Thanks to Steve Hanken for sending the following about the Monticello
High School building:
"This Monticello High School was recently
torn down. They discovered a bas relief in one of the upper rooms that
was a real work of art. It was a plaster relief of a panel of the Iowa
Soldiers Memorial (Civil War) that was done with permission from the
artist. One of Monticello's Civil War soldiers was used as a model for
one of the soldiers pictured. (Farwell I believe was his name). The
relief was saved, but the building is now gone.
"When I was in
High School it was the Masonic Temple and we had hot lunch in the lower
portion of the building. The High School that I went to was built in the
late 1920's and now it is the middle school. The good people of
Monticello Community have spent their hard earned money and built a new
high school across from the Monticello cemetery along Hwy. 38.
"There is a very impressive alumni association at Monticello, and they
have written a book that details all the teachers, staff, students from
each graduating class and a general history of the changes in the school
itself. They usually sell the book at the annual Alumni Banquet that
honors each class in their ten, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, fourty,
fifty and sixty post graduation years."
A new Monticello School
History has been written for both the Sacred Heart and Monticello Public
Schools and is available through the Monticello Express (111 E. Grand
St. P.O. Box 191, Monticello, Iowa 52310, 319/465-3555) for $15.00. It
features photos, history, rural schools, alumni and faculty listings. It
is called "Seeds of Empowerment".