Aicher belongs to one of the older families of Newport township,
Johnson county, and has always been identified with the highest
interests of the region. He was born on a farm there, February 10,
1862, son of Cyprian and Elizabeth (Englebert) Aicher, natives of
Germany. The father came to America as a young man, lived in
Pennsylvania for a period of some three years, then came to Iowa City
and purchased forty acres of land, upon which he settled. He was
married about this time to Miss Englebert, who came to the United
States in young womanhood. Six children were born of their union:
Josephine, married William Vogt, who died in 1907, and she resides in
Newport township; Frank, the eldest son: Henry, who died |  Click image to enlarge | at the age of one year; Adelia, also died in infancy, as did Hilary;
Henry, of Newport township. The parents lived upon the old homestead
until 1896, when they retired from active life and went to live in a
pleasant home in Iowa City.
father, Cyprian Aicher, started farming on his forty acre tract about
1855, and added to his holdings from time to time as he was able, until
before his death he was one of the largest landholders in the county,
having over 500 acres of choice farm land. He passed away in
19000 and his widow one year later.
Frank Aicher has spent his
entire active life in agricultural pursuits, and has been engaged in
this occupation on his own account since he reached the age of
twenty-three years, when he began operations in Monona county, Iowa.
Five years later, in 1890, he returned to Johnson county and purchased
his present home. At that time it consisted of sixty acres of land, but
he has added to it by purchase from time to time, until he now has 165
acres, which he devotes to general farming and stock raising, with
excellent success.
Mr. Aicher was married in 1885 to Miss Laura
Rummelhart, born in Iowa City, daughter of Devault and Anna (Scherer)
Rummelhart. Her father, who was of German descent, was born in Ohio,
and her mother was born at Alsace, Germany, of French parentage. Four
children have been born to Mr. Aicher and wife: Clara, wife of
Joseph Hotka; Gertrude, Matilda, and Edith, living at home. The family
belong to St. Wenceslaus church, of which Mr. Aicher has been a trustee
for the past seven years. He is also a member of the Knights of
Columbus of Iowa City and St. Joseph's Society. He has belonged
to the Iowa City Mutual Life Insurance Company for twenty-seven years,
having joined it the second year after it was organized by Father
Emmons. He is active in these various societies and is well known and
popular in various circles. He is held in high esteem by his many
friends, for his upright character and straightforward, pleasant
(Source: Leading Events in Johnson County, IA, Cedar Rapids, Western Historical Press 1912-13; pgs. 110 - 111)