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BOUND FOR DIXIE! The undersigned having volunteered to fight for his country, hereby solitics all persons indebted to him to call and settle immediately, as he will leave in two weeks. A. C. PRICE, M.D. Sigourney, Oct. 4, 1861 ![]() SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a special execution issued from the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Keokuk county, Iowa, dated August 12th, 1861, and to me directed i favor of Harvey Ray and against the Estate of Jacob Goodheart deceased, for the sum of $193.50, and cost, I have this day levied upon the following described Real Estate, situated in the county of Keokuk, Iowa, to-wit: The undivided hal of the south-east quarter of the north east quarter of Section No. nineteen in township No. seventy-five, north of RangeNo. eleven west, as the property of the said Estate of Jacob Goodheart deceased, and willo sell the same to the highest bidder for cash at the north door of the Court House in the town of Sigourney on the 16th dy of October 1861 to satisfy said execution. Sale to comence at one o'clock P.M. J. M. ADAMS, Sheriff K.C. ![]() ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at the election to be held on Tuesday, October 8th, 1861, the question will be submitted to the voters of Keokuk County whether or not the Board of Supervisors shall build a Jail in said county, to be located at Sigourney, the cost of said Jail to exceed the sum of $2,000. Those in favor of said proposition will vote FOR A JAIL, and those opposed to said proposition will vote AGAINST A JAIL. By order of the board of Supervisors of Keokuk county, Iowa. J. H. SANDERS, Clerk of Dist. Court, and ex-officio Cl'k of said Board Sept. 18th, 1861. ![]() ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at the election to be held on Tuesday, October 8th, 1861, the question will be submitted to the voters of Keokuk County, whether a tax of $2,500 shall be levied upon the taxable property of said county for the purpose of erecting a Bridge across North Skunk River on or near the line between Range No. Eleven and No. Twelve west. Those in favor of said proposition will vote FOR A BRIDGE TAX, and those opposed to said proposition will vote AGAINST A BRIDGE TAX. By order of the board of Supervisors of Keokuk county, Iowa. J. H. SANDERS, Cl'k Dist. Court, and ex-officio ClERk of said Board. Sept. 18th, 1861. ![]() To the Heirs at law of, and all persons interested in the Estate of Jonas Menary, deceased. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That there is now on file in the office of the County Judge of Keokuk county, State of Iowa, a petition of Rebecca Acheson, formerly widow of Jonas Menary, for the admeasurement of her Dower in certain real estate described in said petition; and that the case will be for hearing on application to appoint Referees, on Monday the 7th day of October, 1861, at said Judge's office, when and where you can attend if you think proper. JOHN ROGERS, Co. Judge REBECCA ACHESON, By Wm. Longbridge, her Att'y. ![]() ORIGINAL NOTICE The State of Iowa, for the use of the School Fund of Iowa, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Harden, John H. Stockman, George Wright, Hetty Wright, Samuel R. Black, Arena Black, and Jesse R. Herring, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS George Wright, Hetty Wright, and Samuel R. Black: You and each of you are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in Keokuk County, State of Iowa a petition of the State of Iowa for use of the School Fund of Iowa, claiming of said Defendants the foreclosure of a mortgage, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said court, decree by default will be rendered against you thereon. G. D. WOODIN, Dist. Att'y. Aug. 23, 1861 ![]() THE WAR (Against Delinquents) The undersigned, having disposed of his Stove store and Tin-Shop in Sigourney, requests all those who know themselves indebted to him to call at the office of Harned & Mackey and settle up immediately, or else their accounts will be allowed to take due course of law. J. M. McINTOSH ![]() ORIGINAL NOTICE The State of Iowa, for the use of the School Fund of Iowa, Plaintiff, vs. Orange S. Wight, R. W. Hillis, Mansfield Ash, D. N. Henderson, Tens & Cole, School Dist. No. 3, Lancaster township, Defendants, TO SAID DEFENDANT, ORANGE S. WIGHT, Sir: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in Keokuk County, State of Iowa a petition of the State of Iowa for use of the School Fund of Iowa, claiming of said Defendants the foreclosure of a mortgage, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said court, decree by default will be rendered against you thereon. G. D. WOODIN, Dist. Att'y. Aug. 23, 1861 ![]() ORIGINAL NOTICE In the District Court of Keokuk county, Iowa Loring S. Gilbert, vs. J. S. McKee To J. McKee:-Sir: You are notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in Keokuk County, Iowa a petition of Loring S. Gilbert, claiming of you the sum of One Hundred and Seventy Dollars and fifty-one cents as money due him on account, for services in buying, feeding, and driving stock, and corn to feed the same, &&c. (For more particular account see petition on file.) And also asking a writ of attachment against your property to secure said sum; that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the February Term 1862, of the District Court in Keokuk county, Iowa, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon. SAMPSON & HARNED, Plt'ffs Att'ys. ![]() ORIGINAL NOTICE In the District Court of Keokuk county, Iowa Boyd & Brother, vs. J. S. McKee To J. McKee:-Sir: You are notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in Keokuk County, Iowa a petition of Boyd & Brother, claiming of you the sum of Two Hundred and Sixteen Dollars and two cents as money due them for money applied by them to your use, at at your request; and also asking a writ of attachment against your property to secure said sum. And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the February term 1862, of the District Court of said county, which will commence on the second Monday in February, 1862, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon. SAMPSON & HARNED, Plt'ffs Att'ys. August 3, 1862 [?] Printer's fee $8.50 ![]() NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT Notice is hereby given that J. D. BOYD & BROTHER, of South English, Keokuk county, Iowa, doing business in said South English and at the Union Mills, in Mahaska county, Iowa, have this day assigned to me all their Property, Real and Personal, for the payment of their debs, and their creditors must present their claims, under oath or affirmation, to me at my office in Sigourney, Keokuk county, Iowa, within three months from the date heref. Dated the 13th of A[u]gust, 1861. D. P. OLIVE, Assignee ![]() LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Keokuk County, Iowa William Robison vs Zimri Lewis To Zimri Lewis:-Sir: You are notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, of Keokuk County, Iowa a petition of William Robinson, claiming of you the sum of Eighty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents as money due him for 2 promisory notes, also asking a writ of attachment against your property and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of the District Court of Keokuk county, Iowa, which term commences on the second Monday in August, 1861, default will be entered against you, and judgment rendered thereon. MACKEY & HARNED, Att'ys for Plt'ff. July 26, 1861 Printer's fee $3.50 ![]() ORIGINAL NOTICE The State of Iowa, Keokuk County, SS To Justinian Ray, Obid King, Charlotte King, Soronie & Goodheim, Lee & Callendar, Leonard Clary, Pratt & Conrad, Horace Farrington, G. Choate & Co., and A. S. Alexander. You are notified that there will be on file on or before the 20th day of August A. D. 1861, in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Keokuk County, State of Iowa, a petition of Pierce Brothers & Flanders, claiming of Justinian Ray, Obid King and Charlotte King, thirty-two hundred dollars, as money due on a promisory note made by Ray & King to Plaintiffs, dated August1st, 1859, for $2612.17, also claiming of Justinian Ray, Obid King, Charlotte King, Soronie & Goodheim, Lee & Callendar, Leonard Clary, Pratt & Conrad, Horace Farrington, G. Choate & Co., and A. S. Alexander, the foreclosure of a mortgage executed for the purpose of securing said note, by Justinian Ray, Obid King, and Charlotte King, on the 1st day of August 1859, for the following described lands in Keokuk county, Iowa, viz: the south half of the north-west quarter of section four (4), township seventy-six (76), also the west half of the south west quarter and the south east quarter of the south west quarter of section No. four (4), township seventy six (76), also the east half of the north east quarter of the south west quarter of section sixteen (16) township seventy-six (76) all of range eleven west. Now unless you appear thereto, and defend on or before noon of the second day of the next term of said court, commencing on the second Monday of February, A. D. 1862, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon for the amount due and a decree of foreclosure as prayed for in said petition. THOS. HANNA, Att'y for Plt'ff. Aug. 17, 1861 (Printer's fee paid) ![]() Bacon, Hyde & Co., vs. Jas. C. Whitehill To James C. Whitehill, Defendant-Sir: You are notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, in Keokuk County, Iowa a petition of Bacon, Hyde & Co., claiming of you the sum of Seven hundred dollars as money due them from you on a promisory note executed by you to them, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next Term of said Court, which term commences on the second Monday in August, 1861, judgment by default will be rendered against you thereon. G. D. WOODIN, Att'y for Plt'ff. June 14th, 1861 |