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Iowa News
from the
Minnie Guese Goeke's Scrapbook
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The following news clippings all came from Minnie Guese Goeke's scrapbook.
She lived in the Postville area. They have been contributed by Doris Hager
**Interesting Items From the Files of "The Volksblatt"
Published in April 7, 1911
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koopman have a baby boy at their home since Monday night.
Elkader has a population of 1181 according to the new census as compared to
1321 in 1910.
Fred Kamp and family have moved into the house they recently purchased from
A. Mackenstadt.
A two inch snow fall was recorded here Sunday. Last night six inches more
of the white flakes fell here.
There will be a prize fight in Turner Hall tomorrow evening. Billy Monson
and Jones Toutz are the principals.
W. Landt at Luana last week sold a span of white horses to a liveryman at
Elkader for which he received $400.
The High School students staged a mask ball at Staadt's Hall Friday evening
and reports have it all had a good time.
The Monday Club held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. F. M. Phillips
and elected the following new officers: Mrs. Charles Sonnkalb, president;
Mrs. John Sanders, vice president; Mrs. Ed Stone, secretary and treasurer.
The stockholders of the Luana Savings Bank held their annual meeting Tuesday
and elected the following new directors: R. Stoehr, J. F. Miller, F. Palas,
F. Splies, J. Humphrey, George Lindroth, H. Knuth and G. Pufahl. The bank
made a profit of $718 last year or seven per cent.
The saloon petition in Allamakee county shows 2852 names, which is only 162
more than the required 65 per cent required by law. Here in Post township
anti-saloon people have been able to induce 26 signers to withdraw their
names. If this ration is equalled in the rest of the county, the petition
will fail.
With the arrival of spring plans are being made for considerable new
building projects. Committees in charge of the new Turner opera house and
new stage in the Singer Hall are making headway with their plans. Now if
the town council will find ways to put in sewer systems, parks, street
paving, a town hall, etc., we will accomplish much needed improvements.
The Turner society at its last meeting appointed the following as a
committee to work out plans and get prices for the proposed new opera house:
Robert Hecker, Frank Sebastian, John Moetsch, J. M. Thoma, L. H. Schroeder.
The new building is to be of brick construction, 40 by 90 feet in size, 18
feet high and have a completely equipped modern stage.
**Interesting Items From the Files of the Postville Herald of April 2, 1936
Postville's municipal election on Monday was very quiet. Elected were:
mayor Gustav Dietsch; councilmen, Earl Abernethy, H. D. Cole, C. F. Reincke,
C. C. Sander and J. A. Schroeder; treasurer, L. O. Beucher; and assessor, A.
J. Phillips.
Edgar Riser of Postville received first honors in butter with a score of
92.75 at a district meeting of buttermakers and secretaries at the Farmers
creamery company plant at Waukon last Wednesday.
W. J. Timmerman who has had considerable experience in the farm machinery
business, has again entered this field at Castalia and is now open for
That Allamakee county will within a few months have one of the finest County
Homes in the state of Iowa is now a foregone conclusion, as on Wednesday of
this week the Board of Supervisors let the contracts for its construction.
The Postoffice department has approved a new star mail route service between
Elgin and Postville.
Business in the freight line has been booming the past week up at the old
reliable Milwaukee station, 14 decks of livestock, a car of barley and a car
of eggs having been shipped out of Postville the past week and this with the
thousands of seed shipments have kept Agent C. C. Searls and his helper Don
Bush, busier than a dog with a new batch of fleas to fight.
Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Jorgenson of Clermont, who have been wintering in
Hollywood, California were Postville visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Jorgenson
coming to arrange her classes of piano students for the coming term.
**Interesting Items From the Files of the Postville Herald of April 9, 1936
Postville High School is to graduate the largest class in its history on May
28, 47 young men and women having taken the required studies to entitle them
to receive a diploma. Members of the class are: Curtis Abernethy, Robert
H. Burling, William H. Cole, Earl S. Gray, Dean M. Hammel, Robert
Hangartner, Elmer R. Heins, Eldo E. Hilmer, Donald Humphrey, Louis W. Kamp,
James Kneeskern, Dennis Lammert, Harold D. Meland, Willard C. Meyer, Robert
L. Myers, Hiram C. Olson, Telmer Olson, Roland Peterson, Willard S. Thoma,
Irene L. Baltz, Verla Belschner, Beverly B. Brandt, Elizabeth Cahalan, Ruby
A. Foels, Gretchen Hein, Romilda Heins, Eileen Kozelka, Eulalia Klingbeil,
Mila Mae Kruse, Velva H. Kruse, Arlene A. Koenig, Arlene M. Larson, Marion
Livingood, Aldora Loftsgard, Lillian Loftsgard, Beatrice McNeil, Helen M.
McNeil, Margaret Malone, Selina T. Olson, Ruby M. Olson, Hildur Opsand,
Eileen V. Schultz, Marie Schultz, Lorraine Stockman, Catherine P. Stone,
Dorothy I. Walby and Verlie A. Weston.
The Farmers Telephone Company, ever abreast of the time, has installed a
number of automatic telephones in Postville business places during the past
week -- the kind that need no cranking of the bell to summon an answer from
the "middle" girls.
The Postville Volunteer Fire Department held its annual meeting Monday night
and elected the following officers for the year: Chief, Helmie J. Meyer;
assistant chief, Elmer Sander; and secretary, Harvey Christofferson.
That the Postville city council recognizes the value of the Postville Public
Library to the community was evidenced at its recent meeting, when they
named an official board to look after the needs of the library and also
passed an ordinance, that will eventually able them to aid in the
maintenance of that institution.
The Postville Cemetery Association held their annual meeting at the Citizens
State Bank last Wednesday evening. The officers of the association are:
President John Harnack; secretary, A. __ Phillips; treasurer, L. O. Buech__,
trustees, Louis Schutte, F. H. Luman and A. C. Webster.