Alex Cruikshank, Jr., is on the right
Click photo to enlarge
The settlement of
Lee County, Iowa occurred after the vast majority of
Indians had moved westward. Few of the early residents
encountered hostile Indians in their lifetimes.
However, one native of the West Point / Donnellson
area rode west to Montana and Idaho, and was caught up
in the last great Indian war involving Chief Joseph
and his Nez Perce tribe.
Alexander Cruikshank, Jr., the son of Alexander and
Keziah Perkins Cruikshank, was born September 12,
1849. His birthplace was a large plank cabin over four
miles west of West Point and over two miles south of
modern-day Pilot Grove. Chief Black Hawk had been a
visitor to the Cruikshank residence before he died in
When Alex was less than a year old, his father built a
larger home next to the cabin using bricks he made
on-site. It was there Alex was raised, along with
several brothers and sisters. His oldest brother was
the first child born in Lee County, except for
children born at military posts along the Mississippi
River. Little is known of Alex’s early life. However,
he had inherited a pioneering spirit from his father,
who was one of the first settlers of Lee County. At a
relatively young age, Alex moved to Texas, where he
worked for several years as a cowboy.
In 1872, Alex followed his sister, Kate (Mrs. Samuel
Dunlap) to Bannack, in southwestern Montana Territory.
Kate was one of the first public school teachers, if
the not the first, in that state. Alex built a
ranching operation south of Bannack, on Horse Prairie.
The prairie was so named because it was there that
explorers Lewis and Clark bought horses from
Sacagawea’s bother.
--In the Path of
Alex was said to prefer the quiet life at his ranch.
However, during 1877, a year after Custer’s last stand
near Montana’s Little Big Horn River, his property
fell into the path of the Nez Perce tribe that was
alternately fleeing from and fighting the U.S.
Cavalry. The army, under General O.O. Howard, was
under orders to forcibly remove the Nez Perce to a
reservation in Idaho. Chief Joseph led his band of 800
men, women, and children eastward across the Idaho
panhandle into Montana. There they engaged the Army in
the Battle of the Big Hole River. Retreating, they
moved southward along the continental divide.


Nez Perce Tribe
O. Howard
Photo by Matthew Brady
Click photo to enlarge
On August 11, the Nez Perce came to the edge of Horse
Prairie and killed four men at the Brenner Ranch. Alex
recalled that “Montague and Flynn were cooking dinner
when the Indians surrounded the house. They put up a
terrific fight, but the Indians over-awed them.
Montague, being shot entirely through, laid down on
the bed where he died. Flynn was found dead lying on
the floor. The house was pretty well shot up.”
“Farnsworth and Winters were coming into the barnyard
with a load of hay,” Cruikshank recalled. “Farnsworth
was shot and killed, but Winters managed to escape
into the brush. Mike Herr, Nobeles [Norris], and
Smith, being in the hayfield, and seeing what was
going on at the house, made for the willows along the
creek, but Smith was killed before reaching the brush,
while the others made their get-away.”
After that encounter, the Indians killed another man
at the Hamilton Ranch, and stole a band of horses at
the Cruikshank Ranch. The cavalry, in close pursuit,
stopped at Alex’s cabin. Because of his familiarity
with the terrain, Alex was asked to serve as a scout
for the soldiers as they searched for the raiding
Indians. He and the other scouts were led by the
veteran, Orlando “Rube” Robbins.
Orlando "Rube" Robbins
Click photo to enlarge
--Birch Creek
The Nez Perce, with cavalry in pursuit, crossed the
Beaverhead Mountains into Idaho. Shortly thereafter,
Alex became involved in the so-called Birch Creek
massacre of August 15, 1877. He is perhaps best known
for his recollection of the aftermath of that
incident, one of the most notable of the Nez Perce
conflict. Although he was not an eyewitness to the
massacre, he observed that, “The part I took in this
escapade was more than any other who was at the
During their pursuit of the Indians, Alex and his
party were approached by two “Chinamen,” who said they
had just escaped a shootout up ahead at Birch Creek.
Their group of freighters, men who transported
military and merchant supplies, had been captured by a
large contingent of the Nez Perce. Chief Joseph
himself was believed to have been present. The
Chinamen said the Indians had consumed large amounts
of whiskey from the freight wagons and then shot all
the other freighters. The soldiers were asked to ride
to the site and rescue any possible survivors. Colonel
Shoop was concerned that a large force of Indians
might still be there, and that his group was too small
to be an effective fighting force. He started to turn
his soldiers in the opposite direction.
--A Few Good Men--
Alex, however, rode up close to the group and said,
“If there is a man in this crowd that will go with me,
I’ll go to the freighters tonight.” A couple of the
men in the party spoke up. Then Chief Tendoy, a
friendly Bannack Indian, said he and his 15 braves
would also go. It was nearly sundown when they left
Shoop’s party. Alex and his group rode along for about
two miles at a time, and then the Bannacks dismounted
to light their pipes and listen. In time, the group
arrived at the mud flat that was the head of Birch
Creek. They found a nice meadow where they rested
before pushing on to the site of the massacre.
--Confusion in the
Alex’s recollection: “I fixed my bridle so my horse
could eat grass, but held the reins in my hand and
soon dozed off to sleep, listening to the Indians
(Bannacks) jabbering among themselves. Pretty soon I
heard a sharp whistle at a distance and, raising up to
listen, heard it again but in another direction. I
then fixed my bridle ready for riding. All of the
Indians around me then kept very still, and we heard
the whistle very distinctly in another direction and
heard it answered from a distance. Then we could hear
the sound of the horses’ hoofs going over rocks. We
stayed there quietly for probably 15 minutes before we
started to move on. There was no moon, and it was
pretty dark.”
With stealth, they traveled another ten miles and
heard the sound of horses feeding and dogs barking.
They were close to the reported site of the massacre.
Stopping to listen, Chief Tendoy sent his son ahead to
look for signs of any Nez Perce. Soon a band of
horses, estimated by Alex at 1,000, ran past. Fearing
a sizeable band of Nez Perce would follow, Alex and
his group jumped on their horses and rode away as fast
as they could for several minutes. However, when
things quieted down, they returned to Birch Creek.
By that time, the men had been riding for a long time
without food. Alex said, “We were not looking for dead
men. Grub was what we wanted.” They found the
freighters’ camp fire and grabbed the remains of a
scorched ham and some canned fruit. Then they fell
back into the brush to eat.
Dawn was approaching. A few of the Bannack Indians
reconnoitered the vicinity, and found some horses and
mules, including seven with Alex’s brand. Shortly
thereafter, Colonel Shoop made his appearance with a
contingent of cavalry and some wagons. He said he
would arrange for some Indians to take Alex’s horses
back to his ranch if Alex would stay on as a guide. A
man named Dave Woods then rode up and said he had
found the men who were killed, about a quarter mile
away. Alex threw down his horse shoeing outfit, and
they hurried to the site.
There were indication the freighters had put up a
stubborn fight. The stock of a rifle was on the side
of one man, and the barrel on another. Three other men
were scattered within 25 feet, including one in the
creek bed. Another apparently got away, but was shot
off his horse about a mile away. Alex: “Now there
(were) only five of us to bury the dead, so we dug a
big hole and placed willows in the bottom.”
--Capture of the Nez
“I (then) struck out to join (General) Howard’s
command, and caught up with them at Henry’s Lake, and
went through as scout until the Nezperces were
captured.” The chase continued northward, with
periodic skirmishes, through Montana. One of Alex’s
duties as scout was to find meat for the soldiers. He
documented that “as we entered the Judith Basin
(northern Montana), I helped to kill several buffalo
for the army. I killed many of these animals on the
plains, but this was my last buffalo hunt.”
The cavalry finally caught up with the Indians on
September 30, 1877, less than 40 miles from Canada and
safety. The soldiers initiated a sudden charge and
then fell back into a five-day siege during which the
army was able to use its artillery piece. The
conditions were miserable, especially for the Indians
who had no shelter except for brush. Five inches of
new snow fell. By October 5, Chief Joseph realized
their situation was untenable. The soldiers yelled
when they saw a flurry of white rags waving from the
Indian camp. After an exchange of delegations under
truce flags, Joseph sent his famous message to General
Howard, ending with: “I am tired; my heart is sick and
sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no
more forever.”
The Nez Perce lost 43 dead and 67 wounded during the
siege. The army lost 2 officers and 21 enlisted men
killed, and another 43 wounded. Reflecting later on
the fight, Alex wrote that “While I had been so
anxious to get in this fight, yet the sights I
witnessed among the dead and wounded took a great deal
of this notion out of me…It was a horrible and
gruesome sight.”
Chief Joseph lived out much of the rest of his life on
the Colville Reservation in eastern Washington. He has
been featured on at least two U.S. postage stamps.
General Howard later became superintendent of the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point. Rube Robbins spent 25
years as a deputy U.S. marshal and served variously as
traveling guard, work foreman, and warden of the Idaho
State Penitentiary. He also served terms in the Idaho
--Prominent Idaho
After the capture of the Nez Perce, Alex went back to
ranching. He followed his sister, Kate, once again
when she moved westward across the Beaverhead
Mountains into the eastern panhandle of Idaho. While
Kate lived in the towns of Junction and Salmon, Alex
found a ranch property at a higher elevation east of
Leadore. He acquired considerable stock interests
there. He was described as one of the few who actually
“rode the range” and “bulldogged the doggies” and
lived the life portrayed by TV westerns. During busy
times, he and his hired men were said to subsist on
sourdough, salt back, coffee, and cold soda biscuits.
Cruikshank’s ranch was fondly referred to as
“Cruikie’s” by the locals. As he was the first rancher
in the vicinity, the valley leading to his ranch
became known as Cruikshank’s Canyon. The creek that
flows through it was called Cruikshank Creek. The
canyon was later renamed Railroad Canyon, but the
creek still bears his name today.
Alex was a bachelor his entire life, and died on
January 25, 1919. He was a pioneer of both Beaverhead
County, Montana, and Lemhi County, Idaho. His obituary
described an openhearted and generous man who gave
lavishly of his own possessions to help his fellow
man. His grave is in Salmon, Idaho.
--Researched and written by John Stuekerjuergen