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Iowa News
from the
NW Iowa Scrapbook items
Submissions by Ruth M.F. Tucker
Page 3
Scrapbook Page 15
February, 1933
Morningside "Depression Dormitory"
(includes photos)
Above are several pictures of the new "depression dormitory" at
Morningside college. The story of this dormitory, of which two Rock
Rapids boys Clyde Bird and Marvin Collins, are members, was printed in
the Reporter last week.
The top picture is of the sleeping quarters, and below, Orville
Knowlton, the cook, is seen serving his patrons their noon meal. Inset
in the lower right hand corner is a picture of Ed. Haenfler, proctor of
the hall and operator of the boarding club, and upper left is Dr. R.
E.O'Brien, president of Morningside college.
Scrapbook Page 16 (The following appears to go along with the preceding
Hello, everybody, hi ho!. We have partially recovered from the frigid
weather-only a few frozen ears, one frozen nose and an inch of frost on
each of our windows to show for it. Bruce gets up with icicles on his
nose. Al wears his stocking cap to bed, and the new record from any bed
and through the door to the register is practically "nothing flat."
How do you all like our "boudoir"? Really, we didn't know that our
pictures were going to be on the front page of our periodical or we
would have put on our ties and our best smiles. We apologize.
Stablemate Grantham is being initiated into the Barn routine now
Talk about "Luxery"[sic]! Hmmm- When you can lie in bed in the morning
(yeah until daybreak) and listen to a radio (two of us on a crystal set)
amidst the deep warmth of fluffy, wool blankets. (If we can keep our
necks pulled in) Oh boy! Ho hum-ain't life grand!
Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! (Oh my? Again). Can it be that anyone in the barn
can be "coresponsibe" [sic] for a "campus: at the dorm?
"Brink" has a new parody for the old tune "Has Anyone Seen My Cat".
When he gets up early in the morning (it's dark early in the morning)
dashes to the dressing room (only a couple of chairs in the way and only
20 below zero just outside our thin wall), he yells "has anybody seen my
Wow! Can you hear those alarm clocks way over at your house? We only
have about one per fellow now, and there are nineteen of us here. Red
has a new habit of getting up at 5:30 A.M. so we have donated to him one
of those "sleep soundly, wake-gently" alarm clocks. (you know, first it
whispers, then it shouts.) It's O.K. Red, but for Pity sake learn to
light the fire when you get dressed.
Hi girls! On your toes! Get set! Go! What do you know about it? Here's
a big secret (Pssst-What we tell 'em now? O.K.) The Barn is going to
have one of them there grand blowouts called formals. Set your caps and
cop your partner. P.S. This isn't a publicity stunt, girls.
IF: --
* --Doug weren't expostulating,
* --Shorty weren't vacillating,
* --Beebe weren't sojourning in Primghar,
* --Jermian weren't debonaire,
* --Bohie weren't debonaire,
* --Bird weren't interested in other people's
* --Brink weren't obstreperous,
* --Mitch weren't voluptuous,
* --Al weren't expurgating,
* --Morrison weren't cogitating
* --Chet weren't melodramatic,
* --Crabb weren't lugubrious,
* --Van weren't pecuniary,
* --Kennie weren't contumacious,
* --Don weren't procrastinating,
* --Bruce weren't facetious,
* --Red weren't expiating,
* --Sam weren't expounding, and
* --Grantham weren't supervenient,
* the Barn wouldn't be the Barn that the Barn is to-day.
* Yours till the Bed Springs,
A little fox terrier is credited with staging one of the best
performances ever witnessed in the Morningside college auditorium, and
all by accident.
During student chapel services various groups this year have been
presenting original entertainments. Thursday a group of men who live in
the college "barn," former wartime barracks remodeled into a cooperative
dormitory this year, were doing their stunt.
The men were enacting a comedy "mellerdrammer" with a heroine and
villain. Just as the villain was strutting his stuff, the small white
terrier entered the rear of the auditorium. He took one look at the
apparent fight on the stage and then made a dash for the trouble,
yipping and barking.
When the "Hero" tried to embrace the 'Dutchess' the little dog, now on
the stage, barked ferociously. The dog sent the students into hysterics
and stopped the show several moments. Finally he was coaxed outside. A
moment later one of the actors threw a pillow during the skit. Once more
the terrior joined the show, howling in protest. The cast again had to
quit and let the dog entertain the students.
The "barn" dramatists were advertised as the 'Beta Alpha Rho Nu
fraternity." Alvin Maberry of West Bend, Ia., announced the cast and
read the lines for the pantomine actors. Clyde Bird of Rock Raids, Ia.,
played the part of "The Dutchess." Douglas Reeder of Early, Ia., was
the "The Duke", Daniel Jordan of Sutherland, Ia., "Lady Vera", Royce
Bahnson of Inwood, Ia., "Earl Reginald" and Arthur Mitchell of
Armstrong, Ia., "The Situation." Miss Norma Bornschlagel of Omaha,
Neb., was pianist.
- - - - - - - -
Scrapbook Page 17
Colleges Claim Local Students
Depression Fails to Materially Cut Enrollment
Rock Rapids will be well represented this year at the higher
institutions of learning in this and adjoining states. Iowa schools will
claim a majority of the young men and women, nearly all of whom are
graduates of the Rock Rapids high school, but at least six will
matriculate in out-of-town colleges and universities.
The University of Iowa and Iowa State college at Ames, will have seven
Rock Rapids students enrolled for work. Louis and Thomas Corcoran and
Earl Fisher are at the University, while Harold Randolph, Richard
Allbright, James Hoben, Jr., Tal Naglestad and Mary Brugmann are
resuming their work at Ames.
Grinnell college, at Grinnell, has as its Rock Rapids students, Arnold
Dickinson, Tommy McGuire and Betty Allbright. At Morningside, Sioux
City, local students are Clyde Bird, Marvin Collins and Marguerite Moon.
Miss Erma Geick is enrolled at Iowa State Teachers college at Cedar
Falls, and Peter Westra and Floris Decker are in school at Central
college, Pella.
Out-of-state schools get the following students: Kansas State,
Manhattan, Clarence Schmidt; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Robert Walerius; Northern Illinois School of Optometry, Chicago, Floyd
Getman; Mt. Carroll college Mt Carroll, Ill., Arlo Schnepf; Washington
university, St. Louis, Mo., Earl McLaughlin; Creighton university,
Omaha, Raymond McGuire.
The Junior-Senior banquet was held at the high school building last
evening, members of the Junior class entertaining the Seniors in the
domestic science rooms.
A welcome to the seniors was extended by Miss Arlo Schnepf,
representing the Junior class who called her message, "Fishing for
Compliments." Tommy Corcoran, Senior class spokesman, responded with "We
Like the Bait, Guess We'll Bite."
Following the banquet, the company went to the high school gymnasium
for dancing.
8 September 1932
Second Year Students at Morningside Beat Freshmen
Members of the sophomore class defeated the freshman class, 190 points
to 16, in the traditional Morningside college freshman-sophomore battle
With the freshmen leading by 30 points at noon, the sophomores, aided by
the feminine members of the class, came through to win two of four
events, hold their rivals to ties in the other two events and pile up a
30-point lead at the finish.
The most important event of the day, the annual cane rush, was won by
the freshman class after more than 15 minutes of struggle on Bass field
between representatives of the two classes. The football game, another
feature of the day, ended in a scoreless tie.
Other results of the competition follow: Three-legged race for men,
freshmen; head standing contest for women, sophomores; sack race for
men, freshmen; rescue race for women, sophomores; 100-yard dash for men,
freshmen; hand rescue wrestling contest for girls, freshmen; wheelbarrow
race for men, sophomores; 50-yard dash for girls, sophomores; peanut
pushing contest for men, freshmen; 75-yard dash for women, sophomores.
Singing contest for men, freshmen; under and over relay for women,
sophomores; 440-yard relay for men, freshmen; tug of war for women,
sophomores; lightweight boxing, sophomores; heavyweight, boxing, tie,
and dodge ball for women, sophomores.
Tuesday, September 20, 1932
Entertainment Planned for New Students at Morningside
Freshmen students at Morningside college, who will begin registration
this morning, will be feted at numerous social activities this week by
the Y.W.C.A. and the Y.M.C.A.
Many of the new students, as well as upperclassmen, arrived in the
city Monday to prepare for the opening of the fall term Thursday. All
freshmen will take a placement test at 8:30 o'clock this morning, after
which registration will begin. All other students will register
A fudge party in the women's residence halls this evening will be the
first of a series of social functions for the new students. An
all-school party is being planned for Friday evening, when all freshmen
will have an opportunity to meet the upperclassmen. A tour of the city
or a theater party Saturday evening will conclude the first week of
In addition, fraternity houses already are entertaining freshman men and
the three women's organizations will be hosts to new coeds soon after
the opening of school. John Griffen, of Zion City, Ill.; Glenn Gustine,
of Moville, Ia.; Miss Helen Bottom, of Schaller, Ia., and Miss Dorothy
Weaver, of Moville, are in charge of the "Y" events.
The semester will officially open Thursday morning with the regular 8
o'clock classes. The first chapel period will be held Thursday with Dr.
Robert E. O'Brian, president, welcoming the students. Tryouts for cheer
leaders will be held.
The matriculation address is scheduled for September 30, at the
regular chapel hour with Dr. Lee McCoy as guest speaker. Dr. O'Brian has
procured the Rust college singers of Holly Spring, Miss., to sing.
Morningside First Year Students High in Mental Tests
Morningside college sophomores were more powerful than their
freshman rivals in the freshman-soph day battle, but the freshmen have
the edge in intelligence, results of intelligence tests recently given
to the new students show.
The class of 1935, which was the freshmen group, averaged 127 points
while this year's group has averaged 139.
The freshman class last year had a high score of 288 and a low score
of 17 compared with a high total of 322 and a low total of 50 marked for
the present freshmen.
- - - - - - - - - - -
[The photo and caption on Scrapbook Page 15 appear to go with the
following stories.]
Scrapbook Page 18
Board and Room at $9 Month for Morningside Men in Campus 'Barn'
Old Wartime Army Barracks Home Now for Economical Students
Conversion of the old barracks, or "barn" as it is more popularly
known, at Morningside college into a dormitory is providing economical
room and board to a number of college students this year. Under the new
arrangement room and board may be obtained for between $9 and $10 a
The barracks has been under the supervision of officials of the
Methodist institution since its erection during the World War. Now it is
under the direct management of Orville Knowlton, Grand Forks, N.D., and
Ed Haenfler, Avon, S.D., who are cook and proctor, respectively.
Haenfler does the buying for the boarding club which is in operation
seven days a week and feeds 21 members.
Fare is Wholesome
The fare of the boarding club is wholesome and appetizing, and the
lack of "fancies" is not altogether disheartening, insomuch as the
charge to each individual member is but $2 a week. A student now may
obtain "bunking" privileges for $1 a month, making a total of little
more than $9 a month for board and room.
It is not compulsory for a student to stay at the "barn" in order to
obtain meals. A few have been fortunate enough to obtain part time work
in exchange for either board or room. Twenty one students now are
regular boarders while 15 occupy the dormitory. The college still
maintains the chemistry classroom and laboratory on the second floor of
the building, and a print shop occupies another room.
Janitor work of the building is done by one of the students who earns
his board, as does the student who washes the dishes.
Rigid Schedule Enforced
The "barn" has its rules by which the student must abide. The schedule
at present is: 6:45 a.m. -rising bell; 7:15 a.m.-breakfast; 8 a.m. to 12
noon-classes; 12:15 p.m.-lunch; the afternoon is devoted to classes,
recreation, study or football; 6 p.m.-dinner; 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.--
library for study and research; 10:30-lights out
At present plans are being made to operate the "barn" the year around,
enabling students who are working during the summer or summer school
students to obtain lodgings at a minimum cost.
Those living in these quarters at present other than Mr. Knowlton and
Mr. Haenfler, include Douglas Reeder and George Leanards of Early, Ia.;
Lowell Osburn, Charles Goodell and Merrill Beebe of Primghar, Ia.;
Herbert Jerman, Correctionville, Ia.; Clyde Bird, Rock Rapids, Ia.;
David Brinkman, Rolfe, Ia.; Lewis Walters, Castana, Ia.; Alvin Maberry,
West Bend, Ia.; Chester Gill, Merrill. Ia.; Harvey Morrison, Canard,
Mass.; Eugene Lister, Sheldon, Ia.; Charlton G. VanPeursem, Maurice,
Ia., and Samuel Garmier of Gray, Ia.
It is expected that the dormitory will be more than filled by the end
of the week. Those who are planning to live there have been requested to
communicate immediately with either Mr. Haenfler or Mr. Knowlton.
Local Boys Are Living High, Low
Pay $1 a Month for room and $2 Per Week for Board
Two Rock Rapids boys, Clyde Bird and Marvin Collins, are members of
Morningside college's "depression dormitory," where 20 men live for $1 a
month room rent and $2 a week board. These 20 men according to the
account in the Morningside college "Collelgian reporter" are "laughing
at the high board and room rates of fraternity houses and campus
boarding houses this year."
"An old barracks building," continues the account, "used as a
temporary science hall and containing a campus printing shop and the
athletic department's laundry, has been renovated, and sleeping quarters
provided for more than 20 men. The sleeping quarters are on the third
floor, and a boarding club is operated by one of the students on the
first floor.
"Overlord of this host of economy seeking young college boys, is Ed.
Henfler, all-North Central conference fullback this year, who hails from
Avon, S. D. Haenfler maintains regular dormitory [sic] discipline,
requiring lights to be out at certain hours, and enforcing house rules
about quiet during periods set aside for studying.
"The study faciities are not adequate for the large number of men
living in the 'barn,' as it is clled, so the college library is open to
them at all hours for work A "kangaroo court" meets regularly to decide
matters concerning the infractions of rules, and it maintains the rules
formulated by the dormitory.
The men living in the dormitory are: Sam Garmire, Gray; Clyde Bird,
Rock Rapids;Merrill Beebe and Chas. Goodell, Primghar; Geo. Leonard,
Early;Henry Rozma, Hospers; Carleton Van Puersem, Maurice; Corwin
Taylor, Sutherland; Williams, Rockwell City; Lowell Osborn, Alta; Harvey
Morrison, South Chatham, Mass.; Fred Jacobson, Chicago; Harold Steele,
Sutherland; Gene Lister, Sheldon; Alvin Mayberry, West Bend; Hubert
Germaine, Crrectionville; Edgar Inlay, Moville; Noel McCleary, Danbury;
Wilfred Crabb, Hinton; Chester Gill, Merrill; Marvin Collins, Rock
Rapids; Lyle Poulson, Alta; Kenneth Lewis and Ed. Haenfler, Avon, S. D.
26 Morningside College Men Live Army Life in Barracks
Reside in Quarters Used by Training Corps During War
Twenty-six Morningside college students are getting a slight taste of
army life in their new quarters. They are living on the top floor of the
former barracks for members of the Students Army training corps, which
has been converted into a dormitory for men.
Designated by many Morningside college students as the "barn", the
former barracks has been used as a science hall since the close of the
war, when Sioux City business men purchased the barracks and presented
the building to the school.
Realizing that low board and room rates would be imperative if many
men students were to be given an opportunity to return to classes this
year. Dr. Robert E. O'Brian, president of the school, decided that the
top floor of the former barracks could be remodeled so that it would
serve as a dormitory. The rate that is being charged for lodging is low.
Inasmuch as it was a world war relic and because he was eager to keep
things in order in the building, Dr. O'Brian decreed that activities in
the quarters should be governed by army regulations. He appointed Edward
Heanfler, a senior student and caretaker of the 'barn" last year, as
Occupants of the new dormitory eat, sleep and study according to army
regulations. The group is forced to arise at 6;45 o'clock every morning
and to retire at 10 o'clock every night, except on Saturday.
The breaking of any rules or the use of profanity carries a penalty
of extra work of a disagreeable nature. A repetition of an offense or
the failure to serve penalties results in a reprimand from college
The group maintains its own boarding club. Orville Knowlton, of Grand
Forks, N. D., a sophomore student, is mess sergeant. His assistant is
Sam Garmer, of Gray, Ia.
- - - - - - - - -
Scrapbook page 19
College President and Hotel Man Lead Dry-Wet Tickets
O'Brian to Head Prohibition Campaign and Tremaine Is Chosen as Repeal
Standard Bearer
(photo - Dr. Robert E. O'Brian)
Packing all available space in the courtroom assigned to them at the
courthouse, Woodbury county drys Monday morning conducted an
enthusiastic caucus, nominated Robert E. O'Brian, president of
Morningside college, as delegate to the state convention, and listened
to several talks in which victory for the drys was predicted.
Rev. John V. Madison, pastor of the Riverside Community Methodist
Episcopal church, was elected chairman of the convention and L. H. Wood,
principal of the Woodrow Wilson junior school, was elected secretary. O.
D. Nickle, attorney, was elected alternate delegate.
There were no contests for any of the offices, the convention work
proceeding smoothly and the candidates being elected unanimously.
Rev. S. D. Huff, pastor of the First Baptist church, placed Dr.
O'Brian's name before the convention. Rev. Mr. Madison and Mr. Wood were
nominated by J. E. Keck, assistant probation officer.
Although there were several speakers, Dr. O'Brian delivered the
keynote address.
Urges Logical Argument
The college president stressed the fact that the drys would not
resort to personalities in the campaign.
"If we need wet votes to carry our proposition, let's get the wet
votes," Dr. O'Brian said. "But let's win them by straight logical
argument. Let the wet voter know when you are talking to him that you
know he is just as sincere in his stand as you are. It is possible that
we often will be misrepresented, but let us misrepresent nobody."
The speaker said that he gave the matter considerable thought before
permitting his name to be used, but that he had been a dry all his life,
and if, through the use of his name, the cause could be aided he was
glad to permit its use. He stated that he was emphatically against the
return of the old saloon system.
"We must not think it will be an easy battle," warned Dr. O'Brian.
"It is going to be a hard fight, but an active campaign will bring us
"I am a dry and sincerely believe in those principles of temperance
and sobriety which were a part of my early training, and which
experience has taught me are the only safe basis on which society can be
supported. Because of that I am in favor of the retention of the
eighteenth amendment.
Not a Fanatic
"But I cannot fanatically brush aside the opinions of thousands of
sober minded men and women who are just as intellectual and sincere as I
am, and who believe that the present system must be modified. Although
it is probably that some of the opponents of prohibition are swayed by
political opinion, it is morally wrong to condemn all of the opponents
of the eighteenth amendment as dishonorable. Most of these men and women
who question the present system follow the dictates of their own
consciences and, as far as I have any right to judge, can claim as
divine an origin for their moral opinions as I can for my own.
"It must be conceded that the old saloon system was thoroughly
repudiated in 1919 by a great majority of our people. It is hard to find
anyone, except fanatics, who advocates a return of the old saloon
system. Some of the advocates of temperance have believed that light
wines an beer would check the consumption of hard liquor and would form
a groundwork for real temperance. The recent election was interpreted as
a mandate of the people as standing on that ground. It will be a
mistake to let the pendulum swing back to the old extreme and
reintroduce the hard liquor system as we knew it before 1917. Instead,
let us consider carefully and thoughtfully that we may intelligently
find a way out of this crisis. So I urge the sincere opponent of
prohibition to refrain from hasty action which will repeal the
eighteenth amendment, for by so doing he will make it impossible to test
his own new system.
Cautions Against Haste
"Nothing worthwhile in this county should be done hurriedly or in a
spirit of prejudice. In my opinion, certainly no immediate repeal,
opening the door for the return of the old saloon system should be taken
at this time. Iowa has six years in which to ratify the submitted
amendment repealing the eighteenth amendment. It seems wise to me to
elect candidates who are pledged to vote against the acceptance of the
proposed amendment repealing the eighteenth amendment, that we may test
thoroughly every proposal for developing temperance before returning to
the old saloon system which so many of our citizens found intolerable."
K. G. Lancelot, who is handling the publicity for the dry
organization, complained in his talk of the attitude of the press. He
charged that 89 per cent of the daily press was wet and that as a result
the wets were able to obtain a great deal more publicity than the drys.
He asserted, however, that he believed the wets would wake up the day
following election to discover that most of their campaign simply had
been noise and that the majority of the voters still were in favor of
the eighteenth amendment.
B. M. Stoddard, former state senator, and W. A. Dutton, attorney,
spoke in favor of the dry cause. Rev. E. G. Saunderson, in charge of the
dry organization's campaign fund, explained the need of money and a
collection was taken at the doors of the courtroom as the members of the
convention left.
Explains Ballot
Rev. Mr. Madison explained the ballot, stating that a vote against
the twenty-first amendment, upon which the ballot will be based, will be
a vote for the eighteenth amendment and that a vote for the twenty-first
amendment will be a vote against the eighteenth amendment. He cautioned
voters to place the cross exactly in the square of circle at the head of
the column in which the names of the delegates against the twenty-first
amendment appear. A vote opposite every delegate's name, or a cross
which extends over the edge of the circle may invalidate the ballot, he
O'Brian Speaks on Ideals In Education
Ideals are essential to progress, Dr. Robert O'Brian, president of
Morningside college, told the seniors of Sergeant Bluff high school
Thursday night.
Speaking at the commencement exercises on the subject, The Place of
Ideals in Education, Dr. O'Brian said that every high school graduate
should be well equipped with ideals in order to live successfully.
The Sergeant Bluff commencement address was the first of four
week-end speaking engagements for the Morningside college president.
Friday he delivered a commencement address at Bronson high school. He
addressed a dry rally at Fort Dodge Saturday night, and Sunday morning
preached a sermon at the Methodist church in Luverne, Ia.
Scrapbook Page 20
(with photo – Mrs. Robert E. O'Brian)
One of the features of the Morning side College Dramatic club's
presentation of the Irish comedy drama, Happiness, will be an exhibit of
30 selected paintings by Mrs. Robert E. O'Brian. Mrs. O'Brian studied at
the Art Institute of Chicago, the University of Chicago, and received
the master of arts degree in art at the University of North Dakota. The
play, Happiness, is to be presented Tuesday evening, in the Morningside
college auditorium.
Former College Head is Selected for Important Post
(photo included – Mr. R. E. O'Brian)
Des Moines – (AP)—Appointment of Dr. Robert E. O'Brian of Sioux City
as secretary of state succeeding the late Mrs. Alex Miller, was
announced Tuesday night.
The appointment was announced by G. W. Kirtley, secretary to Gov.
Nelson G. Kraschel.
Mr. O'Brian is a former president of Morningside college at Sioux
The appointment will be effective until the next general election.
Dr. O'Brian said that he would “comply with a request which Mrs.
Miller put in writing, to take the state highway patrol from the office
of the secretary of state.”
Plans Few Changes
“I want to comply first because it was her request,” he continued,
“and frankly I'd like to do it because I don't want my phone ringing all
the time with people wanting me to get their traffic tickets fixed.”
Dr. O'Brian said he would propose “just a few other changes as
possible in the office, and none at the present time.”
Dr. O'Brian said he entered the ministry [sic] shortly after the world
war. “It was sort of funny how I happened to become a preacher,” he
said, “But there was a shortage of ministers at the time and I was asked
to help. So I started preaching in a Chicago church. Although my heart
was really in politics.”
He continued, “but I started mixing preaching and politics almost
from the start. I distributed sample primary ballots in my Chicago
church and told the members of my congregation it was their duty to
Ballots Marked
“Yes, the ballots were marked but that didn't mean the people had to
vote that way.”
Dr. O'Brian said he received his Doctor of Divinty [sic] degree at
Wesley college. “I didn't earn the degree, they just gave it to me,” he
The newly appointed secretary said his own views and also those of
his wife had sometimes placed him at odds with the ministry.
“I never regarded drinking, smoking and dancing as moral problems,”
he said, “if a man wants to drink or dance or smoke, that's his own
Led to Resignation
“My insistence that students could smoke or hold dances on the campus
at Morningside led me to quit the presidency,” he declared.
“Then, as I said, my wife's views have been partly responsible for my
position in the ministry,” Dr. O'Brian continued. “She is what you might
call a modern wife. If she wants a glass of wine she takes it. She likes
to dance, and although she doesn't smoke, I sometimes think she'd like
it if I did—and I do sometimes.”
- - - - - -
Dr. Robert E. O'Brian, 3724 Sixth avenue, who was appointed secretary of
state Tuesday by Gov. Kraschel, is well known here as a civic booster
and former president of Morningside college. During the last year he was
state chairman of the Iowa municipal housing commission and is a
director of the Western league baseball club here.
During the last election campaign, Dr. O'Brian was active in behalf of
the democratic state ticket, and especially of Mr. Kraschel, in this
section of the state. He addressed numerous meetings and spoke over the
radio on several occasions in support of the democratic candidates and
was credited by state party leaders with having played an important part
in making possible a plurality of more than 5,000 for Mr. Kraschel in
Woodbury county.
Came Here in 1931
A former pastor of the First Methodist church at Grand Forks, N. D.,
Dr. O'Brian was elected president of the Morningside college May 27,
1931, took office August 1 of that year and served in that capacity
until about a year ago, when he was succeeded by Dr. Earl Roadman.
Dr. O'Brian has been active as a pastor, a teacher and a writer. He
was born July 22, 1895, at Bryant, Ill., and was reared in Indicana. He
received his A. B. degree from De Pauw university in 1918, and later
received the E. E. degree from Garrett Biblical institute in 1920.He was
given an M. A. degree in 1922 and Ph. D degree in 1928 from Northwestern
Writes for Magazines
Before 1929 Dr. O'Brian held pastorates in Chicago, and became pastor
of the First Methodist church at Grand Forks in 1929. He was assistant
in the graduate field at Northwestern and director of a teacher's
training school at Waukegan, Ill. He directed a standard teacher's
training school at Humbolt park, Roseland and Lamon avenue, in Chicago
in 1924, 1925, and 1027, respectively.
As a writer, Dr. O'Brian has contributed to the Methodist Review,
Education, School and Society, Welfare, the Quarterly Journal and other
Dr. O'Brian is a member of the following academic organizations: Pi
Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Delta Kappa and Alpha Pi Zeta. He also
is a member of the American Legion and the Kiwanis club.
Dr. O'Brian is married and has one child, a son, 10 years old. Mrs.
O'Brian is a graduate of DePauw university and has studied painting in
the Chicago Art Institute and the University of Chicago, and has
exhibited her work in Chicago. She is a member of hi Beta Kapa and Delta
Phi Delta.
- - - - - - -
- Dr. Robert E. O'Brian, Morningside college president, will
leave Tuesday evening for Logansport, Ind., where he will attend the
funeral of his father, Maj. William O'Brian.
- - - - - -
Scrapbook Page 22
( )Thursday at Lake Crystal, Minn.—
. . . impressive church wedding was solemnized Thursday afternoon,
September 2, at 2 o'clock, when Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Schroeder, oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schroder, became the bride of Mr. Kenneth
Sater, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sater, of Rock Rapids, in the Zion
Lutheran church at Lake Crystal, Minnesota.
As Miss Elaine Hanson played the “Bridal Chorus” from Lohengrin, the
bridal party of ten preceeded to the altar. Mrs. Will Hughes,
accompanied by Mrs. G. Oppen, sang “O Promise Me” and “I Love You
Truly.” The bride was given in marriage by her father, the Rev. G.
Oppen performing the double ring ceremony.
Attending the bride were her sister, Mildred Schroeder, Mrs. Vernon
Sater of Rock Rapids, and Virginia Roberts. The groomsmen were Clyde
Hartwigsen, Vernon Sater, brother of the groom, and Leroy Larson. The
flower girls were Frieda Schroder sister of the bride, and Marilyn
Sater, sister of the groom.
The bride wore a white satin gown, princess style, her long silk net
veil with Venetian lace extended into a train. She carried a bouquet of
Willowmere roses.
Mildred Schroeder wore a lovely gown of pink satin. She carried an
arm bouquet of white gladioli. Virginia Roberts wore a gown of silk
satin faille. He bouquet consisted of yellow gladioli. Mrs. Vernon Sater
wore gown of peach silk net over brocaded satin. She carried a bouquet
of golden dawn gladioli. The flower girls were dressed in yellow
organdie and carried harmonizing bouquets.
Following the ceremony the bridal party and invited guests motored to
the home of the bride where the wedding dinner was served. The table
appointments consisted of the wedding cake in pink and white on a
centerpiece belonging to the bride's grandmother and bouquets of flowers
in the bridal colors.
The couple will make their future home in Mankato, where Mr. Sater is
employed by the Clements Motor company.
Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Willett of Chicago, Miss
Letha Baustian of Arvin, Cal., Emery and Elda Pries of Peotone, Ill.,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sater and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sater, Mrs.
Karl Sater, and Mrs. Amanda Baustian, all of Rock Rapids, Miss Emma
Sater of East Lansing, Mich., and Mrs. R. M. Abel and son, Dick, of Rock
Island, Ill.
Vaneita Hart and Pvt. Wayne Allbee Married at Rockford
(photo included)
Vaneita Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Hart and Pvt. Wayne F.
Allbee, son of Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Allbee of Sioux Falls were married at
Rockford, Ill., on Wednesday, June 7.
The ceremony was performed by Dr. Wm. Holmes Fulton, pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Rockford, Il., at 7:30. They were married at the
The bride's attendant was Mrs. Harold Armor of Rockford. The best man
was Pvt. A. R. Olsen of Minneapolis.
The bride wore a powder blue dress with white accessories and carried
a bouquet of red roses and stephanotis. The bridesmaid wore yellow and
carried a mixed bouquet of roses.
Pvt. Allbee is in the process of being transferred from Camp Grant,
Ill., to the O'Reilly hospital at Springfield, Mo., where he is being
trained in the medical corps. Mrs. Allbee came home for several days
before joining him there.
Mrs. Allbee is well known in Rock Rapids having been born and raised
here. She was graduated from the local high school with the class of
1932. Since graduation she has been employed with the Bell Telephone
Co., and more recently with the Triple A office.
Mr. Allbee graduated from Washington High school and was employed
with H. E. Neely Co., of Sioux Falls until induction into the armed
forces. He left for Camp Grant in March.
The couple will make their home for the present at Springfield, Mo.,
where the groom has secured living quarters.
Married Sunday at Canton -- (1935)
The marriage of Miss Rhodabelle Rohde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Rohde, to Wayne Vickerman, son of Floyd Vickerman, took place Sunday
morning, November 17, at Canton, S. D. The young couple will make their
home in Rock Rapids where the bridegroom is employed.
Rockman-Freed Marriage Sunday— (1935)
A pretty home wedding was solemnized at 12:30 o'clock Sunday, February
3, when Miss Caroline M. Feed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jelmar Freed of
Rock Rapids, became the bride of Emil W. Rockman, son of Mrs. Ida
Rockman of Steen, Minn., at the home of the bride.
Rev. E. H. Mueller, pastor of the Lutheran church, read the double
ring ceremony before a few close relatives of the couple. They were
attended by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freed of Sioux City, the former a
brother of the bride.
Mrs. Mueller played the Lohengrin bridal chorus on the piano and at
the close of the wedding ceremony “I Love You Truly.”
The bride wore a frock of navy blue taffeta, fashioned of ankle
length. Her accessories were of blue and she carried a bouquet of pink
roses. For her wedding trip the bride wore a navy blue wool crepe suit.
Her matron of honor also wore blue and carried yellow roses. The men
wore oxford grey suits.
Immediately following the wedding a three-course breakfast was served
at a table beautifully appointed in the bride's colors, delft blue and
white. A decorated three-tier wedding cake centered the table.
The bride is a graduate of the Rock Rapids high school. She was a
member of the class of 1932. The bridegroom attended high school at
Hills, Minn.
Mr. Rockman and his bride left at once for a two months' motor trip
to California, where they will visit in the home of the former's sister,
Mrs. Henry Kliss, at Orange, Calif., and with Mrs Ida Rockman of Steen,
who is spending the winter there. Upon their return in the spring they
will reside in Steen where Mr. Rockman operates a dairy farm.
Otto Hildebrandt of Steen, was an out of town guest at the wedding.
Marjorie Hills[sic] Weds Harry Shelby; Will Live in Luverne
Miss Marjorie Hill and Harry Shelby, both of Luverne, Minn., were
united in Marriage at 11 o'clock Monday morning, June 23 at the
Methodist parsonage in Worthington, Minn. Rev. J. Wilbert Lillico
performed the single ring ceremony.
Attending the couple were the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Curtis Paulsen. The bride wore a two-piece pale green
visionette dress with white accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of
roses, snapdragons and baby breath. Her sister wore a white suit dress
and her accessories were also white. Her corsage was similar to the one
worn by the bride.
The bride's mother wore an aqua dress with beige and brown
accessories and her corsage was of sweet peas and carnations. After a
wedding luncheon the couple left on a honeymoon trip to northern
Minnesota and Canada. Upon their return they will live at 224 W. Main
street in Luverne where the bridegroom is in business.
Mrs. Shelby is the daughter of Hattie Hills of Luverne and L. E.
Hills of Oakland, Ia. She is a graduate of the local high school.
Miss Kage Marries Sioux Center Main—
Miss Margaret Kage of this city, and Tony Sieperda of Sioux Center,
were united in marriage Saturday, January 14, in Sioux Falls, S. D.
They were attended by Miss Charlotte McKisick and Don McKisick. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kage of Rock Rapids and
attended the Rock Rapids public schools, graduating last June. The young
couple will reside in Sioux Center. During the past summer Mr. Sieperda
operated the Joyland pavilion in Rock Rapids.
Secret Marriage Revealed
Friends were somewhat surprised last Wednesday evening at the Maurie
Sherman dance when Miss Jane Herbert and Dale Bohnhoff, young local
couple, revealed their secret marriage, which was solemnized June 16th,
at Elk Point , S. D., the Rev. Father J. J. O'Brien officiating.
The couple were attended by Miss Nellie Herbert, sister of the bride
and Frank Buckley.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Herbert, graduated from the
local high school in 1932 and for the past three years has been residing
with her parents in their rural home north of town.
Mr. Bohnhoff, who has been managing Bottes Hatchery for the past
year, was formerly from Brookings, S. D.
The young couple are now at home at their apartment in the Lyon
Scrapbook p. 21
Thursday, September 9, 1937
Young Farmer Takes Own Life in Fit of Temporary Dementia
This community was shocked and grieved lat Monday morning to
learn of the death of Vernon Sater at his home east of rock Rapids.
Investigation disclosed the fact that he came to his death by a wound
inflicted through the heart with a 22-caliber rifle in his own hands at
an early morning hour. No cause could be given for his rash act and he
left no note or gave no work of warning.
Saturday evening in company with his wife they attended the
dance at Lester and there he was his usual self, chatting with his
friends and taking part in the activities in his well-known jolly
manner. He was familiarly known to his many friends as “Swede,” was well
liked by all who knew him, and his friends are at a complete loss to
understand his action of Monday morning.
He arose about five o'clock Monday morning, dressed and left the
house as though he were going to do the chores. An hour later the wife
upon his failure to return to the house started a search for him and
discovered the body, fully clad, in the granary, lying face down with a
bullet through the heart.
Relatives and friends were hastily called together along with
the county coroner but all life was gone from the today and there was no
evidence being as to the reason for his act. He leaves to mourn his
untimely death in addition to his father and mother, other relatives and
friends, a wife and two charming young children.
The only possible explanation for Mr Sater's tragic death is
that he became depressed because of inability to adjust himself to the
role of a farmer. He started when two trying years were ahead. He was
essentially a town man, thru a lifetime of residence in town. He had
started to learn his father's trade, when the shift to the farm looked
like his best opportunity. Altho he was making good and establishing
himself in the fundamentals of farming, he probably could not convince
himself of the fact the when the period of depression came it could not
wear it off and while suffering this mental self-torture of temporary
dementia, he sought the end, not realizing the sorrow and anguish he was
bringing to loved ones and friends. Otherwise a man with so many good
traits and so much consideration for others would never have taken that
way out of fancied troubles.
“Swede” Sater was reared to manhood in this community and was
known to be a most deserving young chap, well liked by neighbors and
friends and from every outward appearance getting along in the world.
His crops were good this year and his prospects for the future appeared
unusually bright.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sater of Rock Rapids.
Only a few years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Erma Geick,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Geick, of Rock Rapids.
Funeral services were held this Wednesday afternoon at two
o'clock, rev. W. H. Lease conducting the services. Burial was in
Riverview cemetery. Obituary next week.
- - - - - - - - - -
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sater were the parents of a fine son born at the
Rock Rapids hospital on Wednesday, April 10. Eugene Vernon is the name
selected for him.
- - - - - - - - - -
Vernon Sater Is Buried Here Wed.
Popular Young Man Dies Monday; Burial at Riverview
Vernon Sater, popular young Rock rapids man, died by his own
hands early Monday morning, shooting himself through the heart with a
small rifle. His lifeless body was found by his wife in the driveway to
the granary on the farm he occupied, and which belonged to his
father-in-law, C. W. Geick, two and a half miles east of Rock Rapids.
He had left the house about 5 o'clock and his continued absence
alarmed Mrs. Sater, who went to the outbuildings to look for him about 6
o'clock. The discharged rifle, a small 22-caliber affair, lay by his
Mrs. Sater called her parents, who repaired to the farm at once,
and a call was made for Undertaker Lockwood, who took charge of the
Funeral services were held yesterday, (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock
from the Methodist church, and were in charge of the pastor, Rev. Lease.
Interment was in Riverview cemetery.
Vernon Charles Sater was born in Rock Rapids September 23, 1913,
and lacked but 17 days of being 24 years old at the time of his death.
He received his education in the public and high school here,
and graduated with the class of 1932. Following this he worked with his
father, Charles Sater, who was employed as a mason and contractor until
his marriage.
He was married to Miss Erma Geick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Geick, October 20, 1934, and at once took up his residence on the
farm east of town, where he continued until the time of his death. Two
children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Sater, and with the wife survive.
Besides these he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sater;
a sister, Marilyn, of this city, and a brother, Kenneth, of Mankato,
Minnesota, as well as three grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sater and
Mrs. J. J. Baaustian. There are many other relatives and a host of
friends to mourn.
Scrapbook Page 23 (1941)
Lt. Corcoran Says Selectees Feel Faith Broken by 18 Month Extension
Is Home on Furlough. Says Rumors Are False That Clairborne Is
Dirty and Food Bad
“Most of the selectees at Camp Claiborne feel that congress has broken
faith with them by voting to extend the time limit of service 18
months,” said Lt. T.E. Corcoran, home on a week's furlough. “The
national guardsmen, however, knew when they were called that the
emergency may last longer than anticipated and ar prepared to take it.”
Lt. Corcoran is the commanding officer of the Ambulance corps in
the medical regiment at Camp Claiborne. Wednesday, he gave the Reporter
some slants on army life that may erase some skeptics' doubts as to the
treatment in the modern army of 1941.
“There have been numerous reports sifting back to the home folks that
Camp Claiborne is dirty, that the food is rotten and the climate
terrible. That is definitely not the case.
“Naturally enough,” said the lieutenant, “the food may not be as good as
one is accustomed to at home, but it is first class, clean, well
prepared . . . and plenty of it. It's a soldier's own fault if he goes
Lt. T. E. Corcoran
Not Crowded
Lt. Corcoran denied all rumors that the camp is crowded. “only
five men sleep in tents which could accommodate eight. The bunks don't
have inner-spring mattresses, but they're plenty comfortable enough,” he
The medical regiment in which Corcoran is an officer, is
training to serve the entire division in case of war. The duty of the
men is to evacuate all casualties and all practicing is done with
Sorely needed at the present time is entertainment to keep the
boys occupied when off duty. The Red Cross has furnished uniforms and
equipment to outfit all regiments in baseball and football togs . . .
each regiment has free outdoor shows twice a week and boxing and
wrestling platforms have been built in various sports throughout the
eight square mile camp.
“But,” Corcoran lamented, “there isn't enough going on to keep
the boys happy all the time. Each soldier is granted 2 1/2 days leave a
month. Most of them take their leaves in nearby towns and it is hard for
them to find decent lady companions, because of alleged reputations of
The lieutenant said that the USO will be a wonderful service
when it starts operating. There are many types of good, clean fun the
workers can provide which will be greatly enjoyed by the men.
When Lt. Corcoran returns to the camp, the soldiers will go into
maneuvers and war games. His description of them revealed that they will
be much the same as regular warfare except no ammunition will be used.
“Umpires are chosen,” he explained, “and they will check the
vaious operations during the mock battles. Prisoners can be taken! There
will be pursuit planes, dive bombers and observation towers included in
the fray and it is considered the best training to be given during a
soldier's stretch.”
“Butch” Drives
“Butck” Larson, another local boy, is Corcoran's chaugger. He
drives the large 4 – wheel drive commandery reconnaissance car for
Lieutenant Corcoran.
Lt. Corcoran's recent bride, the former Florence MacLean also of
Rock Rapids, accompanied him home. She will remain in Rock Rapids with
relatives and friends until the maneuvers are over.
- - - - - - - - - (No date)
New Instructor
Miss Florence McLean [sic] will be a new teacher in the Rock
Rapids schools this year and will instruct classes in arithmetic. She is
graduate of the local schools and Iowa State Teachers college, at Cedar
Falls. She taught first in a consolidated school in Oto and for the past
few years has been a member of the George school faculty.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(No date)
Miscellaneous Shower For Mrs. Corcoran---
Joint hostesses at a tea chd post-nuptial shower given for Mrs.
T. E. Corcoran yesterday, (Wednesday) at 5:30 o'clock were Mrs. C. A.
Nichols, Mrs. W. B. Rogers, Mrs. Thomas Abraham and Mrs. E. B. Carson,
at the home of Mrs. Rogers. Following the tea, tables were arranged for
contract bridge.
- - - - - - - - - - (No date)
Miss MacLean Will Wed Lt. Corcoran Early Next Month
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. MacLean this week announced the engagement and
approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Florence Virginia MacLean,
to Lt. Thomas E. Corcoran, M.C., of Camp Claiborne, La., son of Dr. and
Mrs. L. L. Corcoran of this city. The wedding is planned for early July
at Oakdale, La., where the couple will live.
The bride-to-be attended the local schools and later studied at
Iowa State Teachers college, Cedar Falls. After completing her studies
in Cedar Falls she became a member of the faculty of the consolidated
school in Oto, Ia. Later she taught in George and for the past two years
has been a teacher in the Rock Rapids grade school.
Lt. Corcoran also graduated from the rock Rapids high school and
later studied at the University of Iowa where he graduated from the
school of medicine. After serving internship in St. Joseph's hospital in
Kansas City, Mo., he practiced his profession in Rock Rapids for almost
a year, having offices with his father, Dr. L. L. Corcoran. Lt.
Corcoran, a member of the Sibley national guards, is now serving in the
medical corps of the army in Camp Claiborne.
- - - - - - - - Scrapbook Page 24
The Marriage of Miss Florence MacLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. MacLean, to Lieut. Thomas E. Corcoran, M.C., took place in
Oakdale, La., Thursday, July 3. the bride wore for her wedding a dress
of powder blue sheer, and for traveling a white silk jersey suit.
Attendants were Capt. And Mrs. Matt Sanders of Ft. Dodge, and Capt. Geo.
Juntz of Sibley. After a wedding trip to Gulf ports of Alabama and
Mississippi, the couple will live in Oakdale, La.,
Both the bride and bridegroom were born and reared in Rock
Rapids and received their grade and high school educations in the local
schools. Later the bride studied at Iowa State Teachers college. After
her graduation she taught for two years in the schools of Oto, Iowa,
then became a member of the George school faculty for two years, and for
the past two years she has been a teacher in the elementary grades of
the Rock Rapids schools.
Lieut. Corcoran is a graduate of the school of medicine of the
University of Iowa. After serving his internship at St. Joseph's
hospital in Kansas City, he returned to Rock Rapids to practice his
profession. He shared offices with his father for almost a year, until
last spring when as a reserve officer in the Sibley company of the
national guard, he entered army service as a member of the medical
corps. He is now stationed at Camp Claiborne, La.
(in middle of page is “Reporter, Rock Rapids, Iowa—Thursday, August 29,
- - - - - - - - - - (No date)
Not All Work
Proom [sic] that it's not all work when the national guard
undergoes maneuvers, is contained in the picture above. It appeared in
last week's Gazette-Tribune, at Sibley. In the picture, from left to
right are Dr. T. E. Corcoran of Rock Rapids, Captain George Juntz and
Lieutenant George Vogl. The men are all members of the Sibley company of
the national guard and the picture was taken while they were attending
the maneuvers at Camp Ripley in Minnesota.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - (No date)
Prisoner of War
(PHOTO – same as on Page 23)
Rock Rapids, Ia. - - - Special:
Capt. Thomas Corcoran, son of Dr. and Mrs. L.L. Corcoran, has been
reported missing in north Africa and is presumed to be a prisoner of the
Italians. He is a brother of County Attorney Louis Corcoran of Osceola
county and was in command of a medical unit made up largely of Sibley
men. Capt. Corcoran was practicing medicine with his father in Rock
Rapids at the time he joined the army.
- - - - - - - - - (No date)
Lieut. Corcoran Leaves on Special Convoy for Camp
Eight Men Leave Ahead of Rest of Company. To Camp Claiborne, La.
Lieutenant Thomas E. Corcoran, members of the 135th company of
the Iowa national guard, left Sibley Monday afternoon for Camp
Claiborne, Louisiana, with a special detachment of men from that unit.
Four cars, lef by Lt. Corcorcan [sic] with seven other men,
comprised the convoy which made stops at Burlington and St. Louis
enroute. The rest of the Sibley company will leave Saturday by train for
the Omaha induction station.
The members of the local citizens committee, John T. Prior,
“Butch” Larson, Ken Getman, Leo Babl and R. C. Langfelt, drove to Sibley
to see Corcoran off.
- - - - - - - - -(7 Aug 1941)
Undergoes Operation For Appendicitis in Sibley Hospital
Mrs. L. L. Corcoran is in the Winkler hospital at Sibley, where
she was operated upon Tuesday night for a ruptured appendix. Mrs.
Corcorah became ill Tuesday and was taken by her husband, Dr. L L.
Corcoran , to the hospital in the evening. Her condition is reported as
serious by Dr. Winkler, who performed the operation.
- - - - - - - - - (No date)
Miss Madeline Victoria McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
McLean of Rock Rapids, Ia., was secretly married to William Carol Jammer
of Indianola, Ia., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jammer of Rock Rapids, Feb.
8, 1941.
- - - - - - - -ROCK RAPIDS, IOWA, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1927
(PHOTO by Martin)
Third Ward Councilman and Hardware Dealer
- - - -
How is business?
Business is good and it is getting better right along. We are making
preparations for a good trade this spring and summer in all lines.
Do you believe that there is going to be considerable building this
I don't believe there is going to be so much new building but there is
going to be plenty of repair work. Buildings have been let go the past
three years, and I look for a lot of repairing and remodeling to be done
this year. Prospects are better than they have been for three years.
Judging from your conversations with customers what do you think of the
outlook for this coming year?
Best in a long time. With a great deal of moisture in the ground and
with renewed confidences there is a much better feeling all around. You
just can't keep this country down. Just watch it.
How can Rock Rapids merchants make Rock Rapids a better market town?
We have everything here and the merchants all pull together, but we
will have to keep ever-lastingly at it and advertise, not only in the
newspapers but in every way we can. We've got to let the people know
what we have to offer.
What do you think of the proposed river front improvement?
It sure is a fine thing, but the city does not have the money to go
ahead with it right now unless they get some outside help. Some outside
money from some organization or group of organizations will have to come
to the rescue or this fine improvement will have to wait a while. It
would be a shame if this improvement had to go over another year, or
What is your particular hobby?
I still stick to my cross word puzzles. I don't know how many
dictionaries I have worn out working them but I still like them even is
most people have tired of them.
If you were not in the hardware business what business would you prefer
to be in?
Farming. I wish I was on a farm right now for I am convinced that
there is some real money to be made on the farm if a fellow works it
right and feeds his stuff. My boyhood was spent on a farm and I would
like to go back.
What is the greatest problem confronting the city council at this time?
To get the money to do the things that need to be done in the way of
- - - - --- (No date)
Large Attendance at Quilt Display - - -
More than a hundred women attend a quilt display, sponsored by Group
No. 3 of the Methodist Ladies' Aid society, on Wednesday afternoon,
April 28, in the parlors of the church, under the direction of the
chairman, Mrs. M.E. Baxter.
A beautiful showing of 48 quilts was exhibited, including all the
usual patterns and many new and unusual designs in appliquéd and pieced
coverlets. The oldest quilt shown was a pieced quilt more than 140 years
old. This quilt, which was beautifully quilted, is owned by Mrs. D. T.
Hetrick, of Ellsworth, and has always been in her family. Mrs. Amanda
Baustian's postage stamp pattern, which she had made from more than
6,000 tiny pieces, was very unusual.
A lovely coverlet, woven in 1841 from yarn spun by Mrs. Louise
Eastman, mother of Mrs. C. A. Nichols, of this city, was displayed. The
coverlet, which is blue, red, and white, is now the prized possession of
Mrs. Ida Nichols-Bird of this city.
During the afternoon, a program was presented, featuring a playlet
entitled, “Grandmother's Treasure Chest,” given by Mrs. E. H. Atwood, as
grandmother, showing her lovely chest of quilts to her granddaughters,
Mrs. Denver Dietz and Mrs. Albert Patton. The playlet was interspersed
with local selections. Mrs. Floyd Casjens sang, “I Love Your [sic}
Truly,” and “Long, Long Ago.” Other appropriate songs were sung by Mrs.
C. O. Lehman, and by a duet, Mrs. B. A. Colby and her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Harmsen.
At the close of the afternoon, tea was served. Music during the social
hour was given by Miss Isabelle Nagel, the boys' quartette of the high
school, and Leon Pettengill.
- - - - - - - -
January 2, 1902
A pretty home wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Pierce Monday afternoon, when Miss Alice, youngest daughter of Mrs.
Louisa Eastman, was united in marriage to Mr. Claude A. Nichols.
At 4 o'clock the bride and groom unattended entere the sitting room
and took their places in front of the mantel which was banked with palms
and ferns and beautifuly [sic] decorated with roses and carnations. In
the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends, Rev. George
Manning performed the marriage ceremony.
_ _ _ __ ___ __ Scrapbook page 26
- - - - -- (Monday, June 22, 1942)
Company Loses Official
R. E. Nichols James S. Tighe
James S. Tighe, district plant superintendent for the
Northwestern Bell Telephone company here for the last two and a half
years has been called into army service as a captain in the signal
corps. With his family, he left Sioux Falls Sunday to go to Washington,
D. C., where he was to report for duty. Tighe will be succeeded as
district plant superintendent by R. E. Nichols, formerly district plant
engineer at Omaha, who will assume his new duties Monday.
Tighe has been in the employ of the telephone company since 1926,
coming to Sioux Falls from St. Cloud, Minn. Nichols' telephong
experience dates from 1928 and until moving to Omaha in 1939 he had
lived in Iowa.