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Iowa News
from the
Postville Scrapbook
Page 2
Postville Herald, Wednesday, October 11, 1944
-Mrs. Anna Schultz, a lifelong resident of this community, passed away this
morning at 3:15 o'clock after a long illness. She was 83. Funeral services
will be held at 1:30 Saturday afternoon at the Schultz home south of this
-When the Postville Commercial Club meets tomorrow (Thursday) evening they
will have as their guests all soldiers, sailors and marines who might be
home on furlough or leave. If they have not received a personal invitation
they are to consider this notice as such.
-Elmer Eberling has purchased the Roy Campbell farm of 80 acres, located on
highway 52 between Postville and Castalia, the purchase price being $15,000.
-Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nyberg of Gunder became Postville residents last week
when they moved into the Ed Lammert residence until recently occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Hammel.
November 1945
The order store in Postville opened last summer by Sears Roebuck & Company
was closed Saturday night, no reason for the closing being given. Harold H.
Stone has rented the building to Raymond Samek who expects to move into it
about December 1 when it is vacated by the present tenants. Mr. Samek has
moved his furniture exchange from the former Blue Arrow building to his home
until he takes possession of the Stone building. Luver Schultz recently
sold the place where Samek was located to Oscar Nyberg who will open an
implement store there soon.
A deal was consummated last week whereby Paul Waters will assume ownership
of the business and goodwill of the Kenneth Schultz dairy and combine it
with his present milk and cream business. Mr. Waters recently installed a
modern pasteurizing plant and has since been the exclusive dealer in the
improved dairy products.
Announcement of the sale of Doerring store and Bel Dale Cafe at Luana to
Chet Barr is made in an advertisement appearing on page six of today's
Herald. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doerring and family will move to Pequot Lakes,
Minn., where they have acquired a resort camp. Mr. Barr recently sold his
farm in Franklin township
Elmer Brainard is moving this week from the Ruby Peckham farm near Castalia
to the Hecker Bros. farm north of Postville. Alvin Monroe has rented the
Peckham farm for the coming year.
Keith Gregg and Elliot Schroeder returned home Saturday from their auto trip
into northern Minnesota and southern Canada.
Emil C. Schultz last week purchased the Alfred C. Meyer residence property
with about three acres of land south of the school house with possession to
be given March 1.
Miss Hildar Opsand of near Gunder has accepted a position as bookkeeper at
the Hall Roberts' Son seed house and elevator, starting upon her new duties
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Voelker and family will move this week into their home they
purchased at Monona. The Will Christofferson family who have rented the
Gericke farm to be vacated by the Voelkers, will also move this week. The
Marston farm from which the Christoffersons are moving will be operated by
Milo Livingood, who has been living near Rossville.
Frank Tehel has resigned his position at the Falb Motor Company and this
week is moving with his family onto the farm of Mrs. Tehel's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Heins, south of town.
Norris Blegen early this week received a shipment of the long-awaited
machinery for his bottling plant, which will be installed as soon as an
expert comes from the factory.
Lorence Reinhardt has the interior of his store all slicked up with a coat
of aluminum paint, preparing it for a display room for the shipments of
machinery he is expecting to arrive momentarily.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nuehring and children last Friday moved from the Carl
H. Meyer estate farm northwest of Postville to the Pearson farm near Hardin,
having rented the place for the coming year. Dayton Dyke, who had been
living at Fennimore, Wis., will operate the Meyer farm the coming year.
[illegible] have been occupying the place will move to the upstairs rooms in
the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bachtell farm home northeast of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Eberling were at Cedar
Falls Sunday to attend a concert of the Iowa State Teachers College band, of
which the former couple's daughter, Rose Marie, is a member.
Next Tuesday, March 4, will mark the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred W. Benjegerdes of this city. They were married in Garnavillo 50
years ago and have been residents of this community most of their wedded
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Brandt observed their 40th wedding anniversary last
Friday and to commemorate the event they were hosts at dinner Sunday to
their children and families.
Paul Moser of Osterdock is now employed in the H. S. MacMillan general
The Orville Meyer family moved onto a farm near Postville Friday. Leslie
Anderson will move to the farm vacated by the Meyer family.
Postville Herald, September 21, 1949
-Well drillers working on the city well have made considerable progress
during the past few days having extended the depth of the well over 95 feet
since operations began. Work the first week to ten days was extremely slow
as drillers were pounding into St. Peter's sandstone, a hard rock formation.
However, last Friday evening they broke through the tough strata of stone
and are now drilling rapidly in a soft shale.
-Lester Smith was re-elected president of the Post Township Farm Bureau at
the annual meeting of that organization held Monday evening at Memorial
Hall. The group also named Arbie Heckman as membership captain for the 1950
township membership drive.
-A dedication program is being planned for the half time of Friday evenings
game between Postville and Elgin in which the new football lighting system
will be formally turned over to the Postville high school.
-Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Bethel Presbyterian
Church in West Union for Mrs. William Priovznik, former resident of
Postville, who passed away at West Union last Saturday.
-Two Castalia youths and two Postville girls suffered only minor injuries
from a head on automobile collision last Sunday night on Highway 52 near the
viaduct between Castalia and Postville. Driver of one car was William Szabo
of Castalia and he had his brother, Ed Szabo, and two friends, Anna Marie
Heins and Vera Kamp of Postville, with him. Driver of the other car was Leo
Erickson of Clermont.
-Lorenz Willman has sold his motor shop building and the two lots it
occupies to Milo F. Meyer with possession to be given October 1.