History |
According to the History of
Johnson County, IA 1836 - 1882:
The Solon Reaper, of date July 28, 1882, published a sketch of the
village history, from which we glean a few points:
The founder of Solon, as far as information can be ascertained, is one
John West, who it is said laid out the first town proper of Solon in
the year 1842. The same became vacated for some reason or other in
1847. In the year 1850, H. H. Kerr and P. B. Anders resurrected the
vacated town proper and laid out in lots the town of Solon the second
According to Early Settlers of Solon, IA by Marilou West Ficklin: The
pioneer settlement grew into an established community in the early
years before its official incorporation. During this growth period,
businesses, churches, and services were available.
The little city of Solon was incorporated on July 2, 1877.
Business |
John Brakel was the first who
started in business here, opening a blacksmith shop in the year 1843,
and continuing the same many years. P. B. Anders opened in the same
line in 1848.
The first hotel, or rather an inn, was put up by George
Gruel in 1850. In 1855, Palmer House stage coach headquarters building was erected.
1882 Business Directory of Solon
L. M. Lawyer, dry goods and groceries |
Shircliff & Fisher, dry goods and groceries |
Swafford Bros., dry goods and groceries | A. Serovy, dry goods and groceries | W. T> Pratt, dry goods and millinery | W. T. Pratt, hardware and drugs | Otto Heinsius, drugs | A. Serovy, City Hotel | Mrs. C. Palmer, Palmer House | Joseph Pauba, dealer in implements and grain buyer | Joseph Pitlik, harness | Jacob Pauba, Solon Mills | Phillip Duel, furniture | E. M. Burgess, physician | J. S. Crain, physician | Otto Heinsius, physician | E. M. Rogers, physician | D. A. Pratt, lumber dealer | G. A. Mattas, lumber dealer | Joseph Payn, restaurant | C. H. Palmer, livery | A. C. Swafford, lawyer | I. C. Brockel, blacksmith | W. Jedlicka, blacksmith | John R. Hess, wagon-maker | D. M. Rogers, confectionery and books | John Egermeyer, meat market | Joseph Wlach, meat market | Kucera & Zajicek, shoemakers | Fisher & Beck, Solon brewery | John Kurtz, saloon | Joseph Wlach, saloon | Frank Veshek, saloon | Mrs. T. Kintz, saloon |
The Solon Mills The flouring and
saw mill at Solon, was built in 1873, by Akerly & Carney. They
failed, and it fell into the hands of the Solon Mill Company,
consisting of L. M. Lawyer, E. M. Adams C. W. McCune and Charles Pratt.
They increased it to three run of burrs; and sold it June 2, 1881 to
Jacob Panba, who still owns it and is doing a good business.
Creamery The Solon Reaper, of July 28, 1882, published the
following statements: The Solon Creamery, Fisher & Back,
proprietors, was built Oct., 1880. The whole building is 2, 106 square
feet, and is divided into departments as follows: The cheese, 26x31
feet; creamery, 22x30 feet; ice house, 20x24 feet; and the engine room,
10x16 feet. The capacity is from 800 to 1,000 lbs. per day, but at
present only making about 250 lbs. per day, the season being very
backward with them as well as with others. The number of pounds of
butter made the first year reached 18,000, and this year they expect it
will reach between 40,000 and 50,000. This creamery is fit up with all
the modern improvements, and run by steam.
Whiskey Agency 1857 - Big Grove whiskey agency was discontinued by Johnson County.
Post-office |
1842 - H. H. Kerr, first postmaster, handled mail from his home. By 1882, L. M. Lawyer served as post master of Solon for twelve years. |
Government |
The first meeting of the
officers of the incorporated town was held July 2, 1877, which
consisted of the following:
Mayor: A. B. Newcomb
Councilmen: P. N. Connelly, D. R. Randall, John Hess, Geo. Mattas, R.
C. Caldwell
Recorder: Wm. Buchanan
Marshal, F. A. Heinsius
Officers Elected in March, 1882 were:
Mayor, A. P. Walker
Trustees: D. A. Pratt, Geo. Corrigan, D. R. Randall, J. H. Fisher, W.
A. Palmer, A. C. Swafford
Marshal: Jos. Pitlik
Recorder: M. S. Shircliff |
Churches |
1855 - First Methodist Church was established. 1858 - First Catholic Church was established. In
1882 - there was a Catholic Church, M. E. Church and a German Evangelical Church |
Schools | 1841 - first log cabin school house built to replace first school held in the home of Mrs. Fannie Pratt.
| Railroad | 1976 - The Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern railway comes through Solon. | Solon News | In 1882, the first newspaper, called the "Solon Reaper", was published. | Historical Photograph Collection for the Town of Solon |
 | Street Scene
Solon, IA | Henry Ham Home
Solon, IA | CR-I & P Depot
Solon, IA | Opera House
Solon, IA | High School
Solon, IA | Photos provided by Dennis Switzer