for Richard R. "Dick" Murray will begin at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the
George L. Gay Funeral Home, with burial in Memory Gardens Cemetery.
The Rev. Daid F. Hitch will officiate.
Mr. Murray, 47, of 441 Brady Street, Hills, died Monday at his home of cancer.
will be from 3 to 8 p.m. today at the George L. Gay Hills Chapel.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Murray was born Oct 21, 1940 in Iowa City, son of Raymond B and Mildred
L. Tompkins Murray. He graduated from City High School in 1960
and married Patricia Ann "Trish" Daering Dec 27, 1960.
was the bookkeeper for Steven's Sand and Gravel Company for more than
17 years and was a member of the Hills Town and Country Club.
is survived by his wife; two daughters, Christy (Mrs. Steve) Jenn and
Kyla Murray, all of Hills; one brother, Wayne of Cedar Rapids; and one
grandson. His parents died earlier.
Source: Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 3 Aug 1988, pg 3B