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Iowa News
from the
Jackson County Sentinel Clippings
Page 1
Clippings transcribed by Mary Lou babylou52@yahoo.com
Jackson Sentinel
Maquoketa, Jackson co. Iowa
unknown date
Mrs. J.C. CURRIER, who resides at 309 N. Olive street, this city, justly
takes a keen pride in furnishing us a photo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Russel B. DUTTON, who were united in marriage on June 27, 1844, by ABRAHAM
LINCOLN when the great president was justice of the peace in Nauvoo,
Illinois. After the ceremony was performed the happy couple had scarcely
left the altar when the news came that Joseph SMITH, the famous Mormon
leader, had been killed by a downtown mob, and as was frequently the case,
the non-Mormon contingent, to which the newlyweds belonged, fled for safety,
taking to some hiding place such belongings as were easily portable.
Mrs. CURRIER treasures the photo from which the likeness herewith was
reproduced, very highly, and as the venerable old couple had many relatives
in this vicinity, we are glad to give space and mention to this interesting
The subject of this sketch was a brother of the late Ezra DUTTON of Iron
unknown date:
Apparently without cause, Gustav A. HAMMERICH, 34 years old, unmarried,
turned on all of the gas jets in the kitchen of his home, 2140 Seventeenth
street, Rock Island, yesterday morning and died as a result. He made his
home with his mother, Mrs. Ida HAMMERICH and his sister, Mrs. Anna SCHROEDER
and was never known to allow anything to worry him. His friends, as well as
his sister, say that they have never known him to be downhearted or to be
worrying over anything and are at a loss to account for his rash act.
He was a bricklayer and was employed by the HENRY HORST CO., ont he work in
Longview Park. Carl W. HORST, foreman on the work said that he had worked
for him for more than two years and never known him to fail to report for
work until Monday morning. He said that he had always seemed to be in the
highest of spirits.
He was left in the house alone at about 6:30 o'clock yesterday morning when
his sister left the house to go to work. His mother is visiting in the
country. When Mrs. SCHROEDER came home from work she said that as soon as
she stepped onto the walk leading to the front door she smelled the gas, but
thought that the pipe, which she had known to be defective, in the cellar,
was leaking. She went to the cellar way and found that the gas was not
coming from there.
She then went into the house and found that all of the doors leading into
the kitchen were locked, which was very unusual. She carried the key to the
outside kitchen door, which she unlocked but was unable to open it as the
body was lying in the front of the door. Through the window she could see
the body lying face down.
Rushing across the street to the nearest neighbor, C.W. GILES, 2139
Seventeenth street, she told what had happened and he, with his brother ran
to the house. They turned off the gas jets, all of which had been turned on
and notified the police.
Mr. GILES said that it was apparent that HAMMOND [should have been
HAMMERICH] had tried to get out after turning on the gas, for the door knob
was pulled off. There was a flatiron lying on the floor, that Mrs. SCHROEDER
had used to keep the door open. Mr. HAMMERICH was cut on the forehead and on
the cheek as though he had struck the iron in his fall.
When the police arrived with the pulmotor they saw he had been dead for
atleast eight hours.
Mr. GILES was the last to see him alive, besides his sister. He saw him last
about 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Mr. HORST said that he saw him last at
noon on Saturday, when he was paid for last week's work. When he failed to
report for work Monday, Mr. HORST went to the house for him but could get no
response. He went again Tuesday morning, but again was unable to get any
Mr. HAMMERICH was born in Rock Island, January 5, 1887, the only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Christian HAMMERICH and had resided here all of his life. Beside
his mother he leaves four sisters, Mrs. Anna SCHROEDER, at home, Mrs. Will
PETERS, Wilton, Iowa; Mrs. Earl SWANSON, Orion and Mrs. Ike LAWSON of Perry,
He was a member of Ucal lodge, I.O.O.F., of Rock Island and a member of camp
No. 29, M.W.A.
unknown date:
Maquoketa- Miss Laura MOLE, well known resident of this city, died last
night in the BECKER home. She had been sick from heart trouble for some
time. The body is *[this is written exactly from the article]
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 PM Sunday in the Methodist church. The
Rev. H.H. DILL will officiate. An O.E.S. service will be held at the grave.
Burial will be at MT. HOPE CEMETERY.
Miss MOLE was always active in the Methodist church and played a cooperative
part in the EASTERN STAR during her long membership. She was also a member
of the Women's Relief Corps. She was graduated from the local high school
in 1886.
The deceased taught school and served as a bookkeeper in the RIEPE MOTOR
COMPANY for eight years.
Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Sarah TUBBS of California, a nephew, Lee TUBBS
of California, and a niece, Mrs. Laura TUBBS PALMER of Monticello, who has
arrived for the funeral.
O.E.S. members are to meet at the hall at 2 PM to attend the funeral in a
unknown date:
After an illness, which followed a paralytic stroke about one month ago,
Charles F. Ellis passed away at his home on East Pleasant street about 9:30
o'clock Wednesday evening.
Although Mr. Ellis had not been in good health for a year or over, it was
not until about four weeks ago that he found it necessary to discontinue his
position as city carrier for the Sentinel. He then went to Monticello to
enter the hospital there, but the morning after arrival was stricken with
paralysis, and a few days later was brought back to his home here, where he
continued to fail until the end came.
Mr. ELLIS was born in South Fork township west of Hurstville on November
21, 1873, and spent all of his early life in this vicinity. He was united in
marriage in 1897 to Miss Maude GIBSON, who passed in May of the following
year. On June 19, 1899, he was married to Miss Elizabeth GUILFOIL at
Anamosa, Ia., and to this union three children were born, Mrs. Mary HOERNER
of Zwingle, James W. Jr., and Carriebelle at home, all of whom with the
devoted wife mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. Mr. Ellis also
leaves his father, one brother, Frank E., of this city, and three sisters,
Mrs. Jessie ALBRIGHT of Des Moines, Mrs. Belle EASTMAN of near Delmar and
Mrs. Nellie BRADLEY of Maquoketa.
Mr. Ellis with his family moved to the south a number of years ago, but
after a few years' residence there returned to the ciry. For sixteen years
he ably represented the Clinton Advertiser in this vicinity, and later took
up the same line of work with the Clinton Herald. About a year ago he began
his work as city carrier for the Jackson Sentinel and faithfully performed
his work until ill health compelled his to discontinue.
Charley was a kind-hearted man, over ready to grant favors and glad to do
good when opportunity arose. he was an honored member of Helion Lodge No.
36, A. F. & A. M., and Woo- Camp No. 161, M. W. A.
Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning form the
Reformed church, the Masonic service being used. Interment will be made in
The following verses may or may not have been printed previously. They are
NOT given herewith to start trouble but because they have been lying on
Charley KINDT'S desk and getting on his nerves for some time and he wants
them out of the way. If you know the tune of "The Wearin' of the Green" you
can sing this one. We hope it doesn't come true but it ain't it a fine
The Kaiser's cows are grazing
Where the shamrocks used to grow,
How long they'll pasture on the green
There's no one seems to know.
If we should judge the future
By what happened in the past,
There'll be no grass for Doran's jackass
Where the shamrocks used to grow.
Oh, Johnny Bull, Oh, Johnny Bull,
What are you going to do?
You said that you would like the Dutch
And now it's up to you.
If you don't get a hustle on,
There's one thing you should know;
They'll be raising plants for sauerkraut
Where the shamrocks used to grow.
Oh, Kaiser Bill, Oh, Kaiser Bill,
I see him on his way
With a load of Dutch Limburger Cheese
Upon our Dublin Bay,
I feel sorry for the Irish;
It will break their hearts, I know,
To say their prayer in German
Where the shamrocks used to grow.
There's no use of them fighting,
There's no need of home rule.
As they'll be speaking German soon
In every Irish school,
I feel sorry for the Irish;
It will be a hard, sad blow
To hear that dear old German band
Where the shamrocks used to grow.
They'll take old Blarney castle,
Tear down it's ivy arch.
And have the Kaiser's birthday
On the Seventeenth of March.
The poor cats of Kilkenny
Will scratch their heels and go
When Limburger cheese fills the breeze
Where the shamrocks used to grow.
The dear Lakes of Kilkarney
They'll fill with German carp,
And music from the German band
Will soon replace the harp.
Our beloved Daniel O'Connell
Will take his grave and go
When he finds out there is sauerkraut
Where the shamrocks used to grow.
The names of the O'Haras
O'Connors and O'Moore,
Will change to Schultz and Shneider,
When the Kaiser gets the floor.
So look out for the Germans
They'll put noodles in the stew,
Corn beef and cabbage will be gone
Where the three leaf shamrock grew.
OCT. 27, unknown year:
Miss Laura A. BELL of Maquoketa, Ia., became the bride of Mr. Charles
MCDONALD of Davenport at 11 o'clock Saturday, the ceremony being performed
by Dr. Frank COURT at the parsonage of th St. John's Methodist church. Mrs.
Harry BARNES of Milan, a sister of the groom, was the only attendant. The
bridal couple will reside in Davenport. Mr. MCDONALD is employed as a
harness-maker. --Davenport Times
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. BELL of this city and has
practiced nursing for the past few years.
Mr. MCDONALD is a Maquoketa boy, the son of Mrs. L. B. MCDONALD.
early 1920's
Born in Jackson Counry Over 80 Years Ago. Held Various Offices in City and
County. Funeral Will Be Held This Friday Afternoon
After an illness of several weeks during which time he displayed that ever
present determination to over come obstacles, Ex-Mayor William C. MORDEN
passed away at his home in the First Ward Wednesday forenoon at ten o'clock.
In the death of Mr. MORDEN, Jackson County loses perhaps it's oldest
native-born citizen, and only whose loyalty to the county of his birth
stood out very conspicuously all thru life. He was a man whose early life
had been spent among the earliest pioneers of this community, he shared as
a boy the privations and hardships incidental to early-day life. Iowa was
not yet a state when he first romped thru the woods and wilds of FARMERS
CREEK township, and right here we reprint in part a short chapter in an
autobiographical sketch written for the Sentinel souvenir edition some years
ago, which ably describes the scenes of Mr. MORDEN'S
boyhood days:-----
William C. MORDEN, the subject of this sketch, was born in what is now
FARMERS CREEK township, Jackson County, Iowa, February 28, 1841. His parents
having emigrated from the state of Ohio in the year 1836, locating about
one mile north of the village of FULTON. He is, therefore, one among the
few of his age that can truthfully claim Jackson county as his birthplace.
Although being numbered with the early settlers, we have no exciting stories
to relate of hardships endured during our backwoods life; no hair breadth
escapes from the red man's tomahawk; no blood curdling encounters with wild
beasts of the big woods; no Indian scalps; no lion, or catamount teeth,
or elephant tusks laid up in our museum on ancient relics to remind us of
the deadly strife and harrowing scenes of pioneer life. For a full
description of the more startling incidents, we refer the reader to other
more qualified writers.
Many changes have taken place within the writer's memory. Well we remember
those good old days of simplicity, when the latch string of the home cabin
door always hung out as a sign of welcome, bidding neighbor, and wayfarer
to enter and partake of the hospitality within. Although ---ll of fare was
frugal and of few -----
it was was always wholesome and ----.
Memory takes us back to the --- so long past when we used to gather of long
winter evenings around the rude fireplace filled with blazing logs that only
cost the trouble of cutting. It almost brings tears to our eyes to think of
those good times, and then be compelled to pay six dollars a cord for the
same kind of wood and short measures at that.
"Looking back to the good old times of fifty or more years ago, and
thinking of the contrast between then and now, causes a lingering desire to
be young again, and live over the life so joyous and free, when there was
no trouble, no house cleanings, no doctors, no lawyers, therefore no
sickness or lawsuits, no fine clothes and stand up collars to make one feel
awkward and out of place. Verily, boyhood days in the 40's and 50's were
one continuous round of joy. In those happy days when we were boys and girls
together, when your neighbor was as good as yourself, although miles
separated each family, 'they were neighbors still' ."
"In those days long to be remembered when everybody was level headed, when
we went twenty miles to mill on horseback with the grist in one end of the
bag and a store in the other, and one soup bone did duty for the whole
neighborhood. Alas! changed are the conditions in this advanced age of
civilization, when your nearest neighbor is often a comparative stranger.
How well we remember the old log school house wherein, as a freckled faced
barefooted lad, we spent our college days; the puncheon floor and chimney
built of sticks; the seats made of basswood logs split in halves, with the
soft side up; the hickory switches, and the dunce block on which the writer
spent his share of the time; the log rollings and house raising with the
old fashioned dance at night where we tripped the light fantastic toe until
broad day light, and went home with the girls in the morning for breakfast;
the husking bees; the red ears of corn, and the pleasures that followed;
the pretty damsels with rosy cheeks, painted only by nature's artist, all of
which makes us wish for the days of youth and good old times of yore."
At 20 years of age, he enlisted in Co. I, 5th Iowa Vol. Infantry as first
Corporal, July 15, 1861; was wounded in leg and breast September 19, 1862,
at Lake Luka, Miss. Was discharged for disability February 23, 1863.
Enlisted again September 27, 1864, in Co. 2nd, Iowa Cavalry and served to
the end of the war.
In the year 1867 Mr. MORDEN was united in marriage to Miss Alice MCDONALD,
and to this union were born four children, three of whom with the faithful
wife survive and mourn the loss of a devoted husband and father. The
children are Mrs. Lillian BARRETT of Twin Falls, Idaho; Miss Edith at home
and Mrs. Florence HACKETT of Lewistown, Mont.
Mr. MORDEN was an honored member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows Orders and
A. W. Drips Post, G. A. R., and in his younger days was very active in
fraternal circles. He had held numerous township offices; served on the
board of supervisors and was for years the postmaster at FULTON, his native
town. Some twenty-nine years ago Mr. MORDEN and family removed from FULTON
to MAQUOKETA where he engaged the general merchandise business, retiring
from same about two years ago. He was elected mayor of this city with in
1917, serving with honor for two terms. A true patriot in every sense, Mr.
MORDEN served his country, community and city well and in his death we have
lost one of those sturdy citizens whose interests were ever centered in the
common welfare of his fellowmen.
The funeral will be held from the home, this Friday afternoon at four
o'clock, Rev. D. F. BOOMERSHINE officiating. Interment will be made in MT.
Margaret Weimerskirch was born at Insten, Luxemberg, July 10, 1876, and
passed away at her home at Hurstville on Wednesday morning, Nov. 15, 1922,
after a lingering illness at the age of 46 years, 4 months and five days. At
the age of 15 years she came to the United States and made her home with her
aunt, Mrs. Matt TEBBEN of Bellevue.
She was united in marriage to Eugene HENRY at Delmar, Oct. 19, 1899. To this
union were born four children, Joseph, Edward, Victor and Marle, who with
the husband are left to mourn the departure of a kind, loving wife and
mother. THe funeral services were held Friday morning, Nov. 17, at 10
o'clock, at Sacred Heart church, Rev. Father CRANEY officiating. Interment
Wm. S. KEELEY, a pioneer resident of this community, passed away very
suddenly Friday, shortly after the noon hour, death resulting from heart
William Sylvester KEELEY was born in Indiana on March 29, 1859 [written on
article: 1850 NOT 1859]; a son born of Francis and Mahala (BOWMAN) KEELEY,
and with his parents came to Iowa two years later.
He grew to young manhood on a farm near Maquoketa and excepting several
years spent in Wisconsin and Minnesota, where he was employed as a stage
driver, and followed this some time on a prospecting trip through the
western part of the state, he has always been a citizen of Jackson county.
July 4, 1877, he was united in marriage to Miss Delia TUBBS, daughter of
Sidney TUBBS, the builder of TUBBS' mills and one of the most prominent
pioneer settlers in Jackson county.
Mr. and Mrs. KEELEY followed farming until a few years ago when they moved
to Maquoketa. Two children, Wylie H. of Rock Island, Ill, and Mrs. Edith L.
FUGLSANG, of Maquoketa, and the wife and a brother, Frank KEELEY of this
city survive.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the lat home,
Rev. J.J. KIDDER officiating. Burial at MT. HOPE CEMETERY.
JAN 1930
Miss Laura MOLE has just received a telegram from Lee TUBBS, of San Diego,
Cal., advising her of the death of his brother, Harvey TUBBS, formerly of
and well known in this city. He leaves his mother, wife, one son, one
sister and two brothers. No further details given.
Mrs. Chris VOHRINGER received the sad message last week of the death of her
niece, Mrs. Earl SAWDEY, 27, at her home in North Bend, Oregon, on Wednesday
afternoon, October 27. She had been ill for a number of months and for the
past year her mother, Mrs. Walter SAID has remained in her home.
Thelma SAID was born on September 3, 1910, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter SAID. She received her education in the rural schools of this
community where she spent her early life. On October 27, 1926 she was united
in marriage to Earl SAWDEY and four years ago they moved to Oregon to
Besides the grieved husband, she is survived by two daughters, Earline and
Doris Jeanne; her mother, Mrs. Walter SAID; a brother, Vern SAID of
Maquoketa and other relatives and a host of friends. Her father preceded her
in death five years ago and a sister Vera died in 1921. The body will arrive
in Maquoketa on Thursday and the funeral service will be held Saturday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the CARSON-BALSTER funeral home. Interment will
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Alice J. PALMER, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton PALMER of Monticello, to August M. RICKLEFS, on Aug.
25, at the Presbyterian church in Kahoka, Mo. The Rev. Wilson SCHONE, pastor
of the church performed the ceremony.
Mrs. RICKLEFS graduated from the Monticello high school and for several
years has been employed in the ----ner? Drugstore.
Mr. RICKLEFS graduated from teh Anamosa high school and is employed at the
Montecello greenhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. RICKLEFS will make their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. PALMER, parents of the bride are former residents of
NOV 9, 1943
Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Sarah
TUBBS, 83, a former Maquoketan, who died in San Diego, Calif., Tuesday.
Funeral services and burial were helod in San Diego Thursday.
She spent her girlhood and much of her later life here, her maiden name
being Sarah MOLE. She was married to Charles TUBBS, who was a partner in
the SUTHERLAND and TUBBS lumber firm here for many years. He died about 40
years ago and in recent years she has made her home with her son, Lee, in
San Diego.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Clayton PALMER of Monticello, and two
sons, Arthur of Newton, and Lee. Another son, Harvey preceded her in death.
She also leaves three grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
(*Written on the article: Lee TUBBS died 1959)
Funeral services for Arthur B. TUBBS, former Maquoketa resident who died
suddenly Sunday in his home at Newton, was held Wednesday at the TOLAND
funeral home in that city. Burial was made in NEWTON CEMETERY.
Arthur Burr TUBBS, son of Charles F. and Sarah MOLE TUBBS was born May 22,
1891, at Maquoketa and passed away suddenly Sunday, Dec. 21, at his home in
He attended the Maquoketa public schools. A printer by trade, Mr. TUBBS
ADVERTISING NOVELTY CO. of Newton where he made his home for the last 15
He is survived by one brother, Charles Lee TUBBS of San Diego, Calif., and
one sister, Mrs. Laura PALMER of Monticello, Iowa; a nephew, Charles Wm.
TUBBS of San Diego, a niece, Mrs. Alice RICKLEFS of Monticello, and a
nephew, Max PALMER of Washington, D.C.
MARCH 20, 1949
Funeral services were held Wednesday in Monticello for Mrs. Laura TUBBS
PALMER, 61, former Maquoketa school teacher.
Mrs. TUBBS was born in December, 1887, the daughter of Charles TUBBS and
Sarah MOLE TUBBS, in Maquoketa. She married Clayton PALMER, October 25,
1913. Mr. PALMER is a druggist in Monticello.
Surviving in addition to the husband are a son, Max; a daughter, Mrs. Gus
RICHLIF; a granddaughter, Julie RICHLIF; a nephew, Charles TUBBS; and a
brother, Lee TUBBS of San Diego, Calif.
Relatives in the Maquoketa area include Roy and Ben TUBBS, Winnie and Archie
TUBBS and Mrs. Edith Fuglsang, all cousins.
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Iowa News from Scrapbooks index