Ordered by
the court, that township 78 north, of range 7 west, be and called
"Sharon township;" the first township election to be holden at Bonn's school house
on section 16, in said township, on the first Monday in April, 1858,
for the election of township officers therein.
In 1882, Sharon township was an independent school district with nine
sub-districts, and three directors for each sub-district. Source: History of Johnson
County 1836-1882, pg. 607
Sharon Township School Houses
1 Maple Grove in Section 2
# 2 Willow Grove in Section 3
# 3 Hartsock in Section 5
# 4 Lincoln or East Lincoln in Section 19
# 5 Boone or Center in Section 22
6 Bayertown in Section 23
# 7 Elm Grove or Pleasant Grove in Section 35
# 8 Fair View in Section 27
# ? Evergreen or Sharon in Section 31 |

Rural School House Class Photos
School District Maps in 2009
(click images to enlarge)
Map credit: Johnson
County Auditor
Data gathered as a result of the Johnson County Schools Project