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Iowa News
from the
Harrington Scrapbook
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A scrapbook compiled by Miss Edith Harrington, long time active member in the First Baptist Church, LeMars, Iowa. This has been saved because of the many items that are of interest to our Baptist families in LeMars. Articles dated 1942-1949.
Submitted by L. Ziemann
Relationship to scrapbook maker: Granddaughter of Miss
Harrington's good friend, Ferne Jones of LeMars.
LeMars Couple Wed 73 Years
The 73 rd wedding anniversary Friday of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Crouch, longtime residents of LeMars, has inspired the five-generation picture above. Composing the family group are, left to right, A. W. Crouch, Mrs. William E. Bergman and daughter, Claudia Joy, and Mrs. A.W. Crouch; back row, O.W. Crouch of Hinton and Mrs. Albert V. Swanson, 1665 Willis Avenue. O.W. Crouch of Hinton is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Crouch and the father of Mrs. Swanson. Mrs. Bergman is a daughter of Mrs. Swanson.
A.W. Crouch, 95, a Civil War veteran, and Mrs. Crouch, 93, the former Magdalene Roesch, were married in Wisconsin , coming to Iowa later and settling in Plymouth county.
The death of Sgt. William E. Bergman, killed in action over in Austria , May 29, was the first to occur in the Crouch family during their married life. They have six children; O.W. Crouch, Mrs. C.C. Hauff of Merrill, Mrs. H. Van Dyke 3914 Fourth Avenue, Mrs. W.F. Douglass Hampton, Ia, and Mrs. A.C. Lemon of Moscow, Idaho, and Harold Pew of LeMars, 19 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, and one great-great granddaughter.
Sioux City Journal newspaper clipping, dated Sept. 14, 1944
"One of Mr. Crouch's last public appearances was
when he led the Decoration Day Parade here a number of years
[This was the Plymouth County newspaper head line which included
a picture of Andrew Crouch on horseback in the parade mentioned]
Andrew Crouch
Passes Away at Advanced Age
Was Last Surviving Plymouth County Civil War Veteran
[This article includes a
very nice picture of the distinguished looking, older man- Andrew
Andrew W. Crouch, only surviving Plymouth County Civil War
Veteran and one of this country's oldest residents, died at 10
p.m. Thursday, January 11, 1945, at his home in LeMars. Had he
lived until February 16 he would have been 96 years old. Until
the last few years, Mr. Crouch's health was good and he was often
seen downtown looking after business affairs.
Andrew W. Crouch was a native of the Empire state, but had been a
resident of Iowa since 1874. He was born on a farm in Chautauqua
County, New York, February 16, 1849. A son of M. F. and Mandana
(Hogle) Crouch, both members of colonial families. Mandana
Hogle's grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War,
serving for six years. M. F. Crouch's father was a drummer in the
War of 1812, when a child he moved from Pennsylvania to New York
state with his parents. The family moved to Grant County,
Wisconsin, in 1858. M. F. Crouch came to LeMars in 1874 and
settled on a farm in Plymouth County and moved to LeMars in 1878
where he lived until his death in 1900. Andrew Crouch was about
eight years old when his parents moved from New York to
Wisconsin. He received his education in the schools of Grant
County. At the age of fifteen years and eight months he enlisted
for service in the Union Army for the remainder of the Civil War,
as a member of Company G, First Wisconsin Cavalry, attached to
the Army of the Cumberland and served with that command for ten
months, or until the close of the war, and was mustered out at
Edgefield, Tennessee, July 19, 1865. During his term of service
in the army Mr. Crouch saw much active service but never received
a wound. His command was with Wilson on the latter's celebrated
raid through Alabama and Georgia and Mr. Crouch retained vivid
recollections of that notable expedition.
Upon the completion of his military service, Andrew Crouch
returned to his home in Wisconsin and engaged in farming with his
father. He was married in 1871 to Magdalena Roesch. In 1874, he
came with his parents to Plymouth County, locating in Liberty
township, where for two years he lived on a rented farm. He then
in 1876 bought a tract of eighty acres, paying $6.60 an acre and
there farmed for five years, at the end of which time discouraged
by the continued ravages of grasshoppers throughout this section
returned to his former home in Wisconsin. Dissatisfied with
conditions there after having lived in Iowa, Mr. Crouch returned
to Plymouth County and bought a farm of 160 acres in Perry
township, paying $7.50 an acre, and established his home. When he
took possession of the place a few acres were broken and there
was a small house. He proceeded to develop the land and soon had
a fine farm, on which he continued to make his home until 1901,
when he bought a tract of ten acres adjoining the city of LeMars
on the southwest where he lived until 1910 when he moved into
During his active years in farming he prospered in his operations
and increased his holdings in Perry township to two hundred and
forty acres of land. During his residence in Perry township he
was chairman of the board of trustees for several years and was a
member for eighteen years. He also served on the school board as
director and secretary. After coming to live in LeMars, Mr.
Crouch was engaged in the insurance and real estate business
until his retirement. He was one of the charter members of Mower
Post, G.A.R. and held offices in the organization at different
times. He was also a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Crouch
was a republican in politics and was an active worker in the
party in his mature years.
Mr. and Mrs. Crouch celebrated their seventy-third wedding
anniversary on September 15, 1944. Mr. Crouch's death was the
first in the family including all the descendants.
The survivors besides his widow, are six children, Mrs. Conrad
Hauff (Claudia) of Merrill, Oscar of Hinton, Mrs. Hyman Van Dyke
(Mable) of Sioux City, Mrs. Wm Douglas (Cora) of Hampton, Mrs.
Allen Lemon (Frankie) of Moscow, Idaho, and Mrs. Harold Pew
(Esther) of LeMars. There are nineteen grandchildren, nineteen
great grandchildren and one great great grandson. Five grandsons
and three grandsons-in law are in the service and they are S.
Sergt. Richard R. Pew in England, Sergt. Donald Douglas in the
southwest Pacific, Lt. Clyde Van Dyke U. S. N. with the Pacific
Fleet, Lt (jg) Dean Lemon, Salem, Oregon, V-12 Student Ralph
Lemon, Maj Guy H. Todd in France, and Pfc Richard Stillinger and
Pfc Raymond Hodapp both in the United States. William E. Bergman,
a great grandson-in-law, was killed May 29, 1944, in Italy.
The funeral servies were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the Methodist church. Rev. J. J. Share officiated at the
services. The music was by the Methodist choir quartet. The
pallbearers were grandsons and grandsons-in-law, Wm Pew, Lloyd
Crouch, Warren Hauff, Dwight Hauff, Leo Graham and Albert
The interment was in the city cemetery and Wasmer Post of the
American Legion was in charge of the services at the cemetery.
Military Honors Accorded Civil War Veteran
Final Rites Held for Andrew Crouch, Plymouth Pioneer
Full military honors were accorded Andrew W. Crouch, 96, Plymouth
county's last survivor of the Civil War, who died Thursday night,
at impressive services held Monday afternoon at the First
Methodist Church in LeMars.
The services were attended by a large number of people who
gathered to honor the memory of a gallant soldier and pioneer
settler of the community. Rev. J.J. Share conducted the services
at the church and graveside services were in the charge of World
War veterans, members of the American Legion, Wasmer Post,
Company D, Iowa State Guard and men in service.
The casket, draped with the national flag, was placed at the
altar during the church service, with Fay Terpenning representing
the G. A. R., and Leroy Crowley representing Wasmer Post,
American Legion, at the head and foot, bearing the Stars and
Stripes, at half mast. Presentation of arms was made as the
casket was borne within the portals of the church, and at the
conclusion of the service color bearers formed an escort,
preceding the honorary pallbearers: John W. Strouse, Clarence
Langendorfer, William Niehus, Fred Pashan, Vincent Harker,
Vincent Conway, Roy Rounds, Ed Willging, Al Orban, Arthur
Wetrosky, Henry Heidbrink, Frank Scholer, George Pavlik, Harvey
Klukhohn, and Ray Claussen.
The solemn ritual of the G. A. R. was impressively deliverd by
Capt. J.G. Koenig followed by a parting volley by the firing
squad and the final taps by buglers sounding in far away echoes.
As final notes of the bugle sounded, Capt. Melvin R. Kanago and
Lieut. Ernest E. Nelson withdrew the flag from the casket and
presented it to the wife of the departed soldier.
George Merritt and Cpl. William Boyle were color guards. Members
of the firing squad were Walter F. Bogen, sergeant in charge,
Sgt. Frank Luken, Sgt. Irving Smaltz, Cpl. Dale Becker, Walter
Nussbaum, Roman Kovaleske, Cpl. Glenn Gearke, Frank Lauters, Cpl.
Ray Orban. Buglers were Gerd Grahlman of Wasmer Post and Miss
Carolyn Mischler.
DesMoines. ---(AP)--- Ten, or more than half, of
the state's Civil War veterans still living last May ---nearly 80
years after the conflict --- have died since then, Miss Amy Noll,
secretary of the Iowa Grand Army of the Republic, said.
Average age of the nine still living is 98. They are: Harrison R.
Crecelius, Redding, 97; Michael Franz, Ottumwa, 100: Charles H.
Lingenfelter, Dakota City, 103; James P. Martin, Sutherland, 97;
Ebenezer G. McMurray, Iowa City, 100; Robert A. Millen, Melcher,
98; Frank L. Quade, Dubuque, 98; David Sisk, Marshalltown, 96;
and John M. Gudgel, Shenandoah, 97.
Those who died during the last 10 months were:
John Avery, Clinton; Ancil O. Ash, Decorah; Andrew W. Crouch,
LeMars; William H. Earnest, Seymour; Charles Hester, Indianola;
George R. Martin, Rippey; Frank Ritter, Boone; Eiliott P. Taylor,
Newton; Henry A. White, University Park; and John H. Burlingame,
Evanston, Illinois.
Mrs. A. W. Crouch Died Sunday After Suffering Stroke
Was Widow of the Last Civil War Veteran in the County
[This article had a lovely picture of the elderly Mrs. Andrew
Mrs. Magdalena Crouch, one of LeMars' oldest residents and widow
of the late Andrew W. Crouch, the last Civil War veteran in
Plymouth county, died Sunday, March 25, 1945, in Sacred Heart
hospital, where she had been taken Saturday night following a
stroke at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Pew, where she
had lived since Mr. Crouch passed away, January 11, shortly
before his 96th birthday.
Mrs. Crouch was born June 23, 1852, in Aachen, Germany. She came
to the United States at the age of 5 in a sailing vessel with her
parents, who settled in Wisconsin.
On September 15, 1871, she was married to Mr. Crouch at Potosi,
Wis. The following year they homesteaded 10 miles north of Sioux
City in Plymouth county, where they resided until 1901, when they
retired and moved to LeMars. She had lived 73 1/2 years in
Plymouth County.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the First
Methodist church in LeMars. Rev. J. J. Share will officiate.
Burial will be in the LeMars cemetery. Her grandsons will be
Mrs. Crouch, 93, Dies at LeMars
Civil War Veteran's Widow Came to U. S. in Sailing Vessel
LeMars, Ia.---Special: Mrs. Magdalena Crouch, widow of the late
Andrew W. Crouch Civil War veteran, who would have been 94 years
old June 23, died Sunday morning here at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. Harold Pew, after suffering a stroke Saturday night.
Mr. Crouch, who was the last surviving member of the Grand Army
of the Republic post here, died in January shortly before his
96th birthday.
Mrs. Crouch was born June 23, 1852, in Aachen, Germany. She came
to the United States at the age of 5 in a sailing vessl with her
parents, who settled in Wisconsin.
On September 15, 1871, she was married to Mr. Crouch at Potosi,
Wis. The following year they homesteaded 10 miles north of Sioux
City in Plymouth county, where they resided until 1901 when they
retired and moved to LeMars.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the
Methodist church in LeMars, Rev. J.J. Share will officiate.
Burial will be in the LeMars cemetery. Her grandsons will be
Survivors are a son, O. W. Crouch, Hinton; five daughters, Mrs.
C. C. Hauff, Merrill; Mrs. H. Van Dyke, Sioux City; Mrs. W. F.
Douglass, Hampton, Ia; Mrs. A. C. Lemon, Moscow, Idaho, and Mrs.
Pew of LeMars; three half brothers, Oto, Charles, and August
Roesch, all of Lancaster, Wis.; 19 grandchildren, 19 great
grandchildren and a great great grandchild.
Four grandsons and three grandsons-in-law are in the military
service. They are Lt. (jg) Dean Lemon and V-12 Student Ralph
Lemon, both in the Navy; Maj. Guy H. Todd in France; S. Sgt
Richard Pew in England; Sgt Donald Douglass in Pacific area; Pfc.
Richard Stillinger and Raymond Hodapp, both in the United States.
S. Sgt. William E. Bergman, a great grandson-in-law, was killed
May 29, 1944 in Italy.
Mrs. Catherine Winch Dies Following Fall
Mrs. Catherine Winch, 92, a resident of LeMars the past twenty-one
years, died at the Sacred Heart hospital in this city Friday morning of
complications from a broken hip suffered in a fall at her home three
weeks ago. Up to the time of the accident Mrs. Winch enjoyed excellent
health and was remarkable for her activity, her vigor, her sensible
views and general outlook on life.
Born at Sulsfeldt, Germany, December 28, 1848, Catherine Wiese came with
her parents to America landing New York in 1854. The family went from
there to Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and lived in Wyandotte county where she
attended the public schools and grew up.
The family came West in 1864 and settled near Elkport, Clayton county,
Iowa. While living in Clayton county she married to William Winch in
1865 and they engaged in farming. They were early settlers in Sioux
county near Hull where they farmed many years and later resided in the
town of Hull moving there in 1903, coming to LeMars in 1919.
Nine children were born to them. Their oldest son died in 1882 and Mr.
Winch died in LeMars in 1923. She is survived by eight children, Mrs.
Katherine Williams of LeMars, Mrs. Mary Gasser of Sioux City, William
Winch of Homer, Neb., Charles Winch and Mrs. Bertha Olsen of Los
Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Edith Gilliland of Laredo, Texas, Dr. George Winch
of George, Iowa, Mrs. Neil Dunnick of Hull, Iowa.
Mrs. Winch was a member of the Methodist church and its kindred
societies. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps. She was an
active worker in the church and in the various organizations of which
she was a member during a long and useful life.
When with her husband she settled in Sioux county the country was
verdant prairie land and settlers were few and far between. The Winch
home was noted for its hospitality in early days despite the grasshopper
plagues and other drawbacks and was a stopping place for travelers and
itinerant ministers, one of whom was lodged free and boarded for two
years in order that the sparsely scattered settlers from Sheldon, Iowa,
to Yankton in the Dakota Territory could benefit from the missionary
efforts of the preacher.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon in the First Methodist Church,
Rev. W. M. Hubbard conducting the service. The interment was made in the
cemetery at Boyden. Six grandsons carried the body to the grave, Charles
Gasser and William Gasser of Sioux City, William Winch of Homer, Neb.,
Raymond Winch of Pilger, Neb., Donald Dunnick, Hull, and Will C.
Williams of LeMars.
[note: The article states her age was 92. Based on her birth date she
would have been 92 years old on Dec. 28, 1940. This also says she had
lived in LeMars for 21 years, having moved to LeMars in 1919. The year
1919 plus 21 years equals the year 1940.]
Death Billy Bradley
(Wm. C. Bradley, Cpl.)
Billy Bradley, son of Mrs. C. L. Bradley, was killed in action in
Germany on April 14, 1945, according to a telegram received from the war
department by his mother last night. He was a member of the 83rd
Surviving also are five sisters; (Helen) Mrs. Harry Plendl, LeMars;
(Lulu) Mrs. Carl Schultz, LeMars; Dorothy of Sioux City; (Irene) Mrs.
Robert Ross and (Ruth) Mrs. Raymond Barthole.
Pfc. Bradley was a little over 20 years of age when he became a victim
of the war. He lived most of his life in LeMars and graduated from the
local high school. He entered the army June 24, 1943, and received his
training at Camps Fannin, Hood and Howze in Texas, and was shipped
overseas Dec. 28, 1944. On March 13, his birthday, he was interviewed by
Gordon Gammack, the war correspondent about his post-war plans. He told
Gammack that he intended to complete his education in college upon
receiving his discharge.
Tentative plans have been arranged for a memorial service to be held at
St. John's American Lutheran Church on May 13.
Le Mars P.E.O. Society sent toys, games and clothes to Miss Leona
Anderson, who is a member of the P.E.O. to be distributed to needy
German children. Special Services donated candy, cookies, cocoa,
marshmallow and ice cream to make a party of this affair. Pictured left
to right: Miss Leona Anderson, hostess at the Radio City Service Club
in Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation, from LeMars, and Chaplain J. C.
Baergen present the children with gifts and toys.
Bremerhaven, Germany -- More than 50 war orphans in children's home near
Bremerhaven received their first taste of cocoa at a party made possible
through the generosity of the P.E.O. Society of LeMars.
Miss Leona Anderson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Frank Anderson of 212
Plymouth Street, S.W., LeMars, who is serving with the Occupation Army
in Germany as a club hostess at the Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation,
arranged for the distribution of food, candy, toys and clothing which
the LeMars group donated.
To show their appreciation, the boys and girls entertained their hosts
with plays such as "Little Red Riding Hood." Clothing still is baldy
needed by the children as is food, Miss Anderson said.
The LeMars resident has been assigned to duty with BPE, the Army's
Occupation Port, for nearly a year.
[written on the page...."from LeMars Sentinel, April 26, 1949"]
Miss Harriet Klohs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Klohs of Maurice,
became the bride of Donald Goslin, son of Mrs. C.S. Churchill of
Clarion, Iowa, at a pretty ceremony performed before an altar
attractively decorated with cut garden flowers on Sunday, May 30, 1948.
A fern covered trellis was bordered on each side by seven branch
candelabra. The double ring ceremony was performed at eight o'clock in
the evening at the First Baptist church in LeMars by the Rev. Frank
Anderson. Mrs. Clarence Ball was matron of honor, and Miss Doris
Seifried, Shenandoah, was bridesmaid. Alvin Anderson of Ames was best
man. Ushers wee Marland Klohs, Robert Glaser and Richard Albert.
Stanley Tindall sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied by
Miss Joann Shilt. Miss Joyce Baack and Miss Kay Hale were flower girls.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was charmingly
attired in a traditional gown of white lace and satin. The bodice of
the gown was fashioned of rose point lace. The skirt of white slipper
satin fell entrain from beneath a small ruff of satin. Her fingertip
length veil of white net with rose point border was held in place by a
pearl zed headdress. Her only accessories were pearl earrings and a
strand of pearls belonging to the bride's mother, and a handkerchief
made from her grandmother's wedding dress. The bridal bouquet was of
colonial type of pink and white roses, fastened with streamers, tied
with snapdragons, fastened into lover's knots.
Mrs. Ball wore a blue, frosted organdy gown and carried a missed
colonial bouquet of blue and pink daisies.
The bridesmaid wore a pink frosted organdy gown, and carried carnations
and sweet peas.
Mrs. Klohs chose a grey and white print crepe dress with beige and white
accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue summer print with
white accessories. Each had a corsage of pink and white roses.
The groom, his attendant, and the ushers wore business suits.
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the parlors of the First
Baptist Church for about a hundred guests. A four tier wedding cake,
baked by Mrs. Ed Baack, was served by Mrs. Ben Clagg, who was dining
room hostess. Pouring honors were given to Mrs. James Hoyt, and chefs
were Mrs. Ross Day, Mrs. Robert Totman and Mrs. M.B. O'Banion.
Waitresses were Mrs. Clem Karl, Mrs. Nathan Frolkey, and Miss Carol
Totman. Mrs. Albert Herzig was in charge of the guest book.
Out-of-town guests at the wedding and reception included:
Mrs. C.S. Churchill, Arlene Goslin, Harold Henry of Clarion;
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Bertelsen of Battle Creek;
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderson of Ames;
Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Ramthun and Duane of Olivia, Minnesota;
Joyce Oller of Vivian, South Dakota;
Mrs. Katherine Hale and Kay of Shenandoah;
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ewin of Minden, Nebraska;
Miss Lucille Schlotfeldt of Council Bluffs;
Misses Grace Fuller, Peg Boemecke, and Margaret Bell of Cedar Falls;
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Adams of Sutherland;
Hans Borms and Phyllis of Remsen.
The bride graduated from the LeMars high school and Iowa State Teachers
College. She is affiliated with the Nu Omicron Nu and Sigma Phi
sororities. She is an English teacher at Shenandoah.
The groom graduated from the Clarion high school and Iowa State Teachers
College, where he was a member of the Alpha Chi Epsilon. He is an
English instructor at Sidney, Ia.
The bride chose as her going away costume a white butcher linen suit
with navy blue accessories. Following a trip to Lilliwamp, Washington,
they will be at home after June 24, at 1824 Hinman, Evanston, Illinois.
[on another scrapbook page there is a thumbnail size photo of the Miss
Harriet Klohs]
[there are two wonderful photos showing Mr. Collins and his race car,
dated Thursday, June 9, 1949]
This picture shows Emery Collins in a pose with his fine racer, the one
that has out run every dirt track car in the country. The car, with
Collins driving, has won the National dirt track championship three
times, something that had not been done before.
The powerful Offenhauser engine is shown here from the front. Collins
removed the body of the racer for this picture. The careful workmanship
used on the car can be seen from this photo. Everything on the machine
has been chromium plated for protection.
Emery Collins, now an almost legendary figure in the racing world, has
started another season of successful racing in the United States and
Although Collins is a LeMars man and spends most of his time here, local
people know little of him because of his retiring manner and the fact
that little has ever been said about him. However, go any place else in
the country, and when mentioning LeMars, people will say, "Do you know
Emery Collins?"
There have been few racers in the United States that have equaled
Collins' remarkable record for consistent winning no matter where he
"It just takes experience and know," says Collins. "Racing, to me, is a
full time job. It pays for my meat and bread. I have to be good or I
would have gone broke long ago."
"But never think for a minute that I have done what I have alone. My
Uncle Walt (Collins) has supported me from the very beginning. Without
his help I couldn't run a season. If I break down some place, all I
have to do is call him, and everything is ready for me when I get here."
The car which houses the powerful 300 horsepower Offenhauser racing
engine was all hand made by Collins in the foundry. Each piece was
carefully tooled with but one purpose in mind, to make the fastest racer
in the country.
Every part of the machine is polished until it glows, as is show in the
above photos.
The engine is a story in itself. Collins went to California, where the
engine is built, and worked in the factory when the engine was being
produced. Many new ideas were incorporated with the design that Collins
is now using. In fact, the engine is more Collins that it is
"Yes, I guess I am pretty famous," admitted Collins. "My name is in
almost every outhouse in the country. You see, they pay me to use
pictures of me in mail order catalogues."
Emory Collins, world's champion dirt track racer, who, a few days ago,
turned back from a trip to California because of badly iced highways, is
at the Sacred Heart hospital receiving treatment for burned eyes as a
result of an accident at the Foundry at 5 o'clock last night.
Whether Mr. Collins' sight is permanently impaired or not could not be
determined immediately, Dr. M.J. Joynt, eye, ear, nose and throat
specialist, told members of the family last night, after a preliminary
examination. He said that there was one spot in the cornea which looked
rather bad, and which might result in an opaque spot. He added that
this might clear up in a day or so, inquiries at the foundry revealed
this morning.
The accident occurred while Mr. Collins was bending steel tubing for use
on his racing car. When tubing is bent without preparation, it always
flattens at the bend. This is avoided by filling the tubing tightly
with molding sand. By heating the tubing at the bend, it can be bent
easily, and will remain round.
As Mr. Collins was bending the tubing, he placed a torch on it to make
the metal more malleable. Presumably gases inside the tubing were
unable to escape. The hot tubing split open and a considerable quantity
of ht sand flew into Collins' face. The explosion was so violent that
he did not even have time to blink his eyes.
The victim staggered into the Foundry office, blinded. Eugene Coyle,
office manager, rushed him to the LeMars Clinic, where most of the sand
still remaining was washed out and medication was given to reduce the
Although Mr. Collins said he felt good enough to go home after this
treatment, he was advised that it would be better for him to go to the
hospital, as he could expect great pain to result later and also so that
the injured eyes could be watched more closely.
Continue to Page 2
Iowa News from Scrapbooks index