Oxford Township Rural School House News
| Yenter School House
Miss Hattie Douglass is instructing the knowledge seekers at the Yenter School House (Source: Oxford Weekly Journal, Oxford, IA Thurs., Jan 23, 1890, pg. 2)
Elma Tranter closed her year's school work in District No. 10, known as
the Yenter School, Friday. This school will not be opened next fall as
the pupils took the 8th grade examinations, and there are not other
children of school age, except those ready for high school work. Miss
Tranter has been elected to take District # 1 inn the TIffin district. (Source: Oxford Leader, Oxford, IA, May 19, 1927, pg. 1)
Doty School House
Miss Zelma Ford commenced teaching school at the Doty School House last Monday. (Source: Oxford Weekly Journal, Oxford, IA, Sep 6, 1888, pg. 1)
Firemen were called to help save the old Doty School Thursday afternoon. The building was a total loss. (Source: Johnson County Democrat and Oxford Leader, Feb 5, 1942, pg. 4)
20 Years Ago Today Rural
School No. 2, two and one half miles north of Oxford, is burned to the
ground by fire of undetermined origin. The school's piano, several
desks and some books are saved, but all else is lost in the blaze. (Source: Iowa City Press-Citizen, 12 Dec 1916, pg. 10)
Three of Oxford Township's Schools Closed This Term Nearly
all of the rural schools in this vicinity have opened and most of them
are well started on the work of the fall term. Three of the districts
have no school on account of there not being a sufficient number of
children in the district to keep them open. In these cases the pupils
are being transported to town or to nearby districts. Following are the
Oxford Township teachers: Marie Frees, Miss Lawler, Marguerite Holland,
Marion Miller, Anna Maher, Genevieve Flannery, Nelly Barry, Catherine
Barry. Alice Crissinger is teaching the Denson School and Neva
Crissinger is teaching the Sherlock school in Iowa Township. Helen
Sponar teaches the Lininger school in Madison township; Mrs. Ed. Paul
has the Sponar school in Iowa township. (Source: Oxford Leader, Sep 15, 1921, pg. 1)
OXFORD DEFEATED HARDIN TOWNSHIP, SCORE 7 TO 1 The local base ball club was victorious again Sunday when they met the Hardin township players and won an easy game. Cyril
Bireline was on the mound for Oxford and made a good showing as a
twirler, although that is not his regular position. Cobbins Curry did
the hurling for Hardin and pitched good ball too. The longest hit of
the game was a two bagger by Stanley James, most of Oxford's scores
coming as a result of their opponents' errors. (Source: Oxford Leader, Sep 15, 1921, pg. 1) Good Report From School No. 4 Miss
Ethel Mueller, teacher of rural school No. 4 in Oxford twp. sends in
her report for the first month of school. Those who were neither absent
or tardy were: Everett Kahler, Mary Kahler, Eldon Mueller, Floyd
Kahler, Raymond Franholtz, Pauline Franholtz (Source Oxford Leader, Sep 29, 1927, pg. 1)
Oxford Township School Houses
# 1 Waterman in Section 2 # 2 Doty in Section 4 # 3 Grabin in Section 5 # 4 Brant or Brandt in Section 7 # 5 Combe in Section 16
| # 6 Clodfelter in Section 11 # 7 Cork in Section 23 # 8 Brown in Section 20 # 9 Hill Top in Section 29 # 10 Yenter in Section 33 # 11 Ward in Section 26
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