The following are transcriptions of newspaper articles I researched and found for Frank Anderlik & family members: -Frank
Anderlik and Miss Barbara Zinkula were united in marriage yesterday.
The ceremony was performed by Justice F. J. Horak in his office.
Source: Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 30 Jun 1904, pg 3 -Son
at Andrliks - Mr. & Mrs. Frank Andrlik on N. Dodge Street, are
over joicing over the arrival of their son at their home of a fine
eleven pound son. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 8 Jan 1908, pg
1. -Johnson
County Fair News - Before the motor race on the last day of the fair,
Frank Anderlik of Cedar Rapids, skidded while riding his motorcycle
wide open around the north turn and had an upset that cost him a
dislocated shoulder and his place in the race. Otherwise, he was
uninjured. Source: Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 12 Aug 1916,
pg 1 -Mrs.
John Anderlik Passes Away - Mrs. John Anderlik, Sr., passed away this
morning at an early hour at her home, corner of Gilbert and Fairchild
streets after an extended illness of about five years. She was
sixty-nine years of age and leaves a husband, and six sons and one
daughter. John, James, Frank, George and Edward of this city and Peter
of Chicago and Mrs. Ed Houser of this city. She also leaves one
sister living in Chicago. Mrs.
Anderlik has lived in Iowa City for the past thirty years and was well
known and highly respected by the entire community both as a kind
mother and a good neighbor. The funeral services will be held Wednesday
morning at 9:00 from St. Wenselaus Church. Burial will be in Oakland
Cemetery. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 20 Oct 1919 pg 3 -Mr.
Unrath will have as a renter, Frank Andrlik, who will operate a machine
shop in the new structure. The new building will be 80 x 30 feet in
dimensions. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 12 Feb 1921, pg 3 -Pioneer
Dies At Rural Home - Mrs. Josephine Andrlik, age 61, died Monday at her
country home, about a mile and one half south of Shueyville. She had
been ill but a brief period. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 1 pm
from the family residence. Rev. Frank Pokorny will officiate and the
interment will be made in the not distant cemetery. Surviving
are her three sons and three daughters. All residents of Shueyville or
the environing territory. They are John, Joseph &
Frank; and the Mesdames Charles Chabalka, Edwin Horak, and William
Slezak. Friends
of the estimable pioneer woman will tender sympathy to her bereaved
family. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 22 Feb 1921, pg 5 -F.
Andrlik To Open Soon - Frank Andrlik is preparing to open his new
general machine works at 116 N. Linn Street, Phillip W. Unrath's new
building now nearly completed after some record breaking speed in
construction. -Mr.
Andrlik, an experienced and capable workman, will repair machines,
manufacture axles, and other auto parts, do boiler work and otherwise
make himself a necessary factor in Iowa City's industrial world.
Steam fitting will also be a feature of the new plant. Mr.
Andrlik figures on starting business on April 4. He deserves success.
Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 19 March 1921, pg 2 
Andrlik Answers Call - Mrs. Frank Andrlik, one of the worthy residents
of the north end, passed away this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. following an
illness of only a fortnight. Pneumonia was the fatal ailment. Surviving
are her husband and one son, Paul, age 14. Mrs. Andrliks four brothers
and five sisters also mourn, Messrs. Michael Zinkula, Mt. Vernon; Fred,
Frank & George, Iowa City; and Mesdames David Simpson, Cedar
Rapids; Joe Schindler, Iowa City; Frank West, Iowa City; and Otto Hotz,
Pleasant Valley; and Rose Zinkula, Zion City, IL. Mrs.
Andrlik was forty years of age. She was born in Big Grove township and
had lived in Iowa City twenty years. Her home was at 320 N. Dodge
Street. She
was a woman of many admirable qualities, and her large circle of
friends will feel great sorrow to learn of her untimely death.
Funeral of Mrs. Frank Andrlik will be held at 2:00 Monday
afternoon from the home. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 20 May
1922, pg 1 -Anderlik
- Ruppert - Mrs. Bertha Ruppert and Mr. Frank Anderlik were united in
marriage at the parsonage of the German Lutheran Church at 8:30 o'clock
yesterday evening, Rev. H. Brucckner officiating. The ceremony was
witnessed by Mr. & Mrs. Joe Shimon. Mr. & Mrs. Anderlik
will be at home at 320 N. Dodge Street, Mr. Anderlik being in charge of
the General Machine Shop on Linn Street. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 27 June 1923, pg 9 -Mr.
& Mrs. Frank Andrlik and sons Paul & Edwin, went to Cedar
Rapids today. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 23 Feb 1924,
pg 10. -Frank
Anderlik is in critical condition in a hospital in Cedar Rapids as a
result of an automobile accident which occurred early Sunday morning.
The car was overturned at a bend in the road in front of the Shueyville
Cemetery, pinning Mr. Anderlik beneath it. His face was badly lacerated
by broken glass and he was badly bruised. However, no broken bones were
found. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 27 Oct 1922, pg 12 -Take
Skin From Lad's Leg to Mend Finger - Paul Andrlik, the 16 yr old son of
Mr. Frank Andrlik, has been a capable young machinist and a budding
radio expert and an honest one - but now he knows something about
"grafting" - and his friends hope it will mean health and happiness to
him. It
will be recalled, that an automobile, going around a corner, near the
Mercy Hospital at Bloomington and Van Buren, knocked down a telephone
pole and the big object struck Paul. It might have killed him easily,
had it struck his skull. Instead, it glancing hit his right hand.
Recent developments showed that a bone in the little finger was broken
and an operation became necessary to correct the splintered bone. To
avert permanent crippling, the surgeons have now grafted a piece of
skin from the boy's right leg on the injured digit, and it is believed
Paul will fully recover the use of the wounded member, as a result.
Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, Iowa 19 Jun 1924, pg 5 -Master
Paul Andrlik, whose pole-smashed finger was amputated following weeks
of effort to save it, is recovering is recovering well from the shock.
He is the son of Mr. Frank Andrlik, auto mechanic. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 8 July 1924, pg 14 -Light
Company Is Sued Because Pole Fell in Crash - His son, Paul, badly
injured when a pole hit by a taxicab fell, Mr. Frank Andrlik has sued
the Iowa City Light & Power Company in the district court for
$3,750. Mr.
Andrlik avers that the cab man drove lightly, barely touching the pole.
He alleges that it was rotted at the base and hence broke off. Paul's hand was hurt, and later, a finger infected through a broken bone, was amputated. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 6 Sept 1924, pg 5 -Impanel
Jurors In Suit Against Light Company - Claiming $3,750 damages, Frank
Andrlik, father of Master Paul Andrlik, is suing the Iowa City Light
& Power Company in the district court this afternoon. The father,
as guardian, claims the lad was badly injured when an electric light
pole was felled, through a collision with an automobile. Iowa City
Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 10 Dec 1924, pg 10. -Andrlik
Youth Wins Damages in Iowa City - Utilities Company Loses Accident Suit
- Paul Andrlik was awarded $2,900 for injuries received when a pole
struck him. The pole is the property of the Iowa City Light and
Power Company The attorneys for the plaintiff alleged that the pole was
rotten and when struck by an automobile broke and fell into the street
injuring the Andrlik boy who was riding on a bicycle. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 16 Dec 1924, pg 13 -Deny
Andrlik Retrial - Motion of the Iowa City Light & Power company for
a retrial of the decision given by Judge Ralph Otto in the case of the
light company versus Frank Andrlik, representing his son, Paul, has
been denied. Andrlik was given a heavy settlement as a result of
injuries to his son when a light pole was broken in an automobile
accident and struck Andrlik's son, Paul. The Davenport Democrat
& Leader, Davenport, IA 28 Jan 1925, pg 16. -John
Andrlik Passes Away - Pioneer Blacksmith Dies At Home Early Today;
Funeral Monday - Mr. John Andrlik, Sr., 74 yrs old, and a pioneer of
Iowa City, died at his home at 508 N. Gilbert Street at 10:10 o'clock
this morning. He had been ill the past year and confined to his bed for
the last six weeks. John
Andrlik was born in Bohemia Nov 6, 1851, coming here in 1888. He
was a pioneer blacksmith of Iowa City. During his life here, he was an
active member of the Zastit Slovanska Lipa and Palacky societies.
Surviving are six sons: John, Frank, James, George, Edward, all of Iowa
City; and Peter, Chicago. One daughter, Mrs. E. C. Houser, Iowa City.
Ten grandchildren and one great grandchild. His wife and one son
preceded him in death. The funeral service will be held Monday at
St. Wenselaus Church. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 26 Mar 1926, pg 2 -Andrlik,
Iowa City, Under 2500 Bond In Seduction Case - Paul Andrlik, Iowa City,
21 yrs old, has given a bond of $2,500 to appear in district court on a
charge of seduction made by Bessie Carney, also of this city. The
plaintiff, who is 18 yrs old, brought action last week. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 13 Feb 1929 pg 29 **Note:
Paul & Bessie, daughter of Harvey & Mary Ella Huffman Carney,
were married on August 13, 1932 in Johnson County, IA. -Found Dead in Cistern - Iowa City, IA.
Mrs. Frank Anderlik, 55, was found dead in a 12 foot cistern at her
home here. Firemen said that the woman had drowned in four feet of
water. The Mason City Globe-Gazette, Mason City, IA 28 Oct 1936, pg 33 **Note:
Per U.S. Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Records 1875 - 1940,
Bertha Ruppert Anderlik's cause of death was suicide. (14 Mar 1878
- 27 Oct 1936) -J
F Andrlik Dies Today - Funeral Services will be Monday for Iowa City
Resident - John F. Andrlik, 77, died today at 6 a.m. at his home at 319
Iowa Ave. A retired machinist, had suffered a lingering
illness. He
is survived by one son, William Andrlik, Iowa City; one sister, Mrs. E.
C. Houser, Iowa City; three brothers, Frank and James Andrlik, Iowa
City; and Ed Andrlik of Missouri; and one granddaughter, Mrs. Gerald
Dean, of Iowa City. Mrs. Andrlik preceded him in death. The
funeral will be Monday morning at 9 a.m. at the St. Wenselaus Church.
Interment will be in St. Joseph Cemetery. Rosary will be
recited at 7:30 p.m. at Hohenschuh Mortuary where the body was taken.
Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 15 May 1948 pg 3 -Frank
Anderlik Dies; Rites Set - Frank James Anderlik, 75, of 610 South
Madison street died at his home Sunday about 12:30 p.m. He was an Iowa
City resident for 70 years and was a retired machinist. He
was born in Bohemia, January 19, 1882, a son of John and Annie
Anderlik, and came to Iowa City with his parents at the age of five.
For many years he operated a machine shop here. Mr.
Anderlik was married to Barbara Zinkula, May 25, 1906, and she preceded
him in death in 1922. He was married to Bertha Ruppert in
June 1925. She died in September, 1936. Survivors
include a son, Paul, of Iowa City; two grandchildren and one great
grandchild; two brothers, James of Iowa City, and Edward, of St.
Joseph, Mo., and a sister, Mrs. Edward Houser, of Iowa City. Funeral
services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Beckman's with the Rev.
Edward P. Philipe of the Methodist church officiating. Burial will be
in Oakland Cemetery. Iowa City Press Citizen, Iowa City, IA 16 Dec 1957 pg 2 
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