The honor of being the borne town of
"the best funeral director in America" belongs to Iowa City, Johnson
county, Iowa, and William Peter Hohenschuh is the native son whose
extraordinary work, educationally and practically, has secured this
distinction. Hohenschuh is reckoned by his profession as a living encyclopedia
of information on mortuary matters from cadaver to coffin. His fame as an
author, lecturer, and demonstrator is international. The Embalmers' Monthly, of
Chicago, on the eve of his retirement from the lecture platform in 1910, among
many splendid statements of his activities covering a period of thirty years,
said: "Mr. Hohenschuh retires with all the public honors the profession
can give him. He organized the Iowa Funeral Directors' Association in 1881 and
was its first delegate to the National Association, in whose councils he has
been a power from that day to this. He was elected president of the national
organization in St. Louis in 1894, and reelected to another term at the next
year's convention in Atlanta. His expert knowledge of embalming and sanitation
has made him of unusual service to these organizations. In perfecting advanced
legislation along the lines of embalming and public sanitation he has been of
the highest service both in his home state and in the national |  |
The present regulations for the transportation of the dead have resulted in a
great measure from his efforts. As an educator in the scientific side of his
profession Mr. Hohenschuh holds his highest honors, and no man holds more. He
was a member of the faculty of the Chicago College of Embalming, and later
established the Hohenschuh-Carpenter College of Embalming at Des Moines, which
still holds two well-attended sessions each year for the education of the Iowa
funeral directors and embalmers. When the University of Minnesota established a
school of embalming in 1908, Mr. Hohenschuh was selected to fill the chair of
practical embalming. He has been a prolific writer on educational topics in all
of the journals devoted to the undertaking profession, and is the author of The
Modern Funeral — Its Management, a book of some 400 pages that is recognized as
the standard work of its class both in this country and in England."
In one of the apartments over the
storeroom at 20 South Dubuque street, Iowa City, where his furniture store is
located, William Peter Hohenschuh was born November 10, 1858. At that same
location, in 1855, Frank Hohenschuh, his father, a cabinet maker by trade,
started in the furniture business, making by hand much of the goods sold in the
course of a growing trade. Directly across the street, at No. 19, is located
the Hohenschuh undertaking establishment, which The Embalmers' Monthly says is "faultlessly
kept and faultlessly managed." This is high praise, but fully deserved, as
every citizen of Iowa, City acquainted with the high class modern institution
maintained by Mr. Hohenschuh can testify.
Frank Hohenschuh and Teressa Statzer,
parents of William P., were natives of Germany. The former was born April 23,
1824, at Wesel, a fortified city on the Rhine; the latter, November 8, 1827, at
Knittelstheim, Bavaria, a small German village. Frank came to America and to
Iowa City in 1852 and, as previously stated, engaged in the furniture business
and cabinet work on South Dubuque street. Teresa Statzer came to Iowa City with
her parents in 1842, and in 1858 was married to Frank Hohenschuh. The latter
died December 13, 1876, but Mother Hohenschuh is still living at her old home,
318 Bloomington street.
When a boy William Peter Hohenschuh
attended St. Joseph's Institute at Iowa City, conducted by Rev. Father Emonds,
during whose pastorate St. Mary's church was built. In the spring of 1877,
following the death of his father, young Hohenschuh took up the business left
by the former and has conducted the same without interruption to the present
time. What greater proof of the rewards of constancy, energy, and faithfulness
in business could be cited than the success that has attended William P.
On February 4, 1880, Mr. Hohenschuh was
married, at Morris, Illinois, to Miss Nena. C. Crawford, a native of that
state, whose parents were descended from one of the old families of New York state.
Although not blessed with children, the relations of the Hohenschuhs have been
most happy, and their home is one of the most beautiful in the city.
In politics Mr. Hohenschuh is a democrat.
Never an office seeker, he nevertheless was honored by his constituents with
the position of coroner of Johnson county for fifteen years — an indication of
the confidence of his fellow citizens and a strong commentary upon his ability.
His only other public official position is that of member of the Iowa City Public
Park Commission, an office which he has held for six years, being now secretary
of the commission. Mr. Hohenschuh is a member of St. Mary's Roman Catholic
church, Iowa City; Past Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus, local council No.
842; Past Exalted Ruler B. P. O. E. No. 590, and a member of the grand lodge of
the order.
Peter Statzer and wife (nee Miss Margaret
Bishop), parents of Mrs. Frank Hohenschuh, our subject's mother, came with
their five children to America in 1841 from Bavaria, Germany, the voyage being
made by sailing vessel and occupying eight weeks. Peter Statzer gave as his
principal reason for leaving Germany the desire that his three sons, Jacob,
John and Ferdinand, should not be compelled to go to war through association
with the German army. His heart was gratified in this, though two of his
beloved boys, Jacob and John, and a daughter, Frances (married to John Stenz at
Iowa City), have joined him in the Great Beyond. Teresa Hohenschuh and her
brother Ferdinand Statzer (aged 76) are the sole survivors of their father's
family. Happily they have the comfort of each other's presence in their
declining years, being residents at the same house in Iowa City.
Peter Statzer had a brother in America
who constantly urged him to emigrate, representing to him that he could get
good land at $1.25 per acre in the United States. On arrival in Iowa, Mr.
Statzer looked over a proposed location on the Cedar Rapids road between Ely
and Salem, six miles north of Salem, but not being exactly suited, came on to
Iowa City (1842) and purchased from a German named "Nick" for $300
the property where Mrs. Frank Hohenschuh now resides. A one-room frame house then
stood within ten feet and a log house occupied the site of the present
residence of the widow. Adjoining was also a log house fronting on East
Bloomington street. The same year Mr. Statzer's mother (his parents having
accompanied him to the new world) died and was buried between Linn and South
Gilbert streets on a tract of land near the present railway track. This was
simply following the usual custom in that early day, cemeteries being unknown.
Grandfather Statzer survived his wife thirty-eight years, dying in 1880.
Frank Hohenschuh, in 1875, erected the
brick building on South Dubuque street where Sueppel's grocery store now
stands. Across the street from where his widow now resides in the early days
there was a large slough. This she saw all filled in and graded, for Mrs.
Hohenschuh has resided continuously at 318 East Bloomington street for
sixty-nine years, with the exception of a short period after her marriage in
1858, when the family lived in one room in a brick building on East Market street
while the husband erected a frame building for his furniture store, after which
they occupied the up-stairs of the store building for a time — that being the
birthplace, as previously stated, of William P. Hohenschuh. Mother Hohenschuh
has a remarkably retentive memory and can recall many interesting incidents of
the early days. One of the epochal events of her young life was attending mass
in the first place of worship of the Catholic church in Iowa City, when
services were held in the dining room of Ferdinand Haberstroh's boarding house
opposite the present campus of the State University of Iowa on East Jefferson
street, now the site of the residence of Mrs. Martha Marshall. Always a
consistent Catholic, Mrs. Hohenschuh was a charter member of what was known as
The Rosary Society of St. Mary's Catholic church; other charter members of this
society whose names she recalls were Mrs. Catherine Sueppel and Mrs. Barbara
The children of Frank Holienschuh and
Teresa Statzer are: William, the subject of this sketch; Mary (deceased May,
1890); Katie (deceased 1909); Christian, of Iowa City; and Dr. Frank C. The
grandchildren of the family number six.
Of the above children, perhaps some
particular mention should be made of Christian Hohenschuh, engaged in the book
and stationery business on South Clinton street, adjoining the old St. James
Hotel. Born in 1865 in Iowa City, following his education at the public and
parochial schools, Christian entered at once upon a business career, and in
spite of the fact that he has been in delicate health and his life despaired of
on several occasions, he has made a marked success. Several trips to Denver,
Colorado, have been necessary to give Mr. Hohenschuh renewed vigor. Mother
Hohenschuh very pathetically refers to the filial affection and interest
manifested by her son Christian, which, she says, has been especially
solicitous since the sad death of Katie in 1909. Every day, in his journeys
from his business to his home, Christian has been a caller at his mother's
residence to pay her the honor of a son's love — a trait which honors both the
object of his affection and himself.
The wife of Christian Hohenschuh was Clara Dostal,
daughter of John P. Dostal, one of the pioneers of Iowa City. Two
children have blessed their union, Marian and Loretta.
Mr. Hohenschuh was one of the organizers
of Marquette Council, Knights of Columbus, being one of the original nine
charter members. He is a member of St. Mary's Catholic church and of the
Gentlemen's Sodality.
cannot close this sketch more fittingly, we think, than by transcribing the
following extract from an article on the retirement of William Peter Hohenschuh
published in The Casket, Rochester, N. Y., July, 1910: "Professor
Hohenschuh has always stood for that which is best, and has won the confidence
and esteem of all who have come in touch with him. His effort has been to make
better funeral directors and embalmers of his fellow professionals, and not to
exalt himself at the cost or by the disparagement of others. He has won for
himself a name and fame in the profession which will long endure, and his many
friends will wish for him long years of happiness and usefulness, by personal
influence, in the sphere which he has both honored and adorned."
Leading Events in Johnson County, Iowa, History (1913); Volume: 2;
Aurner, Clarence Ray; Cedar Rapids, IA: Western Historical Press