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Iowa News
from the
Eastern Iowa Scrapbook
Page 2
(1939) Pleasant Prairie Couple Marries Thursday, June 1 - - - - Pleasant
Prairie, Iowa -- A pretty candle light ceremony was performed at the Pleasant
Prairie Presbytarian church at 8p.m. last Thursday when Norma Egel, daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Egel, became the bride of Gerald Grimm, son of Mr. & Mrs. Dan
Grimm, all of Pleasant Prairie. The Rev. B.F. Pickering of the Pleasant Prairie
church, performed the single ring ceremony. The altar was banked with baskets
of cut flowers and decorated with lighted tapers in branched candlebra. A
program of nuptial music was given by Evelyn Schroeder, cousin of the bride,
preceding the ceremony and during the speaking of the vows. During the ceremony
Mrs. Walter Grimm sand "Because," and "I Love You Truly". Attendants were
Nadine Bernick of Davenport who served as maid of honor, Arline Grimm, sister of
the bridegroom, and Grace Petersen, both of Pleasant Prairie, as bridesmaids.
Little Janice Egel, sister of the bride, served as the flower girl. Duane Egel,
brother of the bride, served as best man. Ushers were James Wathan of Cedar
Rapids and Harvey Schroeder of Davenport, cousin of the bride. The bride
entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage. She was
attired in a full skirt of white silk net over taffeta with a form-fitting lace
bodice with a square neckline and short puffed sleeves. She wore a double veil
of waist and fingertip lengths, the veil being held in place by a halo of orange
blossoms. She wore elbow-length white gloves and a strand of pearls. Her
bouquet was of calla lillies and white tulle.
The maid of honor was attired in blue chiffon with a full skirt and high
neckline. A short tuffed jacket of the same material completed the dress. The
bridesmaids wore identical blue net dresses with full skirts and sweetheart
necklines, figured net bodices and short puffed sleeves. Each of the three wore
short blue net veils held in place by a halo of blue flowers. The maid of honor
and the bridesmaids carried colonial bouquets consisting of tailsman roses and
sweetpeas. Each of the bridesmaids wore small gold crosses, gifts of the bride.
Janice Egel's dress was of yellow organdy, with a full skirt with tiny bows and
lace on the sleeves. She also wore bows of the same color in her hair and
carried a basket of rose petals which she scattered. The bride's mother wore
black chiffon with white accessories, and the groom's mother was attired in blue
lace. Both wore corsages of roses and sweetpeas.
A reception for 100 relatives and friends followed the ceremony at the home of
the bride's parents. Serving were six friends of the bride attired in yellow
organdy aprons, gifts of the bride. Those serving were Mrs. Betty Sloan, Mrs.
Dorothy Cawlezell, Frances Jenkins, Imogene Hoffbaurer, Marguerita Shellabarger
and Leota Kautz. Guests were present from Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Davenport,
Muscatine and Blue Grass. The couple will reside on a farm near Wild Cat Den
State Park. The bride was graduated from Davenport High School and has been
active in 4-H work in the Foulton Royal Workers club for the past eight years.
Mr. Grimm received his education in the Muscatine county schools.
(1939) Miss Evelyn Behrens to be Bride Of Robert Seddig at May Nuptials
Announcement is made today by Dr. and Mrs. George W. Behrens of Eldridge, Ia.,
of the engagement and approaching marriage of their only daughter, Miss Evelyn
Behrens, and Mr. Robert E. Seddig of East Chicago, Ind., son of Mr. & Mrs. E.C.
Seddig of 2316 East street, Davenport Saturday, May 13, has been selected for
the nuptials which will take place at the First Presbytarian church in
Minneapolis, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Tlusty of Minneapolis, brother-in-law and
sister of Mr. Seddig to be the attendants. Miss Behrens was graduated from the
Davenport high school and attended Ward-Belmont college in Nashville, Tenn. Mr.
Seddig was also graduated from the local high school, and is an alumnus of the
engineering college of the State University of Iowa at Iowa City. He is
employed by the Graver Tank and Manufacturing Co., in East Chicago, Ind. The
bridal couple will reside in Chicago.
November Bride -- Mrs. Henry Bohnsack
The marriage of Miss Geraldine Sambdman, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Henry
Sambdman of Walcott, Ia., to Mr. Henry Bohnsack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bohnsack of Stockton, Ia., was an event of 3 p.m. today in the parsonage of St.
Paul's Lutheran church in Davenport. The Rev. J.A. Miller officiated, and the
attendants were Miss Arline Bohnsack of Davenport, sister of the bridegroom, and
Mr. John Jurgens of Davenport. The bride was in a floor length gown of blue
taffeta with velvet trim. She wore flowers in her hair and carried a bouquet of
sweetheart roses and sweetpeas. The maid of honor was gowned in old rose
taffeta, and her flowers were a wrist bouquet of sweetheart roses and sweetpeas.
Following the wedding dinner for the families at the Harry Bohnsack residence, a
reception and dance will be held at Knoop's hall. Al Baumann's orchestra will
provide the music for the dancing. Friends and relatives are invited. The
bride attended the Scott county schools and her husband received his education
in the ...(end of article).
June 10, 1939....Wedding of Miss Roma Jurgens and Willis Parrish to be Sunday
Event - - -
A mass of colorful summer flowers will form an attractive setting for the
marriage of Miss Roma Jurgens, daughter of Mr & Mrs Tom Jurgens of Eldridge, to
Mr. Willis Parrish, also of Eldridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Parrish of
Clarksville, O., nuptial vows to be spoken Sunday at 2 p.m. in teh Berg studio
in Davenport. The Rev. Fred J. Rolf, pastor of the Evangelical Church of Peace
in Rock Island, will perform the double ring ceremony. The bride's attendants
will be her twin sister, Miss Rhoda Jurgens, and Mrs. R.H. Pollock, and the
bridegroom's attendants will be his only brother, Mr. George Parrish of
Clarksville, and Mr. R. H. Pollock of Eldridge. The bride will wear a floor
length tailored gown of white sheer, over satin, trimmed with tiny pearl buttons
and fashioned with long full flowing sleeves. Her finger tip length veil of
illusion will be held by a halo of seed-pearls, and she will wear a single
strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Her flowers will be white roses, in
shower arrangement. Miss Jurges will be gowned in a floor length model of blue
lace and net over satin with a Queen Anne collar, held at the neckline with two
pearl clips, a gift of the bride. Her bouquet will be of tea roses and blue
delphinium. Mrs. Pollock's dress will be a floor length gown of peach
marquisette over satin with a pearl brooch at the neckline, also a gift of the
bride. Tea roses and blue delphinium will form her bouquet. Mrs. Jurgens, the
bride's mother will wear a dress of old rose lace over satin with white
accessories and her flowers will be a corsage of rosebuds and sweetpeas.
Following the ceremony a wedding dinner will be served at the bride's parental
home for 25 members of the families. The bridal table will be centered wit a
three tier wedding cake, topped with a miniature bridal couple. Appointments
will be carried out in peach and blue. Large bouquets of garden flowers will
decorate the rooms. Assisting in serving will be Mrs. Arnold Paulsen of
Waterloo, Miss Louise Kolin of Dow City, Miss Philomena Rabe and Mrs. Joe Rabe,
all cousins of the bride. Their dresses will be peach and blue. Mrs. Arno
Lineberg and Mrs. Anthony Ruefer will be assisting hostesses. A reception for
relatives and friends will be held Monday evening, June 12, in Jurgens' hall
with Moeller's Accordion orchestra playing for the occasion. Later the bridal
couple will leave on a short wedding trip to visit the bridegroom's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Barney Parrish of Clarksville. For traveling the bride has chosen a
Bemburg sheer frock with accessories in white. The bride was graduated from the
McCausland school and DeWitt high school. Mr. Parrish was graduated from the
PRinceton high school and attended the Barber college. He is employed in the
Style barber parlor in Davenport. The couple will make their home in Eldrige.
To Wed. Dec. 6 (1939) Miss Luetta Grill - - - The engagement and approaching
marriage of Miss Luetta Grill, daughter of Mr & Mrs Herman Grill of Dixon, Ia.,
to Mr. Lester Arp, son of Rudolph Arp of Route No 4, Davenport, is announced,
vows to be spoken at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at the Eckerman studio in
Davenport. The Rev. J. A. Miller will perform the ceremony, and the attendants
will be Miss Eleanor Grill, sister of the bride-elect, and Mr. Karl Arp, brother
of the bridegroom-to-be. A wedding dinner will be served for the families at
the Grill residence, after which there will be a reception at the Walcott
Coliseum. Stanley Mueller's orchestra will play for the dancing. Both young
people attended the Scott county schools. Mr. Arp is engaged in farming.
(1940) To Wed Jan. 10 - - - Mrs. Lizzie Meyer of Walcott, Ia., announces the
engagement and approaching marriage of her eldest daughter, Lenora M. (picture
above), to Alvin L. Arp, son of Rudolph Arp of Davenport, R.R. No. 4. The
wedding will be a ceremony at 1:30 pm Wednesday, Jan. 10, at the Seeman studio,
with the Rev. L.G. Krebs, pastor of Zion Lutheran church, officiating. Miss
Blondina Reese of Stockton, Ia., and Miss Dorothy Voss of Bennet, Ia., will be
the bride's attendants. Elmer Meyer of Walcott, Ia., and Lester Schneckloth of
Bennett will complete the wedding party. A wedding dinner will be served at 5
p.m. at the Meyer residence for the immediate familities. There will be a
reception and dance at the Walcott Coliseum. Stan Moeller's orchestra will
furnish the music. Miss Meyer attended Scott county schools and Durant high
school. Mr. Arp was educated in Scott county schools and at Brown's business
college. They will reside on a farm near Walcott.
(1939) Announces Troth - Miss Irene Suhr - - - Mr and Mrs Gus Suhr of 1541 West
Lombard street, Davenport, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Irene
Suhr, to Robert Schmidt, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Schmidt of 3114 West Locust
street. The vows will be spoken at a late fall ceremony. Both Miss Suhr and Mr
Schmidt attended the Davenport schools. Mr. Schmidt is employed at the Western
Flour mills.
(1940) June Bride - - Miss Helen Richter - - - Annoucement is made by Mr and
Mrs William Richter of Montpelier, Ia., of the engagement and approaching
marriage of their daughter Miss Helen Marie Richter, and Raymond Edward Stecher,
son of Mr and Mrs Albert Stecher of Pleasant Prairie, Ia. Wednesday, June 19,
has been selected for the nuptials, which will take place at St. Mary's church
in Muscatine, Ia., the Rev. N.A. Peiffer to officiate. the bride-to-be was
graduated from the Buffalo high school, and Mr Stecher received his education in
the schools Pleasnt Prairie. The couple will reside near Pleasant Prairie,
where the bridegroom-to-be is engaged in farming.
(1940) Marti, Kuhl Marriage Vows Spoken Saturday - - - Long Grove, Iowa - - -
The marriage of Miss Sarah Ellen Marti of Long Grove, daughter of Mr and Mrs
Howard B. Marti Long Grove, to Dr. B. A. Kuhl, Jr., son of Dr and Mrs A. B. Kuhl
of Davenport, was a quiet event at 8 a.m. Saturday in the chapel of the
residence of the Most Rev. Henry Rohlman, bishop of Davenport, with the Rev.
T.V. Lawlor, a cousin of the bride, officiating. The attendants were Miss Mary
Claire Peeters of Eldridge, a cousin of the bride, and Martin F. McCarthy, jr.
The bride wore a gown of white silk embossed marquisette over satin, made in
princess lines with a short train. Her finger-tip length veil was held with a
pearl studded tira, and she carried white orchids and lillies of the valley.
The maid of honor was in aqua blue crepe with white embroidered collar and
cuffs, and a halo of sweethear roses in her hair. She carried Briarcliff roses.
Following a breakfast at the Dining Club, the bridal couple left on an
automobile trip and will be at home after June 15 at the Kuhl residence in
Davenport. The bride was graduated from the Davenport high school and the
nurses' training school of Mercy hospital. She is supervisor and laboratory
technician at the Scott County Health Center. Dr. Kuhl is an alumnus of St
Ambrose academy and college and of the Univeristy of Iowa. He is a former
Davenport physician.
June 8, 1947 - Des Moines Sunday Register.
Window Jammed; Sleeps at Tavern. Cedar Rapids, IA. Finding a window open in a
tavern here early Saturday, two policemen crept cautiously inside. They found a
woman asleep at the bar. Awakened, the woman said she was Ardis Davis, that she
worked in the place, and couldn't get the window shut when she was preparing to
close. "But I knew you fellows would be around to check so I decided to wait
for you," she said. Patrolmen Vaude Fellwock and Felix Barta closed the jammed
C.E. Doxey Leaves Estate of $49,000. Waterloo, IA. In a will filed for probate
here Saturday, Clifton E. Doxey, 77, left an estate of $49,000 to relatives and
friends. Special bequests included $5,000 each to the Masonic lodge here and
the Shrine Crippled Children's hospital, Minneapolis, MN. Mr. Doxey, unmarried,
had been an Illinois Central railroad engineer for 45 years before he retired.
He died here last Tuesday.
Five of six S.U.I. fraternity brothers who made a reunion pact 30 years ago will
hold their second meeting here today. Iowa grads will come from Washington
D.C., Wisconsin and various parts of Iowa for the reunion. In 1917,
Representative Tom Martin (Rep., Ia.) and five other members of the Alpha Tau
Omega chapter agreed to meet at commencement time in 20 years. They held their
reunion in 1937 at which time it was agreed to meet again in ten years. Other
members of the party are Maj. Gen. Ray C. Fountain, commander of the 34th
division, Iowa national guard; Ray Clearman, Des Moines; Russel W. Lemley, Cedar
Rapids; Glenn Hill, Beloit, Wis., and Hal Barry, Cedar Rapids. General Fountain
is in Washington D.C. and won't be able to attend the luncheon.
1941 - Muscatine or Davenport, Iowa paper.
The marriage of Miss Margaret Tobias, daughter of Mrs. Blanche Matthiessen of
212 Green Street, and Floyd Terrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terrill of 105
West Fulliam avenue, was performed at Kahoka, MO, on Saturday, July 26. The Rev
J.M. Monroe of the First Methodist church at Kahoka officiated at the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terrill, mother and father of the bridegroom were the
attendants. Mrs. Terrill wore a white sharkskin dress with white accessories,
and a corsage of yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Terrill will reside at 513 Schiller
1943 Iowa Newspaper (could be Des Moines Register or Davenport paper)
Corpl. Harry Huesmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Huesmann, Stockton, has recently
arrived in North Africa, according to word received by his parents and friends
in Davenport. He has been in the service for two years and was formerly engaged
in farming. He has been stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., and camp Hood, Tex.
Brothers arrive in Australia; two others in service. Two brothers, Pvt. Francis
and Pvt. Wilbur Eggert, have arrived safely in Australia, according to word
received by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Eggert of Durant. They left the
United States in October. Both men are in the paratroops, Pvt. Wilbur Eggert
being the first qualified parachutist from Cedar county. He entered service
Oct. 26, 1941, and Pvt. Francis Eggert on Jan. 5, 1942. Mr. and Mrs. Eggert
have two more sons in the service, Pvt. Earl who is stationed overseas, and
Corp. William at Fort Meade, S.D.
Joins Marines. Robert McClean, pictured here, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McClean,
Wilton, recently enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and is now stationed at San
Diego, Calif.
Home on Furlough - PFC. Naomi G. Nicewanner is spending a 14-day furlough at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nicewanner at Durant. PFC. Nicewanner
was stationed at Camp Joseph Robingson, Ark., where she was employed in the
provost marshall's office in secretarial work. At the close of her furlough she
will report to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., for overseas duty.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Wriedt, 928 West Fifteenth street, heard recently that their
son, Corpl. Erwin Wriedt, is in the vicinity of the Solomon Islands, and has
been there for four months. He is with the reconnaissance troops. Before
entering the service on Jan. 29, 1942, he was a bus operator for the Tri-City
Pvt. Laverne W. Harmsen has landed safely in Africa, according to word received
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harmsen, Durant. He formerly worked at the
Rock Island Arsenal. Pvt. Harmsen was inducted into the army June 22, 1942,
going first to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and then to Camp Croft, S.C., for his
preliminary training.
April 1944 Iowa Newspaper either Des Moines Register or Davenport paper.
Back to Camp -- Pvt. Wayne R. Thoeming son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thoeming of
Stockton, has returned to Berkeley Field, Ala., after a 12 day furlough with
relatives and friends here. His address is 44th A.D.G. Repair Squadron,
Berkeley Field, Ala. Thoeming has graduated from three propellor schools, and
is now classed as a propellor specialist in the U.S. army air corps.
Raub Brothers Serving -- Arthur Raub and George W. Raub, sons of Mr. and Mrs.
C.A. Raub, route 3, are in the U.S. armed forces. Arthur, petty officer,
electricians mate, third class U.S. navy, is serving on an oil tanker in the
Pacific and George is a private at the marine corps base at San Diego, Calif.
The latter's address is Platoon 131, R.D., M.C.B., San Diego, Calif.
Back on Duty -- Pvt. Rosie P. Rife has returned to Camp Upton, N.Y., to resume
her duties after spending a 10-day furlough with friends and relatives. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rife of Moscow. Pvt. Rife received her
basic training at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and her present address is: Pvt. Rose
P. Rife, Army postal section, Camp Upton, N.Y.