That branch of the Turner family, of which Job Tubbs is a
representative, figured quite largely in the early history of the
American Colonies. The line is of English descent, the first emigrants
having come to the new world in the seventeenth century. Jacob Turner,
great grandfather of our subject, was born at Killing worth,
Connecticut, in 1731. William, the grandfather, was a native of the
same town, horn in 1765; as was also Captain Almerin Turner, our
subject's father, the date of whose birth was January 10, 1780.
Turner was a soldier of the Revolution and fought at the battle of
White Plains, which occurred in October, 1776. He was badly wounded by
a bayonet thrust in the knee, which crippled him for life; but the Hessian soldier who made the thrust was killed by a Yankee comrade of Turner's who was just behind. The latter pulled the bayonet from Turner's knee and slew the Hessian with the same weapon.
William Turner married Hannah Williams, who was of Welsh descent. |  | They
raised ten children, seven sons and three daughters. Three of the sons
became sea captains, Almerin, our subject's father, Reuben, and
William. Our subject knows little of his grandfather's family, having
never seen any of his uncles except Reuben. He was once told, however,
that his uncles, Ephraim and Sorenus, left the Connecticut home at an
early day and settled in Texas while it was yet Mexican territory, and
later fought for its independence. Reuben, the fourth son, he met a
number of times. He was a sea captain, and lived for a few years after
his marriage at Saybrook, Connecticut. Later he removed to Rochester,
New York, and thence to Cleveland, Ohio, in the thirties. Ile had four
sons, who were all lake captains. Captain Reuben Turner died in
Cleveland, and our subject is of the opinion that his four sons also
have passed away. Another uncle, Elisha Turner, it was said, lived at
Rochester, New York, for some years prior to his death. Several of his
sons went to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where they engaged in
manufacturing. Captain William Turner lived and died in Baltimore. Of
the remaining uncles and his aunts our subject heard and knew little,
but he does remember that the only time he ever saw his father weep was
upon the receipt of a letter announcing the death of one of his sisters.
The early experiences of Captain Almerin Turner were characteristic of
his day. School privileges and opportunities were few and far between,
but with all the local drawbacks he managed to get a term of three days
in school. At the age of fifteen he obtained the position of cabin boy
on board a merchant vessel bound to the West Indies. He was soon
advanced to the position of sailor, learned navigation and the
practical sailing of the merchant ships of that day. Being active,
temperate, and understanding navigation, he soon advanced to the place
of captain's or master's mate, and soon after reaching his majority he
was given command of a merchant vessel, to sail and trade in our
southern waters, the West Indies and South America. Thins he became a
full-fledged sea captain. A hundred years ago the common outward cargo
of the Atlantic sailing vessel was New England rum, sometimes a few
mules, chickens, turkeys, etc., and her return cargo was sugar,
sometimes a little coffee, and tropical fruit. Notwithstanding Captain
Almerin Turner's early educational disadvantages, he came to be a
reading man, well posted in modern history, and full of general
information; he knew his bible well, was posted in his church matters,
was a good talker, and often addressed his neighbors and friends to
their edification. He led a sailor's life at a time when Yankee seamen
had a hard time of it. From 1795 to 1815 the French, under Napoleon,
were at perpetual war with the English both on sea and land. The
English had their orders in Council by which, if an American ship was
captured when bound for a French port, she was subject to trial by the
British Court of Admiralty, and if condemned, the vessel and cargo were
confiscated. The Yankee had no remedy, simply because we were a weak
nation, and in those days might made right. This very thing happened to
one of Captain Turner's vessels when he was acting as mate. An English
man-of-war captured the ship, tried her before a Court of Admiralty,
and condemned her and the cargo, not even allowing the captain, mate,
and crew sufficient funds to pay their passage back to New York. On
another trip, bound for an English port in the West Indies, they were
captured by a French man-of-war. All the men, except Almerin, who was
mate, his brother Reuben, and the sick captain, were taken off. Almerin
was left on board because he understood navigation. The French
man-of-war put five of its men aboard the American vessel to take her
to a French port. The men were composed of an officer termed the "Prize
Master," and four seamen. The Prize Master told his men to obey Captain
Turner, as he was the navigator. One fine day the Yankee took advantage
of the situation, and ordered the four French sailors to go down into
the hold to do some work. Three of them obeyed the order, but the
fourth, smelling a rat, refused. Captain Turner gave his boy brother
Reuben an axe, telling him to knock the three men in the head should
they attempt to come out of the hold. The man who had refused to go
down Captain Turner knocked overboard very promptly, and then went to
look after the Prize Master, who was engaged in a rough and tumble
fight with the captain of the vessel. Captain Turner took a hand in the
combat, and the Prize Master was soon overcome and bound hand and foot.
The three prisoners in the hold were called up one at a time and also
bound. The fifth recalcitrant, who had been thrown overboard, was found
bleeding profusely but clinging to a rope and pleading for his life. He
was pulled up and bound with his fellows. The five were carefully
guarded and taken into an English port as prisoners of war. On bidding
good-bye to his captor, the Prize Master said: "Captain Turner, I am
never going back to France."
Captain Turner was obliged to surrender seafaring owing to two attacks
of yellow fever. Following his retirement, he spent a year or two at
his home in Saybrook, Connecticut, resting and recuperating. About the
year 1816 he sold his Connecticut home and with his family journeyed
into the then wilderness of northern Pennsylvania, where he bought
about three hundred acres of land of Dr. Robert H. Rose, located in the
township of Silver Lake, Susquehanna county. There he carved out a
productive farm from the tangled forest and raised a family of ten
sturdy little Turners, whose names and places and dates of birth are as
follows: Eliza Maria, born in Saybrook, Connecticut, 1810; Almerin W.,
born in same place in 1812; Juliette, ditto, in 1814. The remaining
seven, all born at Silver Lake, Pennsylvania, were: John Tubbs, born
1817; Caroline A., born 1819; Job Tubbs, our subject, born 1821;
Angeline, born 1823; Edwin M., born 1825; William, born 1827; Albert
D., born 1829. The mother of this interesting group was Hannah Tubbs,
born at East Lyme, Connecticut, in 1788. She was a daughter of John
Tubbs, whose English ancestors came over in 1635 and became freeholders
at Duxbury, Massachusetts. Hannah Tubbs married Captain Almerin Turner
about the year 1809. The couple lived at Saybrook, Connecticut, for
about seven years and then removed to Pennsylvania.
Our subject recalls that his mother "was a godly woman, the best of
wives, the best of mothers, the tenderest of friends'' (we are quoting
from his written statement). "She always held me as long as possible
when I went home for a visit, always hugging, crying, kissing, and
blessing me when I came to leave. The visits were very pleasant; the
partings very trying. She passed away at the old home in 1854. I spent
a week with her just before her death. She was buried in the old home
cemetery at Choconut, located one and a half miles from our old home.
She had better earlier advantages than my father. Was a good speller, a
good reader, could repeat many of the old Watts hymns, and was always
able and willing to help me out in the spelling lessons. She often
wrote me letters full of motherly affection after I left home. Mother
visited her old Connecticut home once after she came to Pennsylvania;
my father, I believe, never revisited the old home. I have endeavored
to follow my mother's teachings, and do so today."
A brief recital of the lives and activities of the children of Captain
Almerin Turner and Hannah Tubbs will make an important chapter in the
family history.
Eliza M., the
oldest child, married William House, of Little Meadows, Pennsylvania,
in 1838; had two daughters, Elizabeth and Caroline, and a son, William
A.; Elizabeth married Henry A. House, a cousin; Caroline married Judge
A. B. Beers, of Bridgeport, Connecticut; William A. married Eliza
Chubbock, daughter of a Methodist minister, and a bright and good
woman. Eliza taught school in her younger days. She died and was buried
in Vineland, New Jersey, in September, 1881.
Almerin V., the oldest boy, soon after his majority, went to Seneca
Falls, New York, studied medicine with Dr. J. R. Brown, and soon after
receiving his degree of M. D. removed to Cleveland, Ohio. He had a
number of sons and daughters and died, it is believed, in Rockford,
Illinois, in 1805.
after teaching school a. term or two, married George W. Ross, in 1830.
She bore five boys, three of whom are living: Charles P. Ross, of
Newark, New Jersey; Kennard J., of Pittston, Pennsylvania; and George
W., of Morristown. New Jersey. She died in Rockaway, New Jersey, in
John Tubbs, until about the
age of nineteen, remained on the old Pennsylvania farm. Thereafter he
attended the Seneca Falls academy. He taught school and kept up his
academy course both summer and winter. He finally decided to study
medicine. In pursuance of this purpose, according to the custom of the
day he "read" medicine with Dr. Bellows, of Seneca Falls, New York.
Later he attended medical lectures at Geneva college (now Hobart),
Geneva, New York, for two or three seasons, and finally graduated at a
Vermont school of medicine. Dr. Turner was successful in his practice
from the start. His surgical operations were the marvel of his day.
Unfortunately, in the winter of 1848, he met with an accident while
returning from a visit to a patient which resulted in breaking several
ribs and otherwise injuring him. From the cold contracted on the
occasion he never recovered, and, although unfit to leave his house,
would insist on making long trips to administer to his patients. His
self sacrifice cost him his life, and lie died a year and a half after
the accident, a martyr to his profession. He was buried at East Cayuga,
New York, the latter part of May, 1850, at the age of thirty-six. He
left one son, Frederick. His wife was Laura Marsh, daughter of Daniel
Marsh, of Cayuga Bridge, New York. She only survived her husband four
Caroline A. lived at the
old home at Silver Lake till she was over thirty years of age, then
married a Methodist minister, Rev. Walter B. Thomas, an Englishman. She
died at Athens, Pennsylvania, some time in the eighties. Her husband
survived her several years. They left one son, Arthur, a music teacher,
residing at Carbondale.
married C. D. Virgil in 1843 and bore two sons and a daughter. Father,
mother and daughter all died young. The whereabouts of the sons is
Edwin M. was a lawyer by
profession. After the sale of the old Pennsylvania farm, he and his
father removed to Vineland, New Jersey, where he practiced his
profession. He married Martha L. Ellis, in 1855, and died in Leadville,
Colorado, some five or six years ago. His wife survives him. They have
eight children, three boys and five girls. Henry, the oldest son, and
Willis Tubbs, the third son, are engaged in the United States
Geological Survey in California and Nevada; Edwin Job is in trade at
Leadville, Colorado; Amanda is a kindergarten teacher at Pittsfield,
Massachusetts; Hannah is married to Arthur Hobart, of Boston; Edna is
the wife of William C. Appleton, of Boston; the remaining two girls are
unmarried — one is doing newspaper work in Denver and the other is a
typewriter in Boston.
Albert D., the youngest son, is a dentist at Binghamton, New York, successful and prosperous.
Job Tubbs Turner, our subject, as hitherto stated, was born on the
Silver Lake farm in Pennsylvania. He first saw daylight in the little
log cabin on April 6, 1821. He was raised on the farm, and attended the
district school at Choconut, a mile and a half distant from the farm.
At the age of seventeen he was a student at Union academy, in the
western part of Broome county, New York, continuing for two terms.
Following this he taught two terms of school near his old home, and
later became a student and teacher in the Friendsville academy,
Friendsville, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, for nearly two years,
acting for the last year as assistant to Professor Thurston, a graduate
of Bowdoin. In the fall of 1884 he removed to Seneca Falls, New York,
in which neighborhood he taught school for several years. Reciting his
pedagogic experience, Mr. Turner recalls that his first term of
teaching near his old home brought him "the munificent sum of ten
dollars a month, with the privilege of boarding around among the
patrons." Finally, after having become quite proficient, he was asked
to continue at his last place at the salary of twenty-five dollars per
month, a raise of five dollars per month. But, having determined to
seek a more stable employment Mr. Turner declined. Later he obtained a
clerkship in a general merchandise store in Seneca Falls, where he
worked three years behind the counter. His salary for the first year
was one hundred dollars and board; for the second year one hundred and
twenty-five dollars and board; and for the third year one hundred and
eighty-five dollars and board. At the end of the third year he was
offered a partnership in the store by his employer, Mr. S. S. Gould,
which he accepted. Mr. Turner describes this transaction and his
experience with Mr. Gould as follows: "I accepted the offer and became
a partner in a well established trade. Mr. Gould was worth about twenty
thousand dollars. I had saved about four hundred dollars from wages
received in teaching and clerking. In the meantime I had made myself so
useful that Mr. Gould did not wish me to quit. I did not fish, hunt, or
attend places of amusement like most of the clerks and young men of
that day, but stayed by the stuff. So the house of Gould & Turner
began trade on April 1, 1850. I paid Mr. Gould the four hundred dollars
and gave my notes for the balance of the one-half of the stock on hand,
payable in one, two, and three years. Mr. Gould's family trade exceeded
mine to more than cover my notes from year to year, so that at the end
of three years Mr. Gould was in my debt."
At the end of seven years Mr. Turner sold his interest in the Seneca
Falls store and came to Iowa City, where he arrived October 22, 1857,
with his wife and son. He had married Jane S. Coleman at Seneca Falls
on June 20, 1850. She was born near Morristown, New Jersey, June 30,
1822. Their son, Edgar, was born June 23, 1851, in Seneca Falls. He
died in Iowa City August 28, 1860. Because of the hard times and the
demoralized state of the currency and the wildcat money, so-called, in
circulation, Mr. Turner did little business during his first three
years in Iowa City. However, he served one term on the school board and
two terms as city councilman. In 1862 he opened up a farm implement
store and continued the business for thirteen years with what he states
was "a fair degree of success." He disposed of the business in the
latter part of 1874, investing a portion of the proceeds in bank stock
and the balance in merchandise. One of his first bank stock investments
was in the First National of Iowa City. In January, 1870, he was
elected a director in said bank and has continued to be one of its
directors ever since, a period of over thirty-one years. He was one of
the founders of the Farmers Loan & Trust Company, of Iowa City, in
1880, and has been a trustee of the same from its beginning to the
present day. In the fall of 1862 Mr. Turner was appointed by Governor
Kirkwood as one of the commissioners of the state of Iowa to take the
vote of her soldiers in the field. He was assigned to take the vote of
the Twenty-second Regiment Iowa Infantry, wherever he found them. The
vote of the soldiers in the field was to be taken at the same date as
that of the home election in October. He found the regiment near Rolla,
Missouri. The election was a quiet one, the vote being mostly
republican. In due time Mr. Turner delivered the result of the election
to the secretary of state at Des Moines. In the fall of 1863 he was
reappointed to take the vote of the same regiment. The Twenty-second
was composed of men largely from Johnson county. In October of that
year he found the regiment some two hundred miles northwest of New
Orleans, in western Louisiana, a long and tiresome journey by rail and
water. We think no better description could be given of this
interesting trip than in the words of Mr. Turner himself. In recounting
ins experiences to a nephew at Salem, Oregon, he tells of his Louisiana
journey in the following language:
"General Banks was then in command of the department, with headquarters
at New Orleans. General Butler had been in command of this department
previously and had cleaned up the city very thoroughly. 1 have often
been in New Orleans since, but have never seen it so clean as in
October, 1863. General Butler not only cleansed the city, but he made
the rebels toe the mark and pay respect to the flag. Our regiment
formed a part of the Thirteenth Army Corps. General Banks went with us
to the Teche country and we overtook the Thirteenth Corps near New
Iberia, Louisiana, late in the afternoon of the second day out from New
Orleans. The next day after reaching New Iberia, we marched all day up
the Teche towards Martinsville, camped near nightfall beside a field of
sweet potatoes, a few cabins or small houses being in the neighborhood.
Our soldier boys, digging the potatoes with their bayonets, using the
fence rails for their fires, appropriating all the pigs and chickens in
sight to their own use, seemed to enjoy their feast hugely. Early the
next morning we took the road again, had a skirmish with the rebels at
a crossing of the Teche, captured a bushwhacker and came into camp
early in the afternoon, our Twenty-second taking possession of rebel
Ex-Governor Monton's plantation, in sight of the church steeples of
Vermillionville. The Twenty-second took charge of Governor Mouton's
sugar and corn mill and ground corn for our regiment and for the
Thirteenth Corps as well. General Ord was in command of the Thirteenth
in the field. Generals Banks and Ord both appeared well on their
horses. After two or three days spent in reviews and inspection,
General Banks returned to New Orleans. I was in camp there for nearly
two weeks, when the proper day came to take the vote, and soon after
was notified by General Ord that a lot of prisoners under guard were to
be sent to New Orleans and that it would be a good opportunity for the
Iowa commissioners to take the hack track, especially as the army was
soon to move north following the retreating rebel army. We took his
advice and left, the government furnishing us transportation and
suitable guard. Secretary Stanton had issued orders directing
quartermasters to furnish us transportation, and all government
officials to aid us and facilitate our mission in every possible way.
The commissioners each had a. copy of this order, and when presented to
an army officer, it commanded respect and prompt action. We left camp
early in the morning and marched all day, or at least the prisoners and
a portion of the guard marched: the commissioners and rebel officers
were provided with ambulances. The officer in command of the guard and
his aides were on horseback. Late in the evening we reached an old camp
at New Iberia. Our prisoners numbered about eighty one, General Pratt,
an old man, a native of Saybrook, Connecticut. He had gone south many
years before, married a woman who had a large plantation and a goodly
supply of woolly heads, commonly called slaves. General Pratt belonged
to the same family as Captain Pratt, with whom my father sailed a
hundred years ago. Another noted prisoner was Albert Voorhees, a cousin
of Dan Voorhees, a statesman of Indiana. He had been the rebel
attorney-general of Louisiana. The same night, near midnight, I took
steamer on Bayou Teche, reaching Brashear City next night at midnight.
We showed Stanton's order, and the officials hustled out three or four
freight cars and a sickly engine to haul us. We readied Algiers at
sunrise on Sunday morning. Our palace cars had no seats except one long
bench with no back. As I had not slept for thirty-six hours, I was sick
and very weak. I had about five thousand dollars in my old satchel
belonging to the soldiers, to be brought home and delivered to their
families. I had on my overcoat, wrapped my shawl about me, laid my
satchel on the floor, stretched myself alongside it, using the satchel
for a pillow and slept soundly all night. Being surrounded by a crowd
all the time, composed of all sorts of people, I ran a great risk, and
would not like to repeat it. I was careful not to reveal my fix, not
even to any of the Iowa commissioners. We crossed over the big river to
New Orleans, went to the City Hotel, where I have often stopped since,
took breakfast, and went to bed. I had slept only an hour or two when
word came that a government transport was just ready to start up the
river — 'All aboard.' So we started for Cairo on a Sunday morning. The
deck of the transport was packed almost like sardines with sick and
wounded soldiers, and there were many deaths en route. It was a common
thing to hear a soldier say, 'Well, poor Tom played out last night.' If
not 'Tom,' it was 'Jake,' or 'Mose,' or 'Jim.' A sad sight and an
unpleasant trip. From what I saw and heard during this trip, I came to
the conclusion that there is little sunshine in war. I reached home
after a fatiguing trip of six weeks via river and rail. Resting a few
days, I went to Des Moines and delivered the ballots to the secretary
of state. The soldiers this time gave an almost unanimous vote for the
republican ticket."
Turner states that he was once asked by a friend, "What brought you to
Iowa?" This set him to thinking, and he answered the question as
follows: "In September, 1856, I went as usual to New York city to stock
up for the fall and winter trade. My trade was in general merchandise,
and this proved to be my last trip to New York for this purpose. My
custom was to visit the great city by our eastern sea twice a year to
lay in my supplies, in April and September. In those days I took the
morning train at Seneca Falls, reaching Albany in time for the night
steamer for New York, usually reaching that city soon after daylight.
After purchasing stock, which usually took about ten days, I would take
the night boat for Albany, reaching its destination at daybreak. These
passenger steamers were large and elegant and always gave us a good
supper. On this particular trip up the river we had about 1,200
steerage passengers on the lower deck. On the trip in question I went
on board the steamer before sunset, secured my stateroom and took a
seat in the ladies' cabin. A little later there came aboard a couple
apparently of my own age, preceded by a little miss of perhaps five
years. The little maid came close to me, and I extended her my hand.
She took it and, coining nearer, gave me a hearty kiss. This seemed to
amuse and please the father and mother. They took seats near me, and
our tongues soon loosening, we had a pleasant evening, taking supper
together. The next morning we took the train at Albany for the west,
and taking seats near each other, we had a pleasant visit. They told me
of their old New Bedford home and of their new home at Davenport, Iowa.
They spoke in the highest terms of Davenport and of Iowa and its
prospects, making it emphatically the land of promise. Well, it came
about that in the spring of 1857, when I sold my interest at Seneca
Falls, and was looking for a new location, I remembered the words of
New Bedford friends and naturally turned my eyes towards beautiful
Iowa. Landing at Dubuque on the 4th day of July, 1857, I boarded a
steamer bound for Davenport and reached the latter city near sunset of
the same day. I tarried there for a day or two, called upon my New
Bedford friends, looked over the town a bit, and on the morning of July
8th took passage on the railroad for Iowa City, then the terminus of
the only railroad in Iowa. Liking the appearance and general location
of Iowa City, I here concluded to stick my stake and make my new home,
provided my wife was pleased with the new plan. Returning to my eastern
home, I submitted the case to her, and she decided favorably. Closing
up my affairs at Seneca Falls, I took my wife and boy and started for
the great valley of the west, landing in Iowa City October 22, 1857.
Now, what was the moving cause of my coming to Iowa? Was it my kismet?
Or was it the kiss of the little maid of New Bedford? Tell me if you
Turner has been a religious man all his life. His association in New
York was with the Presbyterian church, but on arriving at Iowa City he
and his wife united with the Congregational church by letter from the
First Presbyterian church of Seneca Falls. On the dissolution of the
Congregational church of Iowa City, in 1864-65, the couple muted by
letter with the First Presbyterian church, with which they have been
associated until this writing. Mr. Turner was a trustee of the latter
church for ten years. He was trustee of the Iowa Deaf and Dumb asylum
when it was located at Iowa City and after its removal to Council
Bluffs. He has all his life been devoted to his home, and gives it as
his emphatic opinion, based on a hfetime of experience, that "a good
home is next door to heaven."
Leading Events in Johnson County, Iowa, History (1913); Volume: 2;
Aurner, Clarence Ray; Cedar Rapids, IA: Western Historical Press