south in hovels, ignorant,
uneducated, and no chance for being anything better, as long as you by
cheap labor monopolize every opening, whereby they could be upraised."
But I imagine they would say much to our shame and regret; for it is
only too true, "You brought us over here to New England shores for
slaves before ever slavery began in the south."
As we neared Southern Georgia about
night, we passed several turpentine mills and barrels and barrels of
rosin. The sand looked so white it reminded us of snow too much to
think we would like it, but found it so only in places. We pulled into
Florida a little after six o'clock the next morning; every time our
train stopped we plucked wild flowers.
Soon we were told to look for the
Swannee river, mentioned in song and history; not nearly so beautiful
as the Tennessee or St. Johns but perhaps more noted. Ah! I hear the
old darkey singing now, "Way down on di Suwannee Riber, Far, far away,
where my heart is turning eber, and I was happy all do day."
As we drew near Florahome colony
lands, one of the general managers joined us and in a very flattering
way tried to persuade us to remain there this year; but thought the
lands would be malarious as it is not near all drained yet, although
colonists located there now scoff at the idea of it being sickly and
say there is no doctor nor hasn't been for years, nearer than Palatka,
eighteen miles away.
We arrived in Florahome townsite at
ten o'clock, found everything as represented. This road is to furnish
the depot and park. The vast muck prairie, now being drained, is for
their fruit and vegetable lands. The higher and poorer soil for
building sites, is timbered with great pines and magnolias from fifty
to seventy five feet high, draped and festooned with gray moss and
holly. Bay trees and lovely palms grow also.
One hundred and fifty families of the
north are to be located here during the year. They pay ten dollars per
acre for the land. We spent the day and night with people who had been
here since October, friends from Winchester, Tennessee, and found them
well pleased in their new home. It looked odd to see the green gardens
and it certainly seemed healthy, the air seemed so pure, soft and yet
bracing. No more scenery than in Iowa, in fact reminds one of Iowa in
soil and sand burs, where sand is plentiful.
Morning found us on our way to
Palatka, the gem city of the St. Johns, and much refreshed. Having to
wait there until five o'clock, we went through the city. I cannot
describe the lovely trees and flowers, all in bloom, of every
description. It was like a dream. We went down to the St. Johns river,
saw the steam boats. A beautiful river, Its great waters looked blue
and was dotted over with clumps of hyacinths. The only river wholly
in the United States that runs north. We ate fruit from the Japanese
persimmon, (cultivated fruit) are as large as goose eggs, some of
them; like a tomato in shape and color, but simply delicious and
having only one seed.
By five o'clock we were ready for our
last trip, one hundred and fifty miles further south to Lakeland,
where we had promised to care for a minister's place, rent free for
one year.
Arrived there near twelve o'clock at night, was escourted to the hotel
by a gentleman sent to watch for us by our minister here, Brother
Lakeland is situated on high sandy
land, is 225 feet above sea level, on the highest point on the
peninsula, and considered by all very beautiful. It is composed of
1500 northern people, has four railroads, electric lights, good high
graded schools, five churches and all modern improvements. Will tell
you more of town and surroundings some future time. No more at
Mrs. E. Brunner
The following letter was written by Mrs.
Mary Brunner to her mother, Mrs. R. E. Burns, of this place.
Francis, Florida, June 2, 1900
Dear Mother:
Your letter was read with pleasure. It found us well and enjoying good
health, and will say we have taken a few trips you might be interested
One was to Interlachen and Keuka, a
day's drive north of here. I know you would laugh to see our
outfit--an old native horse hitched to a small wagon going about as
fast as an ox team. Our only variation to this mode of progress was to
walk in white sand, sometimes a step backward to one forward. We
passed over considerable flat pine land, cypress swamps where the
white and blue egrets build their nests, stretches of hammock land
timbered with short leaf pines, magnolias which are now in bloom, live
and water oaks, holly, cabbage palmetto trees, some forty feet high,
palms, ferns and bay trees, or as florists call it rhododendron, which
have beautiful white flowers and emits a spicy odor when a branch is
broken, and over a stretch of road a half mile long which we named
Pine Avenue, as it was naturally bordered on each side with great
pines from fifty to seventy-five feet high. While walking we gathered
wild flowers of many kinds. We went through what is called the
Slipper, out in the low pine woods where the road is under water for a
mile in a rainy season. The pines are very thick and high and very
straight, like so many arrows pointing to the sky, and mosquitoes
large and plenty enough to create ambition in a Florida cracker.
Passed Hollister on the west, a small town of no importance, and here
ate our lunch and found our jug of morning's milk churned to butter.
After a rest we plodded along through miles of pine timber boxed for
the turpentine industry, with here and there a colored gentleman at
work boxing the trees, with his broadaxe in hand, wooly pate
uncovered, coat, of he owns one, hung on a stump, generally a sullen
expression of countenance, but with some exceptions, if he so
condescends to do so, casts the whites of his eyes around, shows his
white teeth in a broad grin and a "how de do, colonel, captain or
mistah," not unlike the old slave and far more deserving of the pity
bestowed on him than the pampered town negro who walks off saying
"white trash."
We came into Interlachen by a small
colony of northern people whose homes were built around a pretty lake
having a fine clay road from there to town, and found the town of
typical Florida type, on high sandy land, a lake on either side, and
like most towns before the big freeze, was once a veritable paradise.
But we noticed here, as in some other towns and communities of
northern Florida, they are cultivating, fertilizing and protecting the
orange trees, and some will bear fruit by another year, especially if
they use the tent protection with as much success as last year. After
we filled our jug with fresh water we wandered our way toward Keuka to
find the home of a friend we had promised to go and see for him. After
wandering around for some time we found it--the remains of a once
beautiful home, and like many had been deserted. Orange trees all
dead, fences and outbuildings rotted and fallen or burned. It was an
uncanny looking place to spend the night in, but having no other
alternative we built a fire out in the yard and cooked our supper and
spread the cloth on the veranda. After supper we explored the place,
visited the lake, and then retired on pillows and comforters on the
floor with our clothing on, but not to sleep as we soon found there
were many uninvited guests. We built a smudge, but all in vain, they
were after a feast, but by one of our party flying cedar branches over
our heads we got a little rest. As three doors were gone, window
lights broken and screens torn we felt like some other night wanderers
were coming in and arose early with pleasure, cooked our breakfast out
in the open air, took a final look over the deserted home and departed
with the memory of that lonely place before us.
We went through Keuka going back. It
is a very pretty town built high above and around a beautiful lake, is
of Northern people calling themselves the Brethren or Dunkards. The
houses are mostly white, also the fences, and as in many northern
Florida towns and vicinity there were plenty of peach, pear and plum
orchards. We noticed a lady out on the lake rowing, she was dressed in
white, had on a white bonnet and was in a white boat--a picture we
thought very much in keeping with their pure lives and peaceful homes.
We reached home in good time and the
next week we took our second jaunt to Florahome Colony.
On this trip we passed a church
called the church of the Holy Jumpers. The people of this church
styling themselves Holiness, were thus named. We are told they gained
some followers in this community. Their claim is that they are without
sin. Another novelty to us were the log wagons, which is simply two
wheels of immense size with great tires, each wagon driven by a darky.
They were hauling logs, or as the darkies would say, toting them.
Much of the colony lands was planted
to cassara, pecans, potatoes, melons and corn, and many were fixing
building places by having ornamental trees, roses and shrubs set out.
Some have built homes in the thick hammock, leaving the beautiful wild
trees and palms for shade and adornment, while others have every tree
taken out--a plan they adopted in the townsite and a very unwise one,
I should say. One man built a cozy little house in the midst of
palmettos, leaving them only for shade. We persuaded old Dobbin to
trot some and finally reached the town site at four o'clock.
There are forty families at Florahome
now, two stores, post office and a very pretty depot, a very large
boarding house and some very large dwellings. We found it had grown
very much since last fall, and also found some had become discouraged
and gone back. Quite a number of them lost heavily on the cassara as
the roots shipped to them died before they could get them out. We
think they have as fine land as any in the state and don't see any
reason why they should not prosper. But it takes patience, health and
determination to wait for a return of their efforts, and I think I
would prefer a home already made to one in a colony just beginning.
We started home the next day with a
palm-leaf basket as a souvenir of Florahome and by a shorter route
reached home early with the same mind we had when we left Lakeland
last Spring, that we liked southern Florida better than northern
Florida. Coming up here we stopped off at Orlando and stayed one day
and night. Found orange trees as large as at Lakeland. It is not much
north of Lakeland, is the county seat of Orange county, is much
larger, more competition of railroads, school and church privileges
better, just as clean, healthy and high and much prettier. I could not
describe its lovely blue lakes, its trees and palatial homes.
This is now a much longer letter than
I meant to write, so no more this time. In my next I will tell you of
our trip to the Atlantic Ocean, as we went last week.
E. B.
Here is yet
another letter from Mary Augusta Burns Brunner to her mother Mrs.
R. E. Burns
June 1900
Francis, FloridaWe have had
several pleasant trips out to Silver Lake, one mile from here. One
trip was taken since I wrote. Two wagon loads and several on wheels
constituted our number. The lake is well named, being as clear as
crystal clear down to the bottom which is of white sand. There are
plenty of fish in it but the next thing is to catch them. There are
two bath houses, one on either side of the lake, and are supplied with
bathing suits. This lake is quite a resort for people of Palatka,
especially Saturday afternoons. And I will say right here that this
place (Francis) and vicinity is also a resort for people of that city
having chills and fever as it is high and healthy here while Palatka,
you know, is generally considered unhealthy, being built along the St.
Johns river which is a very sluggish stream.
May the 23rd we joined some four
hundred and fifty people in the excursion from Palatka to St.
Augustine and the beach which is twenty-five miles east of Palatka.
There were ten coaches with an engine at each end and not
uncomfortably crowded as such excursions usually are. They stopped the
train out in the middle of the St. Johns river to clip the tickets and
we enjoyed looking at the great expanse of sea green water, also the
acres of water hyacinths in full bloom. They went very slow across the
river and yet the old bridge creaked with its load. Soon we were going
at great speed and were cheered from time to time as we passed
stations. The scenery was as before mentioned and nothing unusual and
in a short time we were in the grand old historic city. Here we left
the train for the south beach bridge, beyond the sea wall and over the
Matanzas river, at the other end of which is the station where we
waited for the street car which was going every half hour out to the
beach and back, four miles distant.
We were a jolly crowd crossing
Anistatia Island as we were on a flat car with a seat on each side out
in the open air. At our first stop one man yelled "New York," and not
long after asked a man at the end of the car if there was a hen on the
track. A mile out we passed the lighthouse, looking in the distance,
someone remarked, not unlike a great stick of candy with windows cut
out of it.
This island is a vast stretch of
white sand covered with a growth of low scrubby trees in clumps,
cacti, coral weed, and with great sand doons with many of the tall
species of the Florida agra growing on them many in full bloom with
great spikes of creamy white bells. Arriving at the Beach Inn we were
not long getting out there and found many that came in hacks and
carriages ahead of us enjoying baths and gathering shells. We went
upstairs into the canopy covered building overlooking the ocean and
with many others ate our lunch silently contemplating the grandeur of
it all. Our party was soon out amid the ocean waves while we walked up
and down the beach gathering shells and watching the curious purple,
red and blue jelly fish being washed out on shore, and now and then
stopping to watch the bathers, gray headed men, women and children
enjoying themselves hugely, some letting the great waves wash them in
shore, some of the men turning somersault, the highest waves covering
them so you would think they would not rise again, some
three-year-olds holding on to their mothers hands and shouting with
glee as the waves took them off their feet, while some were eating
doenecks, a very small clam tasting like an oyster.
As the tide rolled in nearer and
nearer each time it would sometimes catch the feet of the onlookers
and soak them before they were aware of it. We became aware of
threatening clouds and hastened away to the Beach House just in time
to escape a hard rain which some got the benefit of by being delayed.
Here we rested and waited for the car feeling like we preferred going
back to the beach to anything else yet we had spent several hours
there. We were soon in the car, a covered passenger this time, and
well it was, as we were no sooner seated than it began to pour down
again. The car was full and many were standing up. One of our party
sitting by a window found the rain coming in, as the window would not
shut down within several inches. He got up to put a closed umbrella
over the opening when in walked a man some out of balance and boldly
took the seat. Our party said; "This seat is occupied, sir." He said;
"That's no difference, it's mine now and I never give up a seat." "All
said our party, and at the same time quietly slipped away the
umbrella from the window. He soon took in the situation, but made a
bold front of it, pulled his coat-tails around in front of him, sat on
the edge of the seat and grimly took the rain for the amusement of the
The Ponce De Leon hotel is a
magnificent sight to behold, covers an entire block. Its domes,
towers, archways, courts, lawns, carriageways, hedges, gardens, trees,
flowers and many fountains I could not describe any more than many
other equally grand palaces and homes of tropical beauty I saw that
Mrs. E. Bruner
July third we went with an excursion of eight or nine hundred people
from Palatka to Miami, a distance of three hundred miles, along the
east coast of Florida, through Valusia, Bernard and Dade counties,
near the ocean the length of the trip. There were fifteen coaches the
greater part of the way and plenty of room as part of the excursion
went the day before.Through
this part of Florida the pine trees are smaller and have shorter
leaves and the cabbage palmettos are more numerous. Favorita, Holly
Hill and Ormond are passed and we come to the beautiful sea side
resort and winter home of a colony of Massachusetts people, Daytona.
From here one can see the coast for thirty miles and go under arched
gateways through avenues of dense hammock, out to the sea which are
all perfectly bewitching in tropical beauty.
At West Shiloh we come to the
beautiful Blue Indian River, which we follow for over a hundred miles
within a few feet of it in places. Great clumps of cabbage palmettos
grow along the shore, while in many places there are no trees along
its banks for miles and the blue waters roll along the low green shore
making a picture not easily forgotten. The waters of this river are
salt and there are many oyster beds here; and across its blue waters
we can see Merritts island thickly populated with people from the
north, pine apple oranges and banana growers, whose fine homes built
close to the water's edge speak of their comfort and thrift. Banana
river runs through near the center of this island, makes a turn and
runs between the island DeSoto Beach and Cape Carnival.
At Titusville more cars were added
and we were joined by the Indian river band from which we caught
snatches of music at intervals as the train stopped at the more
important stations where great crowds were waiting to cheer and wave
at us. On we went through Cocoa, Eugallie, Melbourne and Roseland.
Here we crossed Sebastian river, run near the great everglades from
lower Bernard county to the end of the trip and passed Lake Okeechobee
to the west. Night came on and we saw no more, we had one third of the
route to go yet and reached Miami at one o'clock. Early morning found
us seeing the town and great crowds of people coming from every
direction and hearing the cannons roar for the celebration and
barbecue which we enjoyed that day. The speaking was good, music of
the Indian river band fine, and of the fire-works out on Biscayne bay,
near the great white stone dock, can say, we never saw better. Fifteen
hundred excursionists and hundreds of people from elsewhere witnessed
the display of fireworks.
This town is built along Biscayne bay
and Miami river. Fishing smacks, tug-boats, sail-boats and one large
steamer, the Cocoa, were in port while we were there. Miami is the
county seat of Dade Co., has three thousand inhabitants, is four years
old, is built on solid white rock, of which Dade county is largely
composed, being very rocky in many places. Miami has seven churches,
one large graded school with five teachers, four large hotels, four
restaurants and many boarding houses, as it is a very popular resort
for winter tourists,, has several brick blocks, and we were told a
steady growth. The grounds of the Biscayne and Royal Palms hotels are
lovely, composed of many acres of trees, shrubs and tropical flowers.
Many gardeners are employed to keep them in order. Surrounding hedge
fences are of oleanders in bloom, winding walks bordered with hibiscus
five and six feet high, their dark red bell-like flowers against their
dark green and shining leaves. "Avenues and carriage drives marked
with crotens of many kinds and color, coleus of many hues, acres of
many kinds including bright scarlet, sago and date palms, palmetto and
cocoanut trees here and there. To walk those box-bordered paths and
inhale that never ending ocean breeze makes one feel like they were
not on this old earth, but in an ethereal or heavenly atmosphere. This
extreme south portion of the state, unlike north or central Florida,
is the home of the cocoanut and all citrus fruits. Cocoanuts limes and
sapodillas grow wild along the Miami river. The trees of the sapodilla
grow sixty feet high and the fruit is fine. The orange, lemon, banana,
paw paw, mangos, olives, alligator pears, pineapples and grape fruit,
all are at home here, the last mentioned being the color of the lemon
and tasting not unlike them, but much larger than either lemon or
orange and growing on trees exactly like the orange tree.
The next morning found us bound for
home and seeing what we missed after dark coming. The surrounding
country miles from Miami abound in cocoanut and olive groves, also
fields of pineapples. We go through Lemon City and cross Little river
at Fort Lauderdale and pass Hobe , along Lake Worth and stop in Palm
Beach, got a glimpse of the great hotel to which they are now adding
two hundred and fifty rooms. At West Jupiter we got a glimpse of the
ocean and saw the lighthouse. A stretch of white sand covered with
palmetto divides the river here from the ocean. From Wa Wa to Fort
Pierce, some fifty miles, we passed through the Indian River pineapple
belt. Hundreds and hundreds of acres of them, some grown under sheds,
but mostly out in open fields. The white roadways that separated the
fields were bordered with oleander or hibiscus in places. Men were
gathering them in wheelbarrows, loading wagons and taking them to the
packing houses. The large dwellings, windmills and packing houses are
the indications of the wealth of this industry. When the train stopped
at times many of the men from the train ran out and grabbed apples
from piles thrown out, and some ventured into the fields to pick them
and came near getting left. The aroma from the apples coming in at the
car windows made them tempting, and here and there men were going
around with peeled pineapples eating them and holding on to the plant
like they were so many turnips, for the amusement of the crowd. From
here back the trip was much the same as on going so I will not repeat
Mary E. Bruner
